Well, thanks for the well wishes and prayers folks, they were and are greatly appreciated. You wouldn't know it, but I tried to post the other night but the pain meds had me so loopy it didn't make any sense. As it is, I have to keep fixing this one! LOL
Surgery was scheduled for 8:00am last Thursday 17th. I didn't get off the table until sometime after 4:40pm. I woke up a bit early too and they had to tie my up so I wouldn't rip my tubes out. Anyway, I lost a LOT of blood and ended up 5 days in the ICU. Let me say the ICU nurses were awesome. Not much at CVPH is, but the cardio and ISU are top notch. They couldn't repair my valve so I am part swine now.....guesss that rumors' been out a while anyway!
They ended up pulling over 1,800 cc of fluid from chest cavity a day later only to draw 500 more a day later. Had a few VERY bad nights and some pain that I cannot relate in words. Look at this way, unable to breath, excruciatiing pain everywhere and I would have gladly traded my boat, tackle, rods, dogs, and guns to make it all go away. Just GOD my my mom and wife staying bying my side got me through. God definately held be close several days and continues. They ended up also have do do a bypass since the artery off my valve was shot, so they yanked it from my left shin. Lots of pain, can't do squat, and I'm JUST getting started yeahhhhhhhhh:wacko: But I should be ready to whack 'em hard come June. That was my primary reason for getting it done now.
Now thos post should have taken me 5 minutes TOPS to type and it has taken well over 15 and I'm shot so later all!!!!
Surgery was scheduled for 8:00am last Thursday 17th. I didn't get off the table until sometime after 4:40pm. I woke up a bit early too and they had to tie my up so I wouldn't rip my tubes out. Anyway, I lost a LOT of blood and ended up 5 days in the ICU. Let me say the ICU nurses were awesome. Not much at CVPH is, but the cardio and ISU are top notch. They couldn't repair my valve so I am part swine now.....guesss that rumors' been out a while anyway!
They ended up pulling over 1,800 cc of fluid from chest cavity a day later only to draw 500 more a day later. Had a few VERY bad nights and some pain that I cannot relate in words. Look at this way, unable to breath, excruciatiing pain everywhere and I would have gladly traded my boat, tackle, rods, dogs, and guns to make it all go away. Just GOD my my mom and wife staying bying my side got me through. God definately held be close several days and continues. They ended up also have do do a bypass since the artery off my valve was shot, so they yanked it from my left shin. Lots of pain, can't do squat, and I'm JUST getting started yeahhhhhhhhh:wacko: But I should be ready to whack 'em hard come June. That was my primary reason for getting it done now.
Now thos post should have taken me 5 minutes TOPS to type and it has taken well over 15 and I'm shot so later all!!!!