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Mike Tosello

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
This is just my luck!!! LOL

2 Weeks ago we had a major snow storm here in chicago.... Went out to the garage to fire up the snowblower and noticed that I still had the compartment lids open on the 929. I had the storage cover over the boat but it was really lose so that i could get into easily if i needed to. So when i seen that the lids were open i figured that i'd close them.....Bout 2 weeks go by and I took advantage of a nice day, so I go out to the garage to get all my rods and reels. I figure its time to get them in the house and grease them up before i respool them for my trip to Dale Hollow next month..... I open up the rod locker and just about had a heart attack... There, the neighbors stinkin cat it all curled up on top of my rods... And by stinkin, i mean DEAD and STINKIN... Now it was 2 weeks between the time I closed him in there and opened it up again. I figure he lived maybe 4 - 5 days after i trapped him, so he's been dead a week and a half .... The smell is bad, but it could have been much worse.

Now, i already plan on cleaning the carpets and have sprayed the rod locker with fabreeze a few times. It's already much better than it was but i'm looking for any suggestions here. I dont wanna be reminded of that every time I open up the lid and grab a new rod all year LOL

I hate cats to begin with, and now i hate neighbors and cats....

I'll be here reloading my guns while i wait for your suggestions LOL



Try any pet store or Wal-Mart for an enzyme cleaner for cleaning up after pets. They will break down the smell at its source instead of just masking it.

Just be glad you weren't in the middle of a heat wave....

Try putting in coffee grounds,unused ones,let sit overnight and vacuum out the next day.Worked fine to get rid of fish smell. <"((((<<

Then take them to work and put them into the bosse's coffee pot...LOL

Maybe sprinkle activated charcol (pet or aquarium shop), let sit for a few days, then vacuum.

Being as though I have an extreme dislike for cats, your story kinda makes me chuckle (sorry) :)
So what did you tell the neighbor and what did they say?
Thanks to my buds from the former Crown Royal Fishing Team, I have these little Crown bags that I fill with mothballs (napthalene) and tie one under each console. No cats, critters, bugs... "nada" when the boat is covered. It does not adversely affect the smell of tackle or other necessary junk, but keeps unwanted "guests" from shacking up. Just an idea for next time.
Sadly, every time you open that rod locker, you will envision that poor dead cat. Regardless of how YOU may feel about cats, this was someone's pet. That you felt no obligation to mention that someone's pet was killed by your negligence, makes me cringe. I hope that you were or will be a little more compassionate when telling the story to your neighbors, because someone loved that cat.

Not everyone hates cats!

Another reason to keep your pets under control. It was the owners fault not MAT's. You let your precious tabby run loose like a wild animal and kill songbirds at my feeder, get under my boat tarp and soil in my bushes, I'm gonna treat them like the pest that they are (or you let them become).

Sorry your rod locker is messed up. I wonder if your neighbor has insurance to cover what his/her cat did.

Mat, don't let this get to you.. It WAS NOT your fault not were you negligent. Cass was out of line on this. Loving animals the way I do, I understand his being upset. What were the neighbors doing to find that cat the whole time it was missing?

Take Care,

Ok.... went to the local petshop and bough some stain & odor cleaner (thanks Steve) and gave the rod locker a good spraying. Actually, the odor was very faint and seemed to be going away already. But I dont want to take any chances and will keep applying till its 100% gone. I have already taken the reels off the rods and cleaned the cork handles, so i should be good to go.

Cass, my negligence??? how is the neighbors cat, getting into my garage and climbing around underneath a covered boat, and getting trapped in my rod locker, my fault? Seems to me that the negligence of the pet owner is to blame for not keeping her animal in her yard. I dont let my Rotti go into her yard and she should not let her mangy critters onto mine. They have too many dogs and cats that they can't take care of as it is.

So i found no point in telling them that they're cat is in a hefty bag, on an empty flatbed railroad car, on its way to one of its next 8 lives....... Think PETA would approve? LOL

Dont get me wrong...... these are animals that are not taken care of at all. The cats they have are wild and were brought home by the son that works at the railroad where he found them.. They dont get medical attention when needed and I dont even think they're dogs are licenced.

I am a dog person, and Cass is right in saying that some people love cats and thats fine.... But I don't, and its not like i went ouside that day to kill a cat.

I kinda knew this post was gonna have someones feeling involved, but I just want the stench outta my boat..

I'm sure Cass is for responsible pet ownership. It would be no different if somebody offed your rottie if it got out and into a neighbor's yard.

If you are not gonna breed em', get em' spayed and neutered.

Keep them under control (dogs and cats). Nothing infuriates me more than somebody who walks their dog on a leash into the middle of my yard and let's their animal take a dump and a leak. I have been known to bag it up and leave it on their front porch.

The good thing is that the smell will go away. The bad is that it sounds like there are more running around. Do as Dan J. suggested and put some mothballs in the boat. That will make it less attractive to the cats and/or mice. I'd tell your neighbor straight up what happened and that if any more are seen wandering around you are gonna have a problem with it.

Hmmm. I'm from Chicago.... AND I'm missing a cat, and my neighbor (who I haven't met yet) has a bass boat in his garage - I think it is a Nitro like mine, but I haven't seen it out...

Everyone knows I think highly of Cass.....

And everyone knows I love my Tigger.....

But this time I've got to agree that people should be responsible for their animals. This was not MAT's fault in the least.
MAT, Yes you are right that your initial callous post hit a nerve. Had you filled in the rest of the story as you have after my post it would have been easier to understand and have a little more compassion for your situation.

Do I feel bad for Mat because every time he opens his rod locker he will have the vision of a dead cat? Do I feel bad that he was angry that his boat stinks and that he has to deal with it? Yes, but the way the original message was put I found it hard to have much sympathy for anyone other then the dead cat.

A tip for using the Nature's Miracle, if you follow the directions and give it a couple of weeks to dry it will work, it may require one additional application it is the only product I have used that really works on all odors.

Tox, I agree with your last post and if people are going to have pets they should take care of them and be responsible for their actions. But hey, people don't want to be responsible for their kids actions why should they take responsibility for their pets. It's always someone else's fault. Sorry couldn't resist, but i do agree that pet owners should be responsible for their pets and that this issue should be taken up with the owner of the cat and if it costs anything to deal with the stink then they should bear the cost.

I didn't expect anyone to agree with my post, it was how I felt when I wrote it just as it was how Mat felt when he wrote his. I do not think that qualifies as out of line, if so then I would think the whole thread could be considered out of line. IMHO Nothing wrong with disagreeing and my feelings certainly aren't going to be hurt. I consider it healthy to discuss things not everyone is going to agree all of the time. If we all agreed all of the time I assure you someone isn't being honest.

Cass :)
I hear ya Cass, my dog has more manners than a lot of peoples kids.LOL!! Although he just loves to go to my neighbors yard and dump!!LOL!! As appeasment, I do a "poop patrol" in their yard once a week (they have 2 dogs also).

I know it's hard this time of year but good ol' sunlight and fresh air is the best de-odorizers there is. If you can get a sunny day, even if it's cold, try pulling back the cover and open the locker and let it air out real good.

I built a gravel pit for the kids to play in. The neighborhood cats have decided that it is the biggest and best litter box in the world.....What would you do to keep them out? I tried the rubber snake thing and they just took a dump right next to it. Someone suggested amonia and others have said moth balls, but I don't want to leave any chemicals lying around for the kids to fool with.

There are sprays that discourage cats and dogs but the best deterrant is to cage/trap them and take them to their owners the first time and tell them the next time they go to the pound as a stray. The meaner option is pellet gun. They will learn real quick that a bb enemia isn't a pleasurable thing.

I hate it when I have to agree with Mr. Hammer..... :)

But I'd skip the trapping; talking to the owners won't do a d@## bit of good.
First find out from your neighbor if he's offering a reward for the cat "dead or alive " if not give it back to him anyways!

Second I agree with Steve R ,Its still cold in chicago right now so your not getting even have the smell your going to get when it warms up to say 80-90*. Its the enzymes you need to chemically break down the odor.

Ya know, Greg.....

Maybe it's a good thing MAT can't make it to your first fishing party!

I am 99.9% certain that the odor is gone already, or at least wont be present by the time i start fishing this year. I used an enzyme spray and the stuff worked wonders, and i will spray it a few more times just to be sure. I left a fan running overnight cuz it says to make sure the surface is completely dry before applying a second application.... Anyways, i have about 20 reels to clean, grease and respool and i'm ready to go...

Cass, i'm sorry about the way my post sounded at first and can see why it upset you, as i'm sure you can realize how the whole thing upset me. I'm not getting down on you by ant means, dont need any enemies.

Mountain Man..... The boat is in my garage and its very secure, the cat must have gotten in the garage while i was home and had the overhead door open. I dont think I should have to close the door every time i run into the house for something. The neighbor leaves his garage door open about 6 inches so they can go in and out as they please. This time one just happened to go into the wrong garage at the wrong time. Believe me, the boat is not the only thing out there worth alot of $$$$$ . I am into woodworking and you can imagine the tools and equiptment I have. Everything is locked up and insured...

Glad it worked Mike..

Now when you open your lockers they won't smell like.......

.................. decomposed feline.

Get your mind out of the gutter..; )

