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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I had the surgery this morning. I'm off to the doc now for them to show me and my parents how to repack this thing, has to be done twice a day....

Its still very sore but other than that...I'm ok..

The best part is anasthetics...

doc "ready to go to sleep?"

me "yeah"


wake up "did you put me to sleep? oh i'm in recovery?'
That is certainly great news. I'm sure your doctor has told you how serious staph infections can be so follow the doctor's directions to the letter.
Glad to hear it's all good. You're lucky, they didn't knock me out...I had to do it cowboy style.:blink:

That's great BJ, did they give ya the product of the surgery for your treasure chest. :lol:
glad things went well... ask the doc about MRSA
Meyer - no point in scaring the kid half to death!!!!!

Good Luck & Speedy Recovery, BJ!

I don't want to scare him but it is an absolutely "hiden" fact that MRSA is rampant on college campuses. I am fighting with it now (successfully) with my youngest daughter. The Internist/Infectious disease specialist related to her that it was routinely not/mis-diagnosed. And, it was routinely found in the college locker rooms. bathrooms and shower rooms...

Allison (in the midst of everything going on with her sister) had another abcess that had to be lanced and drained last night. We have been dealing with this for five or six months now. So, seriously, I hope that BJ will inquire and have them test thoroughly. It takes a long tie to cure/control.
Actually, MRSA is more rampant in hospitals than anywhere else. Overwhelming majority of health care providers are colonized with MRSA and all Staph Aureus cultures are tested for methicillin resistance so he should be OK ;).

Regarding your daughter, have they tried admitting her and treating her with Vancomycin intravenously? I've been out of the health care field for quite a while, but that used to be the standard treatment for MRSA infection. Things change quickly, though.

Sorry I hijacked your thread, BJ. Hope you're doing well.

Serious stuff...I knew a guy who was working in his yard while wearing flip-flops (stupid I know). Anyway he got stuck with a rose thorn in his big toe...within 48 hours the leg was amputated at the knee. A year later he (same guy) cut his finger on the sharp edge of a Formica sample and ended up losing his middle finger (the one you wave to slow drivers in the fast lane). His doctor told him some people are more susceptable to this type of infection than others....NO CHIT MAN!! :eek: I started calling him "Lucky".:rolleyes:

Good deal BJ.....hope everything heals up nicely!!

Sooner,.......Next time the dude's B-day rolls around.....send him a copy of Monty Python's Holy Grail and tell him to pay close attention to the Black Night sequence!! LOL. :eek:;):rolleyes:
BJ - Speedy Recovery!!

Mac - one of my FAVORITE movies!! That scene, the rabbit scene and the French Taunting - "Your Mother was a Hampster and your Father smelled of Elderberries!!"
you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest - with a herring:lol:

sorry for the highjack BJ, glad your doing well