If you could get a new Boat

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Bill Hutchison

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
I'm thinking of getting a new or very new used boat soon the question is if you had 45k to spend what you be your choice and why. The reason I'm asking is I'm at the last stage of maybe getting my disability from the VA and the wife said I can use the money for a new boat but this boat will have to last a long time I love my 911CDC and right now that's the way I will go but I want to maske sure I make the right choice.







Hutch - I would go with a 45' Bertram and move to the islands and do charters. Just my opinion. LOL ;)
Run that Nitro until she won't run no more. No reason it can't last you a long time. Put the 45K into a raindy day investment fund, plan on using 20K of it somewhere down the road to repower and refresh the boat.

That would be my plan, but that's because you are already driving what I consider to be a dream boat.

My second choice would be Bill's suggestion. :)
If me, and I was going to purchase a new bass boat, it would probably be a Champion. I've heard/read nothing but good things about Champion boats. They are fast, handle well, fairly dry ride and the quality is outstanding.

I've got a 929 and love it but if I could buy any boat I wanted it would be a nee Charger they take big bad water better than any boat Ive ever been in but they are not the fastest boats on the water a 22ftr with a 300 merc would be perfect

I'd be driving the same boat that I'm driving now, with the extra cash in my bank account. I love my Triton TR-20X, but the reason I'd go with that brand has equally to do with the dealership as the boat. My TR is laid out perfectly for me, and everyone who has fished in it with me has commented on how well laid out the boat is, how smooth the ride is, etc.... The dealership - Pops Marine in Toano Virginia, is about as good as it gets. I'd recommend them to anyone in my area. The service and attention that I receive is second to none. That, to me, is just as important as how much I like my boat. I looked at a Ranger before buying my Triton. They were very proud of their boats - as the price tag shows (but then, so are all the manufacturers nowadays) - but the salesman wouldn't budge one dime on the price - didn't even want to hear that I had my own electronics - "swap them out yourself" he said. Then he did something I detest - he started putting down every boat other than Ranger. Now, I've had my issues with other manufacturers, and it's over - I'm off the short-lived soap box. Moved on. I don't bad mouth other boats - just about everyone makes a good boat. To this guy - if I didn't drive off the lot with a Ranger - I was going to be driving "trash" - his words - not mine. Every boat I mentioned - he replied - "trash". Then I spoke to several people about that dealership. Everyone had the same thing to say about it. There are "levels" of service at that dealership. Level 1 - If you bought a saltwater boat from them - you are "head of the line". Level 2 - If you own a saltwater boat, not bought from them, but are loyal to them for service - "next in line". Level 3 - If you bought a bass boat from them - "might get to you in a while". Level 4 - If you bought your bassboat from somewhere else, and take it to them for service - "get around to you when they can... might be a while". At Pops - they don't care where you bought your boat from. The service department works on bass boats day in and day out. If you have a tournament, or something coming up, they will do their best to accomidate you. So, to own a Ranger, which I will admit - would be sweet, but to have crappy follow up service - would just piss me off to no end. To have a boat that I am extremely happy with - joy to drive, extremely well laid out, and have the dealership backing when and if I need it - worth every penny.

All the best,

I'm with Rich Stern, run your 911 and put the money back. Do you owe on the 911? If so pay that baby off. If not, you could clear up any vehicle loans or credit cards.

If it were me, I'd keep what I had (assuming I liked it) and pay off as much outstanding debt, if any, that I could.
If it was me I would prob keep the Boat I have (Its paid for already), add some new equipment to my Boat, Pick up a couple of New Rod and Reel combo's, Pick up some new Foul weather Clothing, After that, fiqure out what I really "need" over what I really "Want" i.e, Does the House or my Vehicles need anything done with them. Minor repairs, New tires etc. Any credit cards need to be paid off. I would prob make a list of Needs and Wants and go from there. After that, "If" there is anything left, Save it for a nice Fishing trip to someplace you have always wanted to try. But, if I had to spend the Money on a Boat..

Ranger Boat 2.jpg

Ranger Boat.jpg

Below is my "Quick list"

Max <><


Paint House

Pay off Cards

Paint Wifes car

Update yard

P/O Truck


Lance Camper for Hunting and Fishing (Only way to get the Wife to go camping)

Pay off Truck

ATV's (Already have a Trailer to load them) Wife and Son may want to go as well on Trips

I'd also keep the old boat. It's plenty big enough, and what would you REALLY be upgrading to. It's not the same as me wanting to upgrade my 17' Tracker to a 882 Nitro or similar sized boat.

That 45k would go a long ways on fishing trips when ever and where ever you want to go. My biggest fear is having a fancy new boat, and not having the extra money to enjoy it.

BUT........I'f I did have the extra money laying around for a new boat, I'd definately go with a GAMBLER. :wub:
Dan and I were having this conversation on his 640lx yesterday, what and why would we upgrade boats? For me with a 17ft 700lx on the lakes I fish, and not being a tourney fisherman I see no value in blowing any $$ let alone $20 not even considering $45k to a 18-19ft boat ,even if my tow vehicle could handle more. Now your boat Hutch, the 911, i'm like Rich its my DREAM bass boat!! I wouldn't consider upgrading from my 700lx until I needed or could afford for cash a 911. Yup it wouldn't be as fast a Allison, Gambler, Bullet or such even with a 300 XS Opti, but I don't live or fish on those lakes like St. Clair, Erie and such...

I see your view though Hutch, if the wife would let you buy one last boat loaded to the gills, i'd probably find a nice used 911 250xb AND a nice 21-22ft Deckboat with a 5.7ltr inboard, and be set !!!

Thanks everyone I don't have the 45k cash in hand but thats limet. my monthy VA payments would make the boat payment so it would not touch our paychecks thats why I'm considering new one and then I will be laid to rest in it. that way I know how the boat was taken care of. I got my 911 used and had to do alot of work on it. and could tell the other owner did not take much care of it I got her running good now but life is short so I hope in the next few months I will know the final answer from the VA I have my medical eval. next tuesday on my back so we will see. I plan on selling my 911 for just what I owe around 12k so if anyone is interested I'll let ya know if it works out again thanks guys I think I will go with the 911CDC with the 250SX ...:D
I think you should do what Rich suggested. Get whatever is wrong with your current boat repaired. Buy anything you have ever wanted for your current boat. Get whatever rods and reels you have ever wanted and whatever lures you ever wanted. Then you have a lot of money left to do perhaps the best thing there is to do with the what you have left.

Hook up the boat to the tow vehicle you have, and have had gone over very well, kick the brand new tires you had put on your tow vehicle, make sure the GPS is working right, get into the vehicle, and then go pick up the only other AIRBORNE member of this site that you know, and then make that fishing trip swing thought the south, into Texas and then in and out of Mexico, back up and through mid America, point northeast stopping at a lot of lakes on the way to who cares for about three months. Only a fellow Paratrooper still jumping through the VA's hoops to get his stuff straight qualifies for such a trip...Hey, and then when they settle mine, we can do it all over again.:lol: I'm ready Troop.. ALL THE WAY!!

Uncle Billy


2 things

1. I agree with what Glenn said- Run it till it wont run

2. Ive been in that boat, thers nothing wrong with it. Its a great rig. Is it paid for? If so, it's saving you 400 a month, or whatever the payment would be on a new one.

Just my usual useless.02 cents worth.

PS See ya on the 16th !
Most people don't realize how much $$$$$$ it takes to even just maintain that rig.

Let alone gas:eek:

I'd take the $45 and buy 2 new trucks:cool:
Those 911's have to be the best layout. Excellent looking boats.

I fell victim to Ranger two years ago and love both of the boats I have owned so far. Both handle water great, take turns great, at rest fishing they are super stable. I like the ability to call straight to the factory and get answers also.

My next dream boat is a Ranger Z19 with 225 Yamaha hpdi.
I would definately go Champion, hands down, I already own 1 and its no comparison to a Nitro, Nitro don't even come close
Pat... I know they are fun to drive... Because, those are three of the boat builders listed on my insurance company's application as "don't bother to apply if you own one of these....":eek:
If we were sheep would we be considering buying a Nitro for over 45k? Doesn't seem to be the popular internent opinion.

911 is a good boat, I guess it depends on what you are gonna do.

I'd buy another, but there are not that many out there that are used, so that will most likely have me looking at other boats.
Hutch - pinged you directly. Don't know if it got through your spam blocker software. Bottom line - do what makes you happy. My ideal boat is one that's paid off but still runs well and does a bit more than what I need!! That said, I'm not particular to brand as much as others. Since you like the 911 CDC, maybe go with the more updated version and max'd out HP?
Thats for sure there are not many used 911's out there heck I don't know what to do but I shure thank all out you for your input. I will not rush into making a quick buy if I go that way heck the VA could send me packing.

I think as fare as a boat I will stick to the 911 or 929 Im not a speed person 68 gps is good for me I like the 98 inch beam gives me plenty of room to move around. when me and my Brother-Law fish look out I'm 250 he's 320 so in a nut shell I need room:D again thanks

Jim you must of hit the spam blocker I will check tonight.

Ranger 620 Fisherman w/4stroke kicker, bimini, full canvas, Kind of funny very few are picking a Nitro on a Tracker board and I can get a Tracker at cost - $200.

If your 911 is in good shape, I'd keep it. Here are my dream mods for that boat, hang a 300 Merc off the back, hydraulic jackplate, 2 Hummingbird 987s, a 109 Minnkota, and maybe a personalized wrap. Then upgrade all rods and reels to G Loomis/Calais, all crank and ripbaits to Lucky Craft, and get about 25 swimbaits and go fishing. Probably wouldn't help me catch any more fish but it sure would be fun.

Fer sure I'd go NITRO again. As many here know, my rig has been through the ringer and is still original (2000 model year) from the TM back (except batteries). Never been to the shop for anything other than an upper oil reservior drip that took 10 minutes to fix. I don't run this rig hard but I run it a lot....year round. I have trailered this boat all over god's creation and back and put it in the nastyist of nasty big water. It's always got me home safe. I have absolutely no reason to change brands and every reason to stay with Tracker. The only thing I know that I give up to other boats of the same age and size is speed and I'm no speed demon, 67 gps (old prop) is fast enough for me, the new prop is faster yet and after I play with the Trophy Plus plug setup, I'll be totally happy (blows out a little when the bow drops out of the hole). That being said, I'd like to give the new NITRO Z boat a try and I've got some irons in the fire, so stay tuned sports fans.
