I posted this on another board but also want opinions here.

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Keith Todd

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
When should I start getting poed about my boat order?

It will be 11 weeks this friday and still no word on when I will get it. The dealer told me when I bought it it would take 6-8 weeks. They also told me the boat was coming off the essembly line on March 17th after multiple no return phone calls, but doesn't know when they will get it which is very hard for me to believe. My problem is along with not having a boat to fish, is if I don't get it before April 15th I wont get the 1k gift card and 2 year extended warranty on the outboard. I think If I haven't heard anything by the end of the day I am goind to start demanding things instead of asking. The biggest problem is not knowing!!!!!!

Am I being unreasonable? Should I be expecting less from the dealer?

Firsdt thing I would do is confront the dealer with the issue of the $1k and the warranty. Get that resolved and you may not be home free and satisfied, but you won't get hurt further by the delay. If that can't be resolved 'suggest" that the dealer will provide those out of his pocket since that was a part of the deal you made with him. If that doesn't happen, then get resolute. Have the purchase agreement reviewed by an attorney (Most Bar Associatiuons have something like a $50 first consultation arrangement). Was the delivery date written into the agreement?
CAn I ask were you purchased this? Bass Pro Shops? what state? Thanks and good luck
I'd tell him to cancel the order if you don't have it by April the 14th due to the waranty issues. And no you are not being unreasonable, the promised 6-8 has come and gone.
I live in Baton Rouge but the dealer wasn't BassPro.(They never returned my calls) I will leave the dealer name off right now but if you are from here it would be easy to find out. I am not here to bash anyone just want opinion on what should I expect and if I am expecting to much.

No, you are not expecting too much if the dealer promised you that. However, I can say from experience that 6-8 weeks to build a new boat from scratch during this part of the year is being a little... lets say... "optimistic" on the dealers part. I would not be suprised if it was quite a bit longer than that. Not saying it will, but that is a very short timeframe estimate.

I would get in writing the agreement that your gift card and extended warranty will come to you regardless of when the delivery of the boat is. If they won't give you that in writing, I'd inform them (again - in writing) that if the boat doesn't get the extras, you will be cancelling the order on April 14th.

Seeing how you are on week 11 of the projected 6-8 week build time, I'd say you have the right to know exactly what point of assembly your boat is in. If that cannot be provided, you might want to consider buying from another dealer or brand.

I sincerely hope that you get a suprise phone call soon, telling you that your boat is ready for pickup.

All the best,

KLSU, What kind of boat did you buy? If you have been talking to a salesman, try going over their head and talk to the owner or at least the sales manager.

Also, I live in Baton Rouge as well. What kind of fishing do you do and where? Trying to meet other people in the area that are fisherman. I used to do most of my fishing at a camp on Toledo Bend, but tight money times are requiring me to fish closer to home lately and trying to learn some more of the area. I have been fishing the spillway area and also the Northshore of Lake P. If you are boatless and want to do some fishing before you get your new boat in, let me know.

I posted on the other site too but ill post here too just for sake of discussion.

When i ordered my Z7 last year i was kept informed every step of the way by my salesman. He called me to let me know the boat was ordered and what the expected build completion date was. He called when he knew the boat was ready to be shipped and an expected arrival date. He also called as the boat was coming off the truck to let me know when it was there. Your dealer should have access to that information and be able to get it to you. It sounds to me that they arent trying...To answer your questions. No your not being unreasonable and yes you should expect more from the dealer IMO.

As far as the timeframe goes. Mine arrived right around 8 weeks. I ordered it mid January and it showed up in mid March. I dont know how long the actual build process takes but the dealer did tell me the shipping varies because they dont just ship one boat at a time, they wait until there is a bunch going to an area and load the truck up.

I bought a Z-7 w/175xs. I grew up Bass fishing Lake Verret area but since Andrew the area hasn't been the same so now I usually fish spillway, Catawatche, or the oxbows along the miss. I want to learn Bayou black also. Bass fishing is my first love but I do fish in the marsh for reds and specs because my Father in law has a camp in Dulac and enjoy that from time to time as well. My wife likes to catch the reds. LOL..

shoot me an email I am always willing to fish.

[email protected]

the shipping varies because they dont just ship one boat at a time, they wait until there is a bunch going to an area and load the truck up.

Oh! Good point Jim B! I had forgot about that. I've heard that from quite a few dealerships of all brands. It's very seldom that I see a single boat come into a dealership lately. Instead, it's a full truck - or if not, it "was" a full truck when it left, but stopped along the way at several dealerships to drop boats off.

Jim B was blessed with a good salesman, and a good build time. Maybe things have slowed down enough in the boat buying crowd that production times have picked up since I last checked - but several manufacturers were taking much longer to build a custom boat.

All the best,

Your dealer can pre-register a motor in your name through the Mercnet registration process. This needs to be done so you will receive the extended warranty program. as far as the gift card goes, Tracker Marine will honor that as well. If you have a problem getting the gift card honored; just give tracker customer service a call. The number is posted on the Nitro website. If you have some sort of receipt with your original order date, I know they will honor the gift card promo. As previouly stated at this time of the year delevery is normally 12 weeks. 6-8 weeks was very, very optimistic on the dealers behalf.
I sure hope you ordered a galvanized trailer. If you did not, you will want to change this out if you are going to put this in the brackish water.
Jim B was blessed with a good salesman, and a good build time. Maybe things have slowed down enough in the boat buying crowd that production times have picked up since I last checked - but several manufacturers were taking much longer to build a custom boat.

You could not be more right Glenn. I am blessed to have a great dealer. Every aspect of doing business with them has been a great experience. The Z7 is my second boat from them and the second from the same sales guy. Im sure my next one will come from them too.

On the bild time the sales guy told me when we were putting toether what i wanted what the leat time would be and if i waited until late Jan or early Feb it would take quite a bit longer. He pretty much nailed it right, he has been at it a long time and my dealer sells a LOT of Nitro boats.

My last new boat ordering experience was when i bought my Champion. That boat took forever to come in from Champion. I ordered it at the end of Dec and it didnt get it until almost the end of May. 5 mmonths is a long time to wait and i was not happy.
Ordered mine about the same time said 6 to 8 weeks. I think my order was in Feb. 07. I got to take it home July 07. AS I was getting company pricing I didn't get the $1000 card but they (Bass Pro) would have extended it had I been a non employee customer. Just needed to talk to the Marine Manager.

Dealer just called me and told me the boat will be at there dealership on Friday!:D

Finally, I will have my new boat to fish.

Thanks everyone for their advise.

Once again the members of NTOWS come to the rescue.

Best dang site anywhere.....

Don't get so excited to pull it away that you do not go over EVERYTHING on that boat. Every switch, pump, light, gage, fit, finish, hinge, lock, trim/tilt, scratch, bearings, TM, I would even have them run it on the muffs. EVERYTHING must work now it is the one and only time you can say that you didn't do it and they have no way to dispute.

+1 on everything Tox said. Go over the entire boat. When mine came in my delaer asked me to come in and check over the whole thing. If there was anythgin i didnt like they would take care of it right away. And when i took delievery of it we did it again and made sure everything worked, fired the motor etc.

Keep in mind you wont be taking it home Friday. The dealer still has to rig it. The motor isnt hung yet etc.

Thanks for the advice on going over everything. Sometimes when you are excited about something you tend to forget the important things. I will make sure to go over the boat throughly.

I know I won't be taking it home on Friday I am just happy I know a date now so I can start planning my fishing again. I am off next week from Wed - Sun. so I am sure I will be burning some of the break-in time. :D

Be a real PIA when it comes to inspecting that boat... If you have a grouchy friend (someone like me :angry:) :eek: who can go with you and be a second set of eyes, even better! Any "promise" to "fix" something later, like "when a part comes in" put it in writing. Also, hasve all of the warranty paperwork signed and dated, etc...

Many of us here either have our own horror stories or a friend did... Like you have been told... This is the time to get it all straightened out...

BTW, (after all the doom and gloom) CONGRATS... A new boat is a great feeling!

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