Hole shot problems

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Matthew Wolfgram

Active Member
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Looking for a little assisstance here. I've got an older('98) Savage 896 DC. I have a 200 Opti on the back with a 5" Hydraulic jack plate on the back. I've had some serious issues trying to get her on plane. I had a 24p tempest prop when I bought the boat. With a full tank of fuel and livewells full, I couldn't get on plane. Changed prop to a trophy 24p, result was worse. After getting mixed feedbacks from fourms and dealers and local tournament anglers, I purchased a weedring for the trophy. Hole shot improved quite a bit. Still not what I want though. Can't go to a 23p due to WOT being 5800rpm with the 24. I believe going to a 25p would actually make my holeshot worse again. I noticed on my cavitation plate, 4 drilled holes. Almost like the previous owner had a whale tail on the motor. Is this something that I can try???m Done some reviewing on them. They're supposed to help extremely well with holeshot, handling and porpoising at lower speeds. I don't really have a porpoising problem until I hit about 26 mph. I'm usually coming off plane by then. Any kind of help would BE GREAT!!!!!

Thank you in advance,

the whale tail may help you out, my 896 was a bit slow, but i was running a 25 tempest on it. if you want, i think i have a tail in the garage attic, can make you a deal on one. let me know, my email is gofish@unitelsd.com

Is it possible to move weight forward? That helps a little. The Savage is kind of like most ladies over thirty. A bit weighty in the fantail.

Yeah, I recently moved my 2 trolling motor batteries under the front pedestal seat. Tomorrow will be day one with mods. Was out yesterday with a guy who had a Tracker Avalanche, 150 V-Max and a SE300 Hydrofoil. The boat had little to no bow rise on take off, and we we're on plane at 20mph. I think I'll get one of those first. Lots of positive reviews on them. Unless of course Cliff, yours is that exact model???? Let me know.

I have an SE300 and was seriously impressed with the improvement it made on my hole shot.
Dear "hvacoutdoorsman",

I to have encountered this problem.I have a 896 Savage,99 model with a 200 opti. With me at 215 and my buddy at 250+, a 50 gallon gastank almost full and water in the live well my boat was very difficult to come out of the hole. Lots of bow rise,Man I thought it was going to filp over backwards the first time I tried this,it was scary!.I'm running a 23p Tempest plus (ser.#48-825864). I started leaving my buddy at home and only putting in about 15 to 20 gallons of gas and keeping live well closed until I actually needed it. This helped noticably. I could be wrong but the problem seems to me to be in the design of the gas tank which is a 50 gal. horse shoe shape which allows all the gas to shift directly to the back of boat on take off.Please let me know how the battery relocation goes.Dont really want to use a whale tail,or any type hydrofoil, it seems to me that a hydrofoil is a patch over the real problem.Keep writting about your results.



Nice to finally meet someone with the same set up as I. My maiden voyage with the batteries up front went awesome!! Filled the tank with fuel before heading out. NOW, I didn't fill the livewell through the course of the day. But, bow rise was extremely minimal compared to before out of the hole. Was able to feather the throttle, as opposed to putting the hammer down to get her out of the hole. Was up on plane around 17mph, and could stay on plane as low as 23mph before any porpoising happened. I've got a tournament this weekend. So, I'll have a partner and a livewll full of fish (Hopefully, lol). Will let you know how it all works out. The batteries fit perfectly under the front seat. Only took about an hour to pull all the trolling wires back and fish the extension cables to my onboard charger.



Move your deep cycle batteries to the front for your trolling motor. Just had a tournament today. Livewells full, 3/4 tank of gas, 1 partner and his gear, a 4 blade prop with a 24 pitch, and you got an amazing boat and holeshot. Very happy with the results. Can up on plane in maybe 3 secs. Give'r a shot and let me know how it works out for ya!!

Yah, I played with the PVS plugs already. Having said that, I want to try my tempest again after moving the batteries to the front of the boat. Once you have the speed, it's hard to let it go lol. I'll have to do some fine tuning again. Come next season this boat will be running like a top!!


P.s. Thanks guys for all the responses and info. This site is awesome!!