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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
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Origins: On 10 May 2007, 16-year-old Chicago honor student Blair Holt was riding a bus to school when another teenager began firing a handgun in a gang-related attack. When Holt moved to shield a girl on the bus from the spray of bullets, he was himself hit in the abdomen and died. At Blair Holt's funeral, Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois (representing the state's First Congressional district) promised to honor Holt's memory by introducing a strong gun tracking bill in Congress. One month later, Rep. Rush introduced Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act to Congress, but it was referred to a subcommittee and languished there without ever having been voted upon. On 6 January 2009, Rush introduced essentially the same bill to Congress again as Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (H.R. 45).



No offense meant, but please consider deleting your original or modify it to delete the content before every law abiding citizen gets on the phone to their Senator and makes a fool out of themselves.

Check Snopes - this is an OLD one. Totally false.

Although I greatly appreciate you trying to look out for your fellow firearm's owners, stuff like this does not do anything to further our cause. It simply makes us look misinformed to the people we do not want to give that impression to.

All the best,

First time I saw it, I dang near had an aneurism. :lol: I've learned since then - I don't post "rumors" until I check them out on several sites - like Snopes and others.

The struggle for our 2nd ammendment rights will always be ongoing - and I have a good feeling (like most others do) that it is going to get much worse in coming years. Keep your eyes and ears open, and be smart about the fight. No use giving the anti's "ammo" in any way, shape, or form.

All the best,

At least the present 'situation' with possible gun control has created the best sales in history for us {Bushmaster}. Our sales orders are out of control. We are about a year behind in orders currently.

Lamar in Maine
Academy seems to have tons of them in stock Lamar. Every time I go in there, there is a good selection of Bushmaster's in the racks. I've been tempted a time or two to get one, but I always talk myself out of it. Nothing against them, or owning one, but I just don't see myself getting much practical use out of it. I'd prefer a scoped hunting rifle for my purposes.

But I do see other people buying them all the time. Then I see those same guns on gun selling / trading sites a few weeks later, and the buyer puts the "Buy it now before it is banned!" title on it... or my favorite one - "You can't find these anymore. Get it now before they are outlawed! Only $XXXX.XX " (insert rediculously insane price here - at least double the retail costs of one in the store).

Another sales title I've enjoyed lately - everything seems to be listed as "pre-ban"... even if it was manufactured yesterday. Well... duh. :lol: I guess the title is technically correct, but if we are going to go that far, shouldn't it be listed as "pre-the ban that doesn't exist yet"? :lol::lol::lol:

I love the way the Bushmasters look, but I just can't get myself to spend that kind of money on a rifle I won't shoot much.

Glad to hear business is good for Bushmaster though. I sincerely hope you guys have continued success after the "situation" dies down... but I have a feeling the market is going to be flooded with so many rifles and handguns purchased by people who will never shoot them, that there will be a large (inflated - trying to recoup costs) "used" market for them in a few years. I'd be willing to lay money on it right now that the titles of most ads will all start with "Never fired...." :D

All the best,

Hey Lamar,...Good to see you pop-in again!!....How's the smallie fishing in Maine this year? You were putting up some great numbers a couple years ago!! You must be very busy lately....haven't seen you around much!!

PS...I love Bushmaster's too...but, like Glenn,..I can't seem to pull the financial trigger at the moment...the kids college expenses damn near have me living in the bushes!!:eek::wacko:

Tight lines!!

have me living in the bushes

So... you don't "need" a Bushmaster... you "are" a bushmaster. :lol::lol::lol:

Kids college expenses... whoooo boy.... I'm saving up now. I'm estimating it's probably going to be about a bizzillion dollars per semester by the time my 5 year old gets there. :blink:

All the best,

Glenn's ridiculous how much college costs nowadays.....tell yours to live in CA. for 6mos and then he/she can go to any CA. State University for free.....even helping them with living expenses would probably be cheaper than paying tuition at home!!:blink:
Actually, I have some benefits from the military that I can pass on to my son. Since I have other re-imbursement for my personal college classes, I'm holding onto the military ones for my son.

Hey... how did we get so "off topic" so quickly? :lol:

All the best,


I think the "pre-ban" refers to a number of cosmetic details that were banned with the original (Clinton) "Assault Weapons Ban". These changes included, flash hiders, collapsable stocks, 20 round mags, attached pistol grips, and such. So a gun described as "pre-ban" just means it has those features as opposed to naked barrel, fixed stock, 10 round max, and no pistol grip. And this coming from a Californian, we can't buy any AR-15 here. I'd love to even see a Bushmaster in this state. Anyway hope that clears up the terminology for you!


Yeah, that had been explained to me a while back. That makes sense. However, I was referring to ads for items like a Remington 1100 12 gauge and similar items.

Saw another one that made me laugh today. Someone spent a buttload of money on building a custom AR-15. The list of custom items on the weapon was a page long. All the custom barrel work, custom trigger work, etc, etc, etc... It went on and on. Then at the very end, he notes that he has only fired 10 rounds though it, and that it was a "real tack driver". I had to laugh. I didn't even look at the asking price.

All the best,

The pre-ban references the ban imposed in the 90's. Some barrel restrictions, things TritonGlenn mentioned, and no bayonet mount. There is also available a "post-ban" model. My newest one is an OCR...optics ready sights on it. A flattop. I have mounted on top an Eotec holographic sight. A dream! I can now shoot with my tri-focal glasses. Can not use open sights at all.

Mac, the fishing is as good as ever up here, but working too much to fish near enough. Only get to go Sat and Sun if the weather permits.

TritonGlenn.....our custom shop can do whatever anyone can dream up...for a price. Perhaps you need to look at our .50 cal!!

I know I have been looking for some kind of firearm for some time now and every dealer near me has raised his price list at least 100% and should be ashamed of themselves.

Other than that I knew there was a reason I wanted Glenn back here on the site!?! He keeps me informed:)

Uncle Billy

You are a bad, bad, evil man.... :lol::lol::lol:

.50 cal huh? Beowolf or BMG? :cool:

All the best,

I haven't owned one of those yet. Hmmm.... :lol:

All the best,

At 35lbs. they should rename it BFG!

Hey Dan... maybe they should compromise and call it the BMFG! :lol:

Although it would be "fun" for a while, I couldn't justify buying something like that. My next rifle will probably be a .243 or .25-06. I was dead set on .243 for a while, but lately came across a post on another site asking about those two calibers. While the .243 had a very large following, more posted about the .25-06.

I need to stop buying others though. I just purchased a .30-30 single shot H&R the other day. I didn't "need" it, but at $150 (and it came with 40 rounds of factory Federal ammo), I just couldn't pass it up. The previous owner had recently replaced the stock and forearm with some new black synthetic versions, and added a scope base to it. The ammo, stock, forearm, scope base, and hammer extension was almost worth the price I paid for the entire gun. It's more than likely going to be a safe queen for a while, but I might throw a small scope on it for close range shooting. It will be hard to leave my Marlin .30-30 at home over this one though. I love that lever action.

Auto's are fun rifles, but I have a real love for bolt actions, crack barrels, and lever guns. I don't know... maybe I'm warped. I just have a preference.

All the best,


I noticed that Groma changed his original post, and added new info regarding the H.R. 45 bill instead. I'm not so sure why Groma decided to only post the first paragraph of the newer H.R. 45 report on Snopes, but if you go to the web page he posted about it (Snopes) and scroll down to the bottom, you will see the "rest of the story".

The bill has no co-sponsor, and will likely never even be brought before Congress.

So once again, I stand by my original post - Please don't call your Senator about this. You will only be bringing attention to something that is already in the process of dying. Let it die. Nothing wrong with keeping an eye on it - just don't do anything to elevate it's status.

All the best,


TritonGlenn ,

Yes it is true that this bill has little if any chance of passing and has no co-sponsors but it does exist. My original post stated that they could require one to submit to a mental and physical evaluation at their choosing and that part was false. However the rest of the bill and its content as I had postedwas true.

Not totally false as you stated in your post. In fact SNOPES.COM called it TRUE.

GO TO Snopes Home ,Politics ,guns,Blair Holt Bill

My sister sent me the original post on this bill and no I did not check Snopes to confirm it until your post. Sorry for any confusion.


I didn't mean to offend - I just try to be careful about how I fight the anti-gun politics, and I respectfully ask those who are law-abiding gun-owners to do the same. If they choose not to, then that is their perogative, and there is nothing I can do about it. But just as you posted to "contact your senator about this", I ask the opposite - "Do NOT contact your senator about this". What others choose to do it entirely up to them. But I did want to voice my opinion on the subject.

Snopes did not post your original posting as True - If you go to the link I posted originally - , you will see that your original post about SB 2099 is false. The (VERY OLD) premise for the scare is not false, just all other information regarding that Senate Bill being current and a threat to gun-owners. So if you want to look at it from that perspective - then yes - your information was True... almost 10 years ago.

Yes, the new HR 45 is a re-submittal. Yes, it is valid. No, it isn't nearly the threat that some are making it out to be. Keep an eye on it, but don't feed it. That is my recommendation. Do with it what you will. After all... it's a free country... (for now at least :lol: )

All the best,


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