Happy Early Birthday to Trep!! Going to the Dark Side!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK I was going to wait till my 40th birthday next Sept to look at a new boat, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!!!

I'm leaving the house at around 8am tomorrow to head over to our Fearless Leader's house to pick up my new (to me) Nitro 700 LX DC!!!! :cool:

The S.S. Daddy (2000 Pro Crappie 175) goes up for sale when I return from Canada in 2 weeks!

I've already got bay #2 in the garage cleared and ready for her. Rich will give me driving lessons in the Nitro in the morning before I haul her home and ask the kids if they want to go for a ride!!!

Don't worry my fellow Tin Men, i'm still with ya, just driving Glass for a while at least!!! LOL
I like that Chris - "HOLY &^%$" and then "Congrats"!!
I looked long and hard for a Tracker Pro Team 185 with a Dual Console and 90 Merc, but didn't find any. Same with reasonable priced TV18 with a Dual Console, that was one of my requirements.
Good Grief :huh: What's going on here? Talking about hanging on to a secret, you should be in the CIA. Both of you.!! Now that's out of the way, let me just add this one little thing,

YOU TURNCOAT! Somebody get a rope and I'll find a tree.....Must be a mid-life crisis.

No really, I hope you enjoy it Michael. There's a lot more a$$ with this boat so be careful.

Who are you and what have you done with Trep?
Bill - ROTFLMAO!!! I almost waited till I had the boat tomorrow to post, but gonna be too darn busy taking the kids for rides!!!

If tracker had still made or made more of the 17-18 ft aluminium boats with a dual console I might have just waited till next fall.

Yup Rich and I did the CIA thing LOL!!
Dang - The national spokesman for TinBoats is a Glass Boat owner.

Bill, don't you mean a lot more Ba$$'s with this boat, or do you mean Trep will get more a$$ with this boat? LMAO :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And to think I sent you Iron City in an aluminum bottle...:angry:

Just make sure you strap yourself in, otherwise your skinny butt will be flappin behind that boat like a windsock!;)

Congrats on the new rig!:cool:

Rich D
Aw Trep, I would have worked something out with you :(

Probably even could have gotten you the 2nd console added
Chris - At least its still a NITRO not a Ranger!!! LOL
Trep, I too was in search of a PT185 with a Dual Console and 90 Merc, it took me a couple months to find.....but I ended up finding one on ebay and buying it. had to drive from MN to TN to get it but it was definitely worth it.

What will happen next? TEE going to the dark side?

Come on TEE your next

Way to go Michael!! That's a sweet rig you're getting! Good luck with the new toy!!:D
Thanks Dan - One of the only reason's I went Glass is I know the seller, know the boat and have driven it!!

I'll take pics tomorrow!!
You all know whats going to happen next dont you?????

Trep will actually start catching fish too...... LOL:D

Congrats Trep

BTW you will never go back to tin.
Happy B-day Bro!!!! go with the 750 that 6 inchs is the world of differnce...

glass cracks :)

Too late X he already bought it.

BTW tin cracks too.
X - Its a used boat and I am picking it up in the AM.

Guys - Its a boat is a boat is a boat! Everyone has needs/requirements for different boats. I know i'll miss my Tracker (of course for a period till someone buys it I have TWO boats!!!) and will have to figure out the baitwell issue for Crappie (thinking a biat bucket/insert into the divided livewell in the 700.

Hey maybe if I don't realy TRY to sell the Tracker, since i have garage space for both... I could fish the tracker for Rivers, creeks, Crappie... and the Nitro for bigger lakes, longer runs, cold weather! :eek: Don't think the wife would go for that though!!

Here is a picture from Rich's library of the boat

Shoot, I'm probably going to have to tie him down, for the trip to Canada. Just remember, we're fishing from Tin Rig's in Canada in only NINE (9) days!

The boat looks sharp. Congratulations to both of you! Now he won't be bugging me about my the weight of my Stratos every other day!


the boat looks sweet... :) :)

Sorry Jim B could not resist .. he he he he :)

My friend has the 640 with a 90 and he loves it.. So I am sure you will too..
Tex - I honestly was thinking about that having run in other boats at the speeds that this 700 will run. But gotta sell the Tracker first before buying more stuff for the new boats.

All ready have a list of "upgrades!"

- Boarding Ladder

- Column Mounted Trim

- Fish Heads or some kind of face mask (2 one for me and one for Eli/passenger).

- Anchor of some sort

- butt seat w/hydralic post

and the list will go on!!!
Haven't driven it this year fatrap, so can't answer that!!! YET!!

Just remember coming up to the dock a glass boat just wants to keep going. When I made the switch from tin to glass first thing I did was crash the dock(well padded thankfully) because the glass didn't loose momentum as fast as the tin rig did.

I had a 1994 170DC Rick Clunn Edition which there are pictures in my library. The upgrade I made that enhanced cosmetic appeal the most was adding a set of chrome wheels, it made a huge difference. Enjoy your boat and remember that concrete and glass do not mix.;)
Ahh Bassinboy you reminded me of one of the other things I want to add early, 'cause I don't think rich put one one... KeelShield!!
I knew if it ever came to this, it would be shocking for everyone!! As Tex mentioned above i've been pestering him for a year to weigh his Stratos DC so I could know if my van would be able to reasonably and safely handle and 18ft DC or Fish and Ski.

Deep inside all tin owners lies the secret desire to own glass.

The glass advenger.
"King Tin" finally gave in......now I am really offended you passed on the Banana Boat.

Congrats and happy birthday!

I had that same boat back in 1999, you'll love it.. Welcome FINALY to the DARK SIDE!
Trep in GLASS!!!!!!!:blink:

I quit this stinkin site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Congrats Trepper!!
Congrats on the new boat Trep...

I was really impressed with the layout of Rich's boat after seeing it at the rally.

You hear so much about dual consoles taking up too much space,but after climbing aboard it and walking around,it seems to have plenty of room for a boat of it's size.Duals are definately at the top of my option list.

It should be a great boat for what you will use it for.Congrats.

:DPlus....I've heard that sucker will boogie.:D

Ps..........TRAITOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

Congrats... But, as I said in another post... you lose the crown....
I've lost all faith in humanity.....:blink:

This is like learning that John Wayne couldn't ride a horse....

like learning that Anglina Jolie is really Pee Wee Herman....

like finding out that Corvettes have Kia engines....

Elvis was lip lip-synching and Hendrix was only playing air guitar.

.....I'm going to go eat a worm.:(


Way to go Trep!

I was a little hesitant to come down and go fishing with you in that TIN boat you used to own, but now THIS is the kind of boat I'm used to. So............I may show up for a ride sometime now! LOL


Man - I didn't think the world would come to an end after this one! I LOVE you guys!!! and gals!!!

12 hours till I meet Rich and take possesion of the Leaders Ride, do I at least get credit from my Tin Brothers and sisters for keeping Rich's Nitro in the "Family"??:wub:
30 Mins till I head to Rich's!! gotta get the plate off my tracker trailer, grab a camera, put the trailer ball on the van and WOO HOO!!!
Happy Birthday Trep! The dark side is more appropriate for the fact that you are now 40! I'm 42 so I'm already there.

Next gift will have to be a tow vehicle for you glass boat. ;)

I'm crushed.:wacko:

I'm aghast.:eek:

I feel betrayed. :angry:

Paladin's influence stretches to even this far corner of the universe.:(

You, oh Trepper, are NOT my father. :p

(Congratulations...I guess.) :D
Paul - Thanks, but no thanks on a new tow vehicle! The van is rated to 3500lbs, this Nitro loaded with gas/gear can weigh no more then 2500lbs, and barely knew it was back there on Sat!!

MO - The sparkles were too strong, and Rich is VERY convincing!!! LOL

I partialy wish there were more 18 ft DC Trackres out there at a reasonable price. But oh well, who knows what comes next down the line!! Hey I'm still in the Tracker Marine group!!
MO - The sparkles were too strong, and Rich is VERY convincing!!! LOL

Yeah, right. Conversation went something like this:

[Rich] "Hey, Trep, I'm looking at another boat. If I buy it, think you might be interested in mine? Probably can give it to you for $X.

[Trep] "I can have it out of your driveway tonight and you'll have space for your new boat."

[Rich] "Uhhh, I need some time to close the deal on the new boat and get my gear out of the Nitro.

[Trep] "If I leave know, I can beat rush hour traffic and be at your place in 45 minutes. "

[Rich] "Hang on. I don't even know if they'll accept my offer."

[Trep] "Hmm, what accessories do I want to add?"

[Rich] "Trep, if my offer on the new boat isn't accepted, I don't want to be without a boat."

[Trep] "The Nitro doesn't have a boarding ladder or bimini, does it?"

And so on...


Michael, Michael....

If I would've known you were looking for an 18 foot dual console aluminum Tracker, I would have offered to sell you mine!! Just think, 150 powerful horses pushing a light hull with more gadgets than you could shake a stick at.

I am so disappointed that you were so easily lured over. What hope is there for the rest of us?

Oh...yeah...I forgot. We still have TEE. :D

Rich - MAN you HAD to get into the Facts didn't you!!!

You left out the following:

[Trep] "If I leave know, I can beat rush hour traffic and be at your place in 45 minutes. "

[Rich] "If the deal on the Sprint falls through then the Nitro stays here for now, Jeanne has to have something to fish out of"

[Trep] "Rich, you've got a 22ft pontoon and 2 jet skis!! Tell Jeanne you'll motor her around on the Jet Ski while she casts, and you'll be her net man!! IF I come out today, and the boat is in the shape it was last April, i'll have a hard time leaving without her!!

MO - I'll tell ya honestly, if Bruce's boat with the 115 Opti had a dual console and was well under 10k I might have looked at it.

FWIW - I got rid of my last Nitro (7 of mine in the last decade, plus numerous drivers) several weeks ago and have been fishing out of a Targa 18/150 EFI since then. I bought the Targa new and gave it to my B-I-L who put a whole 14 hrs. on it before letting it sit in our storage for over 2 yrs. (As well as doing absolutely ZERO preventative and normal maintenance! LOL!) It's just what I needed for now with a 5 yr. old and a 10 month old baby. The wife is terrified of anything that goes over 30 mph. (the Targa will hit high 50's on a good day), and my little boys love to be on the water, but the bass boat layout puts them too close to the edge too often for comfort. It's been working out great for a full time Dad, but I'm looking for a slightly used 22'-25' center console to drag back and forth to a place we have in Sandestin, FL. (I need to get back in the salt air if anyone comes accross something decent with two Merc screws!) So with Michael converting to the world of sparkles, for now I'll try my best to fill the ranks with my little "tin" rig. LOL!!
Dan - I thought you were going to say "Michael, if you had waited a week I would have offered you the Targa at $5000 cash!!!" LOL

That is a NICE boat Dan, we've talked about it before. You'll be high and dry on Lanier with the kids. You know thats why I bought the Pro Crappie 5.5 years ago, when Eli was born and Noah was 2.5. Now with Eli almost 6, and he LOVES being a Big Kid on the rear deck (life jackets on all the time) we're all set!

Oh my god....it's TRUE. :eek:

I had heard the rumor but I didn't believe it.

Mac, Tox and Carlos are all switching to TIN after hearing this....they truly believe that is the only way to go.
Don't taunt the valiant tin forces with your petty chides and chuckles...

It WILL come back to haunt you...when gas hits $4.00 a gallon and you've got a 200 strapped to the back of those heavy rigs.

(One glass boat sold, TWO glass boats sold, THREE glass boats sold! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!)
Not a chance MO,......even at $4.00 a gallon,....it's still cheaper than a kidney transplant!!!:wacko:
Happy B-Day Trepper....Many more to come :)