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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Maybe some of you don't read the home page anymore .I believe it was meant as a sort of Mission statement by Rich.And a guide line for how to proceed.As of lately (the last 8 month's at least)it has been encreasing clear that it is becoming something other than the original entent.There are obviously some members that have to much time on their hands and have decided to spend it on this board!That is sad very sad. Get a live and start spending more time on making it better rather than making worse for everyone else.Do it before its to late and it's ruined for everyone else.Stick to the intended format.

Your number of posts # is NOT some kind of SCORE to try to drive up at the cost of others.Some of you have poked fun at the so called attitude of Ranger owners.So what kind of attitude does that make you! Stop before its to late and we all lose.

This site is for the exchange of information about Nitro and Tracker boats. I call this an "owners" page, but it is open to anyone who wants to participate in discussion and share information about Nitro and Tracker boats.

This site is not affiliated with Tracker Marine, the makers of Nitro and Tracker boats. The opinions expressed in this forum are those of the participants. Any trademarks of Tracker Marine, Inc. are the property of Tracker Marine and are subject to their control.

Ground rules and guidelines for fair play: The primary mission of this website is to promote information sharing and enjoyment of Nitro and Tracker boats. Inevitably, we will discuss flaws in Tracker Marine products. That
That was fine in the beginning but I think the membership has outgrown the original mission. Personal lives and events are posted for all to see and comment on. I know I posted when my mother passed away and welcomed the support from members who knew me through my posts. This now a community and we police ourselves pretty well with a nudge from Rich now and then. If we only talked boats and Tracker/NITRO issues membership would be minimal. I'll agree, I know a lot more about some people than I want/need to, but you have to take the whole package when you participate in an on-line community. If it gets beyond what you deem tolerable then you sign off never to return and go find another community to participate in. Personally I have met a lot of people through this board and have no regrets. There are areas/discussions that I don't like, but you always have the choice to hit the back button and move on with a shake of your head.

I agree Tox....areas like noxious gas and black-flies.
I don't think I've seen any post's like that but, O.K...your allowed opinion here like anyone else:) As far as content of posts (I'm guilty:)....It does get a little slow around here in the Dog Days. If you've got some good reports or anything pertinent...we're listening:)


Gross, if you take the above literally (and stringently), "If you either don't own a Tracker/Nitro or aren't contemplating the purchase of one, don't post".

However, there are topic subjects of fishing reports, off-topic, and others that obviously have nothing to do with owning or discussion of a Nitro/Tracker product.

I would ask that you do us all a favor and email those who you consider to be the offenders (I was going to ask you to name them here, but honestly, that only serves to make things worse). Perhaps email Rich and bring your concerns to him.

On any site, it is the moderators' job to make any such corrections. Making those corrections without having such authority only serves to bring hard feelings when done publicly. I think emailing Rich with your concerns and names of those who you feel aren't doing what you believe is correct would be the best method.

What Rich does give us is a place where there is even-handed moderation. No one is singled out for their views and their views squelched. No one is given free reign to attack others. Any discussion of non-sponsored products isn't deleted. These are issues that the two largest sites that I'm aware of have. There are definite friendships here, but belonging to one "clique" or another does NOT entitle you to special treatment (good or bad). These are the things that make this site so wonderful.

This is NOT to say that things cannot go awry, but your concerns are best brought to Rich directly, IMHO.
Your ARE amongst an "Insane Group"! LOL And Thank You! I resemble that remark:)

BTW...I never thought I'd agree with Mikey:)
Man that would eliminate the first page of topics at least. Does this topic fit in that category? I dunno

I have no complaints with the topics, i choose to read them or not, i am not forced to read all of them.
Very well put, Mike. You mentioned on the "other" board, you write like you think. Seems to me, that your thinking is very clear and concise. I enjoyed the discussion about T.O. I believe your "ramblings" make better sense than a lot of authors' writings.

Mark -

I think I have the most posts on this board.

On one ocassion, in jest, I did poke at Ranger owners.

I consider you to be a friend. If you would like to discuss my participation, my home number is 618-288-5041. Please call before 9 pm St. Louis time. You should know by now that I will listen to you and what you have to say. I will treat you, your thoughts and opinions with absolute respect.

I know my popularity has declined on this site because of some of the things I said in the past. No where in Rich's rules does it state that I have to take crap from other people and sit here and be quiet.

I bet if you had to sit still and be quiet you would explode.... So, by all means keep talking... Nobody wants anybody to upset and not be able to vent...

Among frends that is the best part of talking it out... At the end, friendship is still more important than the momentary aggravations that are inevitable...

I do however agree with Mark's sentiment in that we ought to try to be civil to one another and only bash rude inconsiderate outsiders...LOL
Teri, you unpopular person, you...hehe NOT IMHO

Someone piss on your shoe this morning there Gross?? JK :)

This is a great place to be...

and Teri, sorry I couldn't help you with your DirecTV problem...I don't have a clue why you are having probs with it. I was a DN Tech for a good while but I've sold/traded my contracts so I haven't been keeping up.

Mikel, I fixed the satelite this weekend. I thought for some reason the receiver wasn't getting a driect feed from the cable (I spliced 2 together) so I bought a new cable and that fixed it.
STEPHENS,You ask me that question some time to my face,boy!
JR, where you been my friend? Thought I saw your rig at Lanes 2 weeks ago.
Snow , Maybe you need to read it again slowly...AND CUT THE BS
?????????????? Hmmmmmm.How sllllllloooow should one go dude? Still makes no sense:)
You realize that the longer people keep bickering, the quicker the door will slam on this.

That's what I was thinking too, Mini.

Rich has already hinted about that.
I've been a member on this site since I bought my first Nitro in Feb. I've been surfing this site for over a year while deciding what brand to purchase. There is a incredible amount of helpful information here that everybody appreciates, and there is the same amount of bickering. I don't see that as a problem as long as it stays fun. What I personally don't like is when a thread is started by someone asking for advice and it turns into a bashfest (whether joking or not). If someone asks for opinions, give them, and if you want to start making extracurricular comments, start a new thread specifically for that. I would hope if the "fun" threads and the advice threads were kept seperate that this site will stay around for a long time. I really enjoy reading both (seperately) and would hate to lose this site.
A quote from Toxic's post....

"You always have the choice to hit the back button and move on with a shake of your head".

What more people (me included) need to do instead of adding any more fuel to this stupid fire.

GEESH..enough already

let it go..
I havnt been around that long, but sure have learned alot from this board. And hope to meet some of the people someday. Thanks. Kevin
Did you know there was actually a blue moon on July 31??? I think it is related. Most of my friends are bickering with their wives and even my little 50lb daughter kicked the crap outta the neighbor boy (hehehehe). Seriously though, there has been a lot of tension in the world lately. Call it lunar or whatever I think people are a little "irritable" right now. This too shall pass.


And if anybody starts singing the "Age of Aquarius" by the 5th Dimension, I'm gonna hurl!!
JR, I thought you guys just bought a house.
So I have bought many houses for the female sex,,,,,,,HEEE HEEE It's only money..But this time I put In a CLAUSE (HEE HEE) It pays to have an Atty as a best friend Teri....It will be for sale before the week Is out..Want a deal???????

Seriously we never got hitched we just movewd In with each other this time...I can't be with someone so young...I just need my Curado and Ranger HA HA HA
Great to be back, but a little lonesome now, but time will fix all..Thanks for the welcome Dave and all of you.... Teri expecially.........Jr
Jokes will follow..BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Hang in there JR! Another one is just around the corner. Keep up your spirits and your health!
Good luck Jr. There is always more fish in the sea!! Just try bending your hook the other way. Hmm, that sounds awful. You get the idea anyway, I hope. Robert
DAYUM JR. That's bad news. I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll see if I can dig up a good funny for you.

Did you get the pics of Tiger hitting balls off the heliport?

In case you were serious: I'm 6'1", 250lb ex boxer that runs 3 miles a day. Not only will I ask you again but if you are tough enough, I'll piss on them myself. Then we can measure up to who's the "boy"

BTW, do you know what JK means?

I'm getting the feeling that someone isn't happy with his shoe size. too

Anybody gets to play random acts of physical violence its me...

If we are comparing stats... 5'11" former Marine Corps Captain... Former Commander of the Sheriff's Dept Tactical Response Team... Firearms and Personal Defense Instructor at the State Police Academy for 14 years... All round nice guy till you pee on my shoes... So back down with the personal challenges... there is always a bigger train wreck just around the corner waiting for you... Boys will be boys... I know but as I said... Just when you think yours is the biggest somebody else can get deeper into the creek...

I am in California for 3 days and look what happens.

JR You have a package on the way. Use the shot glass in good health, it is an Army one ya know :-_)

You've noticed that,too, TOX?

The rush hour traffic here in St. Louis has been the lightest I've seen in years thr last two or three weeks - but there have been so MANY accidents! It's like all the sane people are on vacation and only the crazies are left.....

Mark..... Mikel..... Please.....

I don't know you, Mikel, but I do know Mark and this set of posts is so very out of character for him..... When I met him at the rally, I was very impressed with the quiet, gentle, kind personality..... And, Mark, Mikel obviously sensed this change as well with his first post; I didn't interpret it as being inciteful. I saw it as him asking you if there were something more that was bothering you..... Just done in that "Argh! Argh! Argh!" sorta fashion.....

Please, Gentlemen..... Please talk it out.....
Mikel Stephens,I have to apolagize because I was wrong and you were basicly right.I did figure out what jk means although I couldn't find it in the hi-tech dicionary ?

Although I appreciate your response,Your stats would make little differance to me, although running three miles a day is very

no hard feelings



Share your problem, your frustrations, your solutions, your boating and fishing war stories, your love of the product, or whatever suits you.

Keep it respectful
You boys wanna talk about size? Fine, I'm 6' (they made me take my shoes off :(), somewhere around 350 pounds, I walk to work everyday (from my truck), and can carry a 12-pack of diet coke from the truck to work as well.

You boys wanna rumble? You may knock me down, but make sure I don't land on you :).
I have telepathic ablilities and can make you catch on fire just by thinking a name ! I didn't want to tell everybody about it but there you have it !
Well, if my lunch comes back to haunt me, I'll blame you and call you Captain Hemorrhoid. :)
Guess what?????? I WENT BACK,,,,,, WO IS ME!!!!!!!!!>>>I just never learn...JR

Must be the math..58 goes into 36 how many times?????

Telepathic,Pencils heck I just hire It done and forget It...
I have a wife who protects me. She has some mean looks that can kill!!! lol Henpecked
With all the contraversy over kwik-kick or kwik-drop or whatever I thought some of you might want to revisit my post on ....what ever it was on that got so many peoples panties in a bunch, mine included !lol

Well...its the thought that counts.

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