JR Leaves DEI!!!!!!!!!

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Mike Zechman

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a huge JR fan, and love that he finally is leavin and goin elsehwere, now the question is where is he goin? I hope to see the #3 bud car over at RCR, we'll see!!!!!:D:D:D
OK, so I'm the only Nascar fan here, sorry I was exited about the news!
Bet that will be the end of DEI:(

Of couse, I'm happy for Jr.:cool:
Yeah it will, and although I like to see anything Dale SR created succeed, this is one(becuz od Teresa) that will go down in my opinion if she controls it
You mean like JR from the TV Show Dallas? OR do you mean my buddy Jr. who sends me all the dirty emails?

Yep i think this one is great for Junior, very bad for DEI's long term future.
Yup, DEI is going to start running Toy-odors and bring up some truck guys. Can anyone here drive fast?
TOYOTAS??? drive fast, hell if there in a toyota...they dont need to know how to drive fast. you just have to know how to unload them and then load them in record time.

maybe next year they can qualifiy a few cars to race.

mike c
Although I've never been a Dale Jr. fan, I'm glad to see him make his move away from DEI. I read something about Budweiser still being a sponsor with him until 2008. Doesn't Dale Jr own the Jimmy Johnson #48 car?
Jeff Gordon and Rick Hendricks own the #48 Jimmy Johnson car.

Bob G.
I knew it was a matter of time there has been alot of tension at DEI for awhile I'm a huge JR fan and I like Truex as well I would love to see him run the #3 Bud Mike did you go to the race at RIR I hitthe bush and the cup good weekend even if it rained.
If he takes Truex and BPS with him that will leave dei in deep trouble. That just leaves Menard (not like his daddy don't have money) and a bunch of cars they can't run next year. Has been said that dei was already talking to Robert Yates and thinking about running there engine/car package. Jr has many options the top three are Gibbs, Childress or JR Motorsports as a sub team of Childress or Hendricks (think that test ride in the 5 car was a fluke). I don't see him keeping the #8 because I would guess dei would want a pretty penny for that (just for spite) you know what they sat about a woman scorned. If he forms his own team or goes with Childress I would bet on the #3 Bud car next year.

I have a ton of respect for you guys, especially the ones of you that go way back before I was let in the family. I guess I'm in the minority here. Never was a huge Sr. fan, not a Jr. fan. I never "didn't like" Sr, just wasn't a huge fan. I respected him for who he was and what he did. His ability to drive a race car and "see the air" was second to none. Also, I sure hated to see him go out like he did. I'm a Ford guy (although I'm sporting a Jeep) and I was a Davey Allison and Alan Kulwicki fan before their untimely deaths and before NASCAR ruined what they had.

I take a little different view than most. I used to be a NASCAR licensed driver on the local level in the mini modified and modified street classes. Any way, I'm glad that DEI (read Teresa Earnhardt) stuck to their (her) guns. As some of you have said, it will probably cost them in the long run assuming that they don't have a couple of drivers with sponsors lined up already.

Here's my beef; where on earth did Jr. come off demanding a 51% majority share in DEI? Wasn't it Sr. and Teresa that dreamed up, built and paid for DEI and made it into what it is, not Jr. In several interviews before his death, Sr. credited Teresa with making all the money decissions (investment and business wise) in the family. To me Jr. is coming off as a spoiled brat. If he wants to leave, fine do it with class and go. Now if Jr was offering to BUY a 51% stake, that would be different. I can see some of my past owners now if I had demanded a 51% ownership share in something that they owned, built and paid for. All I was, was a hired sub-contractor and that is basically what Jr is, just with family ties. Sorry to disagree

Agree that he's demanding waaay too much.

Then again, Teresa herself has made some really stupid decisions.

Jr. just wants to be on a winng team and DEI ain't cuttin' it these days.

Stay on the porch or run ?
51%? he wanted that cuz it was a family buisness, teresa is not family, only half family, you have to understand JR wanted things to get better, and teresa wouldn't give it to him, so with 51% he could do what he wants, plain and simple, they would have never had a winning team in my opinion, and they won't without JR, as long as Teresa is in control, on a side note JR said in his press conference that Martin truex is not goin with him, and didn't know about this
Maybe Jack Rousch will hire Jr and put him in a Ford ;)
RCR has annouced a press conference for today, hopefully to announce they have signed JR!
Having lived in the Charlotte area for the last 8 years, you can bet the public down there is chewing on this quite a bit.

Bottom line is that Teresa thought he would pay a HUGE BUNDLE for a majority share, or simply settle for a minority share. Big gamble with huge risks, that backfired. DEI IS Dale Jr. Truex is a very small piece of the puzzle.

Remember, Dale Sr. buit DEI so that he would have something to give/leave for his children (as he had stated).

The overall value of DEI will diminish, and it will likely eventually be sold. Whether directly or indirectly, you will likely see DEI owned by Dale Jr. and his sister, sometime in the future, with no involvement from Teresa.

I'm fairly confident that Budweiser will re-up with Dale Jr, regardless of where he goes.

Dale Sr. did build DEI for his children not for Teresa. How can people call him a spoiled brat when he justs wants that his rightfully his, Kelly's and Kerry's. From what I understand Budwieser is staying with Jr. why wouldn't they, he has #1 fan base.
You bet...and all of the team too;)

I say go ahead and kick some ass Jr!

We'll see:cool:

Hmmm.......bet they'll be a load of new Tshirts,hats etc,$ and tattoo removals:lol:

They already found a #8 replacement already!:blink:


Yep Harpo It's me the E-Mailer..I am not going anywhere..HEE JR