Has anyone installed Mercury Vessel View Link (not mobile) in a Z19?

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Feb 1, 2025
Reaction score
New Jersey
After discussions with Mercury outboard support I opted to go with the vessel view link so all data would stay with the boat and not on a cell phone. Mercury was very helpful with a parts list and basic wiring diagram so I purchased the parts which appear to be all correct (they all plug into each other). First issue found is the blue link cable has large enough jacks on its ends so it won't fit through the boot between the engine and the boat and appears it'll be a squeeze to get the cable alone through the boot. I reached back out to Mercury and they have no solution installing the cable and stated that the cable cannot be cut and soldered together. The cable appears to only have around 6 color coded small gauge conductors inside and the cable is not electrically shielded. Does anyone have a solution to install the cable or know if the cable can indeed be cut and soldered back together?
I am assuming you have a flexible plastic rigging cover tube. My first thought is to cut it off and go with a motor sock. Assuming fishing it through is impossible and its not split for access. I always use motor socks so they get cut off right away for me if they are not split. I would not cut this cable it is probably shielded and you would compromise it.
Motor Sock rigging cover
Thank you thats a great idea. My plastic rigging tube is 2.5" and stuffed, I was thinking about splitting the flex tube but wasn't sure the best way to hold it closed except with either ty-raps or electrical tape but placing the motor sock over it should work well. Thanks for the link, thats the only supplier I've found so far that offers a split/velcro cover requiring no wire/cable disconnects. The web site doesn't have a lot of information, I'll call them next week when they're open.

I'm new at this and don't know how to share a picture, I only see files or video as choices. I was gonna share a picture of the low quality OEM link cable, sheathing was removed near the cable end jack and you can see what looks like 6 or so small gauge color coded conductors and theres no shield which is why I thought I could cut and solder the conductors back together. The cable end has an embedded resistor so I cant even remove the cable pins from the jack. With so few conductors used I have no idea why Mercury would use such a large jack. Thanks again for your idea.
VV Link just came out, It has surpassed VV Mobile and includes NEMA connectivity so info can be seen on graphs. Not sure what you've been using for 8 years, VV Mobile maybe? What has been disappointing to you? I am genuinely curious. I think it is a excellent monitoring tool for your motor, Unless you just dont care about these sort of things. If you do your own maintenance, I feel its a necessary tool, so you can monitor temps and pressures. Different strokes.......
I have the same boat and setup. I just cut the plastic ribbed boot that enters the boat. Not all the way, but enough to get the cables through. I slipped the mercury cable and 2 transducer cables in without any issue. Then just zipped tied them together and tightly wrapped the boot using black electrical tape. Never really noticed the difference and looks fine. After a while you'll forget about it and just retape once in a while if it needs it.