Engine / Steering Movement On Their Own - What??

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Nov 9, 2022
Reaction score
Hi friends;
Have an interesting one for you regarding our 2022 115 Pro XS CT and Hydraulic Steering.
While putting the boat in storage a few weeks ago, I noticed that the Engine was "Hard-over" to the RH side rather than centered as it was when I took off the travel support. Asked the boss (wife) if she was using the steering. She said No. I straightened out the engine and completed the storage stuff and left. Came back yesterday to charge-up batteries and noted the engine was turned about half-way to Starboard. Put it back to center position again. On humorous side, we do not have the Auto-pilot as in the movie Airplane... So, best I can figure is that it may have something to do with the Hydraulic Steering Unit being off somehow. What, I do not know. Also have an engine Pro-Trim but it is out of the way of the boat cover lying on it. If you have any ideas, I would really appreciate your opinions.
My guess would be the weight of the engine just pulling it to one side while it travels or sits. With hydro steering steering stops are recommended for tow for this reason. https://www.amazon.com/Outboard-Hyd...cphy=9032424&hvtargid=pla-2248033066318&psc=1 (these clamp on each side of steering rod at the motor to secure it. Measure the length of the rod on each side when motor is at center to get proper length stops)
Make sure you dont have any dead spots in your steering for sure...this could be a sign of air bubbles or a leak in system. These systems can suck air in without showing signs of fluid leaks when seals start to fail. Slowly rotate steering from one side to the other while watching motor, making sure it does not stop moving while you are steering. Your pro trim lever would just trim the motor up/down so I dont think its a factor. If you do notice a dead spot...take it in for service immediately....you dont want to loose steering while on the water.