New Member 2021 Tracker 175TXW

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Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
Reaction score
Cincy Ohio
Hello all, New member here. Owner of a 2021 Tracker TXW 60 HP. Fished my entire life, mostly from the bank and the back of a buddies boat and took the plunge in the summer of 2020. Currently looking to sell my boat to upgrade to a Targa V19 or V18. Love my 175txw boat but want a Targa so I can get more than 3 people out on the water with me for tubing/skiing and just cruising. Did a bunch of mods to my boat and have helped my buddy upgrade, troubleshoot, repair and remodel his boat over the years so have some install/upgrade skills I'd be glad to share opinions and thoughts with. Looking forward to contributing and learning from all your experiences.
WELL, It's covered and being sold....................But a NEW 2023 Targa V19 200HP is on order!!! Pics as soon as it shows up which I'm being told will be about the end of April, early May!
Congratulations on the sell and ordering of new boat. It’s awesome it worked out for you