Lake Anna Saturday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good day on Anna today. Had six boats (should have been seven Uncle Billy). Everyone fished all over but seems like Toxic took the big ones for today. Most put more than 20 in their boats with little wind and temps in the upper 50s and low 60s. Water temps from 63-74 degrees depending on which lagoon you were in. Still looking for a headcount for fishing on the 9th or 16th. Chime in!

nice fish toxic,

did you get them dropshotting? we caught all our big ones with cranks for the most part.

THANKS AGAIN BILL, We had a great time. sorry we left with out saying goodbye, but i could not find you guys.

mike c
Mike - No problem. I came off around noon since I had family in. Toxic caught both those on Senkos off of Dike 1.
Looks like a good time, wish i coulda been there.

Im up for the 2nd, the 16th and the 30th. !!
Bill Thanks for the trip had a blast we had around 20 from all over the lake around 2.5 was the best we had Toxic meet up with us at dike 1 around 2:30 with a nice 18" 4+lbs he was hot on the big fish today thast for sure. the 16th is the best for me:D

Was a great day. I'm a little surprized, usually I am a numbers guy more than size but yesterday I had the big girls ticket punched!!LOL!! 2 in the pic were off an 8 foot ledge with 20 ft on either side at dike 1 (not known for big fish), 1 deep in fron of the rip-rap (Bill saw that fish also) and the biggest was off the rip rap at Holiday Mill. I did dig up a disposable from the boat and went off to find Hutch at dike 1. Caught assorted sizes dropshotting the channel outside the end of dike 2. Reason I caught big fish.....I didn't bring my camera of course!! It happened again yesterday....I threw in, got bit, got broke off, re-tied, threw back in, and caught the same fish with my hook and senko in its mouth!!:huh:

Great day on the water, wished I could have stayed longer but had to be home for a party. Believe me, at 8 o'clock after 3 beers, I had lead eyelids!!:lol:

EVERYBODY let Bill know what date works in December!!! Let's get this organized. I'm good either day proposed so far.

I'm good the 16th. Sorry not to have met you guys on Saturday. Painters got done with the house midweek. They did a great job, but that meant I was freed up to do a bunch of stuff like moving furniture, replacing window hardware and rehanging curtain rods, not to mention all the outside work! One look from the wife and it was obvious what had to be done first and it weren't fishin'!

Glad to hear you all had fun. I thought I might have seen a few of you buzzin' up and down the lake! :lol::lol:
Looks like the 16th is the day that most of you can make it. Do you want to have a cook-out or just fish all day? I am up for either. Just let me know. Mark your calendars for the 16th!
I will contact the Grand Poohbaa and see if he needs a ride.

Thanks for the invite Bill

The 16th it is sounds good if we cook out let me know what I can bring to help out:D
9th or 16th either will work for me. Anyone going out this weekend??? I can play on Sunday the 2nd but not Saturday.
Gunny - Sunday is the 3rd and Saturday is the 2nd. The 16th appears to be the best day for most of the people so we will go with the 16th. I will send an email out to those who generally come to our invitationals. I'll even send a note to CJL to see if he wants to come down from somewhere in Jersey!
Well boys, there's my TX parttner taking another opportunity to bust my chops!!:lol::lol:

I guess the standard answer would be "I will when we fish the HOT SIDE!!" :lol::lol::lol: Till then you gotta hold me up!!

Hey Guys

I have been on the board awhile, I have never been able to make the hot side get togethers due to work, but with this much notice I think can swing it if you have room. I can bring a passenger, unless someone needs a ride.

Thanks, Steve
Steve - You are welcome to the invitational. I will email you directions.

Tox - Don't let Basscat bust your chops. You notice he doesn't come fish the hot side where YOU bust 'em open. LOL
Basscat - Hey - You can do two for one. Bring the boat, sit in one of the many blinds, shoot a few ducks and catch a few bass. The best of both worlds! LOL
He won't be bringin' his namesake (Basscat) cause it won't start. When he gets a good boat, like a NITRO then he won't have to sit in the blinds and shoot Daffy!!:lol::lol:

Aaron, we opted out of the National due to some unforseen circumstances and it's probably a good thing we did. The weather turned on day 2 and the locals really handed it to our Virginia boys, the highest they could finish was 20th. That's the problem when you go fish someone else's home water for big $$. :angry:
