Hey All....(Good News, Bad News)

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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Well, five months is a long time. I've pulled up the site every so often to see what's been going on, who's been diggin' who, and to see how far Mac has climbed the ladder of fame.

Our fiscal year ended yesterday. We raised more money than we've ever raised in any of the last nine years. I have enough frequent flier miles to take the wife to Hawaii for a week beginning 17th (first-class from Chicago, I might add!), and my boss may take a position with another organization. But the long and short of it is that we didn't raise the money we needed, resulting in a $1 million-plus deficit. OUCH. For a not-for-profit, this isn't the definition of "non-profit" that you want to see.

Yeah, I stopped posting because my nose got bent a few times and I was tired of fighting battles over disagreements that I just don't have the power to resolve.

But what got me to post this was Rich Stern's comment about pulling the plug on this site. It made me realize that unless <b><u>I</b></u> changed MY attitude, I was just giving Rich a reason for carrying through on it.

Rich, this is one of the best web communities out there. If anyone thinks BFHP is a bash-fest, I could throw up a few others that are worse, where back-biting has been taken to an all-time-low art form.

So, if I've written anything that was offensive, I apologize. If I've written anything that someone took offense at where none was meant,...that's just tough. I will do my very best to stay out of serious religious and political discussions because there are other places I can go to express my opinions on those issues. If you like glass over tin, that's okay. I will probably not respond to comments made by some of the folks here, and I don't expect folks to respond to everything I say or ask (including this post).

It's a new day. A new fiscal year. A new attitude.

Hello (again), y'all.


In five months...

A new baby (niece)....

A trip to Wisconsin (no boat - bad idea)....

A new hobby with POWER toys (photos will be posted)....

A pleasantly successful crappie fishing trip....

An unfortunate accident with my motor cowling....

A new boat (for my father-in-law; photos will be posted)...

So much to tell, so little space....
Dude!!!,....I was just wondering about you the other day!!!

Your name came up Neeley's house I think,....in the form of culinary hedonism!! Neeley kept bringing in "Mo Food" from the grill all night long,.....and now your back!! Amazing!!

Welcome Back Kotter!!


(BTW,...I'm on the same rung,...only the ladder's a lot taller!!)
Welcome back MO!!! I been wondering where you've been. I just figured you loved that cabin in Alaska so much that you just weren't coming back.

I'm glad you're here buddy!

Good to hear from ya Mo. Can't believe you left without a goodbye kiss. ;>)
