Just "gotta have" for Christmas???

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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My wife asked me last night what I want for Christmas this year. I seldom ever get what I "hint" around for, so I am just going to tell her outright this year. (I can circle an item in a magazine, fold the page back, and leave it on the table for her to see... and she will close the magazine without looking, and put it back in the magazine rack :rolleyes: ). Problem is... I don't know what to ask for this year (first time EVER that has happened :lol: ) So what do YOU want for Christmas???

All the best,

What i "want" for Christmas really are two things.

1) I want to be healthy again. I have had some major infection problems with my ears the last few years and i have to have major surgery on both ears to try to get rid of the problem. The surgery is kind of a scary deal and there is a good possibility i could come out of this with either major hearing loss(which i already have) or total deafness. In the end i just want to be healthy again.

2) One of my best friend's wife is pregnant with thier first child and she is having some complications. I really want to see them have a healthy child. They have been trying for a long time to have a child and this might be their only shot.

Thats my list :)
What do I want to Hannukah, besides everyone to be healthy, from a fishing perspective is tough! I just got a new boat last year, got $250 gift cert for my birthday at a local tackle shop, a stereo for the boat, scheduled weekly (Sat) fishing trips with my buddy Dan N., Kids going fishing more often, Beka asking to go striper/hybrid fishing this fall when the weather is nice! Man I got it made!!

But, I can ALWAYS have more stuff:

- More Lucky Crafts lures!

- A 24p 4 blade Trophy prop

- Boat Buckles (one of mine broke and need a new set)

- Bait holder mesh net for livewell to make it easier to get bait out for Crappie and Stripers

But I told the family, with everything else i've gotten and been fortunate enough to recieve, just let me go fishing more often, kids/wife go with me more often.

I would love to have a grandbaby. My daughter is 25 years old and has been married for about 5 years. She is having problems getting pregnant. It's her ovulation cycle being out of wack. She is seeing a Gyno and hopefully by Christmas she will be pregnant. At least that's what we are praying for.

I too would just like to have my health back so I can at least fish a little. And on the heels of Staci and J.D.J., I would like to give Rich a break so he doen't have to do any more memorial pages for a long, long while.

Uncle Billy
Uncle Billy, if I had the power to I would give you everything on your list.

Personally, I want a BassCat Puma w/a 250HPDI :)

Continued good health will suffice. Looks like I likely have a new job, and may soon have to change my 'handle' from Texas Transplant, to Texas Replant.

Formal announcements likely next week sometime.

Good luck Tex. I will be starting a new job at the end of the month AND I just happen to know where I can get a BassCat PUMA too :)
I need to get healthy again. Developed a blood clot behind my right knee in August. On blood thinner for the next 4-7 months. It has put a crimp in my fall fishing. I have to be careful not to have any kind of trauma. So have not been fishing alone for the past 2 months. :( I miss the solitude of just me and the dog. :)

Fishing stuff, a new reel and more lures.
I would like for the company my wife works for to guarantee that they are not going to either transfer us to Houston or fire her and then I would like to sell my Tracker for top dollar and then by a new/used Ranger for bottom dollar all before March. That's all. :rolleyes:


Oh yeah....and whirled peas.
OK guys and gals.... I should have worded it differentlly - I should have asked "what new fishing lure / bait / terminal tackle would you ask for.

Sheesh! I was wondering when someone was going to ask for "World Peace" too, but SoonerFan kinda took care of it for you all. :lol:

I sincerely hope all of you with health problems / marriage problems / child problems / etc.... get what you want too.... but the intent of my post was to find out what new fishing lures you would want if you could get them? Ha!

All the best,

I would like Gary Yamamoto to significantly reduce the price of his four inch Senko's or have his son give away his Kinami Flash 4" plastics, or if I get two choices, both of them. :lol:
OK.... never mind. I'll post this on some other site, so I can get some actual ideas. Geez! Tough crowd!

All the best,

Sorry Glenn,

Cant really help you on the fishing stuff. My problem is I have so must stuff now I dont need any more. If anything i need less fishing stuff, it would make my life simpler:lol:

The only thing i cant think of that i would really like is a set of weathertech floor mats for my new truck.

Maybe i could ask for some elves to take away the 100# of plastics I HAD to have that have never seen the water.....:lol: I would never just get rid of them because i MIGHT use them someday but if they just went away id bet i never miss them...
OK Glenn, here's something that I would like to try. I'm sort of like Jim though, I'm trying to figure out a way to reduce some weight....both out of my boat and off my bod.

BTW Jim, you'll love the Weathertech floor mats. Did you see my post a couple of weeks ago about them?

I'm sorry Glenn, I didn't mean to mess up your thread. As for tackle and all that I don't know. It's just my wife and I here so we usually get whatever we want all year long. So Christmas entails a card, one funny and one sentimental, and something small and inexpensive. I gave up folding magazine pages with what I want on it because I wouldn't get it. With a woman's logic she told me she couldn't get that because I knew I'd be getting it.:rolleyes: So I stopped doing that.:lol: I can't ask for any MegaBass or Lucky Craft lures. She'd get them for me but they just cost too much. I personally think it's ridiculous to spend that much money on a lure. So, do you see why I said what I said. Well, it makes sense to me.:p
TritonGlenn - fishing. Okay.

AquaVu. One of the toy's I don't have. I already have one (I belive you do also), but the HBird Side imaging units are sweet.

I'd like a mini-lathe to go with my newer hobby of trying to make custom rods. Haven't done much yet, but I'd like to turn my own cork handles and try doing some other things 'fishing related' with it.

I'd like to get my upholestry in my boat re-done. My wife wants it done also, so maybe that's the big Christmas present.

All for now.

I want two of the Shimano Calais DC models that came out this year in the US.. If I don't get them that's O.K. because I've already got two on the way.. :lol: I was thinking of asking for the Biosonix system.

I'm sort of like Jim though, I'm trying to figure out a way to reduce some weight....both out of my boat and off my bod.

LOL i hear ya on both Harpo. If i put any more tackle in my boat i honestly think it will sink. I have waay too much stuff in there.

I had dropped like 40# over the winter and still loosing then my ear doc put me on prednisone to try to get the fluid out of my ears. that stuff is a killer, i put like 30 back on in no time. The doc told me i might gain some weight. I just think it would be 30# so im back at square one :angry:

BTW i didnt see your your post on the Weathetech mats but i will look for it. I have had them in my last two trucks and since they are custom fit i couldnt take them :( . Weathertech makes a darn good product, the other two i have had were awesome. I think when i do get mine i might try the new carpeted style ones. They look super nice.
1st & foremost...I want a good Christmas for my two boys. I'd be super happy if they get everything they wish for (within reason of course). If they're happy...that'll be perfect.

Now to top it off, I want a GPS/depth finder for my boat. The mrs. already knows what I want...not sure she can afford it. If not, I'd still be happy w/o one.