Well, given the lambasting (?) I've been taking today, I gotta say, I have too much crap in my life to have to come here and take it here too. I used to come here because I thought it was a place to come get support and talk with friends. The good, bad, and ugly. In the past we could always disagree, but did it respectfully and life went on. I didn't know so many people thought so little of me, so I will do you all a favor and bow out gracefully. (maybe too late for that! LOL) Anyhow, I have a line of BS to perfect, used cars to sell, KVD to beat, and ego to stroke, tourneys to win so I can pay for a house I might someday get, not too mention I have to figure out my arse from a hole in the ground. Have fun all! I am sorry to those who had to witness today's event's. Really I came here this morning in a great mood, and many of y'all ruined it. I don't like your playground anymore, I'll go start my own. Mac, Ken, Tox, Trep, Tmann, Marke, Buzz, Bob, etc, you guys know my # and e-mail. Later