Hey ME, here are the updated pictures

  • Thread starter John Foster [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~library/
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John Foster

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
Here she is. All grown up at 5 years old. She starts school Sept. 2nd.

She is all excited about it. She has a new back pack, Luch box, Folders and all kinds of other neat stuff.

I am a happy and sad at the same time to see her start school. I will now have time to do some things, but at the same time I am going to miss having her around all the time.
Adorable! I feel sorry for you in about 10 years, when all the boys start hanging around!

Rich D
The Mother is LOVELY! I've met her!

In fact, the entire family is lovely.

Of course, John is "lovely" in a very big, ugly, masculine sort of way!

I think Rich Stern is trying to arrange a marriage between his son, Zachery, and Susan.....

John, Stacey and Susan - The three of you are so very lucky to have each other!

Thanks for sharing the pictures, John!

God Bless!

My god John, is she ever growing fast...it seemed like just yesterday I saw baby pictures....

Hope you guys are doing well.

power...i wish...i have to keep my messages short 'cause I'm peddling to keep the current up.
Don't blink John, or she will grow up on you.Seems like it was just yesterday that my daughter was that size.

Pierre,...just read in the paper today that Canada is being blamed for all of the power issues...LOL......you better start peddlin' faster before I lose my connection tonite!!

Grab another Molson and get busy boy!!! LOL!!!
Scott - Thanks for the kind words. I've changed a bit since you've seen me. I'm almost 30# lighter and no more curls...straight hair to my shoulders ;)

Pierre - Hi!

She is a doll,....it's amazing how fast they grow up too,...i can remember when both of my daughters were that age,..starting school and how excited they were!! Now my oldest almost has her driver's license and the youngest will be 15 in Oct.!!! GEEEEZ,..no wonder I decided to shave my head recently,...I couldn't deal with the grey!!


Good to see the Foster's back in town!! Keep up the GREAT work on the diet too John,...that's awesome!!! Hook'em when you can!!

30#!!! WOW!!!

No Curls?!!?

Still a blond?

Post or e-mail me a picture!
Still blonde. I've e-mailed you a picture in fear that I would scare everyone off. ;) Let me know what you think about my new "look".

.....oh.....my.....god..... (said breathlessly)

Dang, Guys!

Forget Penny Berryman!

Forget the Hooters Girls!

No wonder Big John won't post pictures of Stacey!

She is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!
Well, are you gonna post the pic or not?? I have not seen The Foster family in a while. Susan is definitely a cutie!!

Bob G.

Are you gonna post your pic for us to see?

Bob G.
Heck, YES!

(Just size it down a bit so the maximum dimension is about 500 pixels.)

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