How do I help my neighbor?!?!?!

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok some good friends of ours (also our neighbors) are in a fix...well i think they are in a fix.

See we used to fish with them before we had a bass boat. He had a 16 foot procraft fish and ski. Me, my dad, and my neighbor would go. He sold it a few years ago (a year or so later we bought the Ranger)and bought a deck boat (not the fishing type). Well he can fix anything and it came not running so good and he fixed it up NICE. well he bought a cabin near Lake Arbuckle (Here in Oklahoma) and put his deck boat down there. He then bought a different deck boat to use here. He is now selling is where I need help....he is a FISHERMAN...remember that....BUT his wife is wanting to get two jet he has gone from fishing boat to 2 deck boats to now possibly 1 deck boat and 2 jet skis.....LOL


Also the guy who lives across the street just bought a newer Ranger...ARGH...he is going to sell his older Ranger
happens to the best of us...NE1 up for a 1996 Nitro with a completely rebuilt 200? $6750 and it's yours...I should be able to buy a jet ski with that.
Look at me, BJ..... Right now I'm boatless but I still survive! Going out to the Busch Wildlife area today to fish their lakes. The walking will do my old heart good..... Monday I go down to the Current River and fish for trout - renting a canoe this time instead of using my own which I sold two years ago..... This is the first time in about 25 years that I have not had a canoe or boat or both.

My guess is that your neighbor gets greater satisfaction from being with his family and enjoying life with them than he does out of fishing!

There is life beyond boats!

I know...i'm just giving him a hard time about it. We hear all these fisherman get upset at Jet Skiers and now he's buying one...I guess if you can't beat em' join em'

Give him the name and number of a good divorce attorney.

My wife told me either the bass boat goes or she goes. Damn I am gonna miss my wife! (Taken from bumper sticker)

Stern owns a jet ski?

LLIBOWS is coming soon.. Lake Lice and Idiot Bikes Owners Web Site :)

Actually, there's nothing wrong with the jet ski... it's the rider who is uner the impossible impression that we want a performance while we're fishing that is the problem.
Jet skis actually look like fun, especially the multi passenger types. I have never understood why a person riding one would drive all the way across a big bay or the lake just to ride around where I'm trying to coax a fish into eating an artificial bait with a hook partially hidden in it!! I'm just not that impressed!!!!

Bob G.