Thanks Dan. In retrospect, I should have knocked him off the boat but I think I was in shock that he actually slapped me. I did say a few choice words. Luckily it was about 2:30 when he did it and weigh in was at 3pm. I was HOT! and he knew it. Said he just treated me like on of his fishing buddies. I highly doubt he would have done that to a guy cuz he would have gotten his ars kicked.
He was from NY and fishes Champlain alot. Was the only guy from the Weekend Series to make the Nationals or so he said. His name was George Young maybe. Not sure on the last name. He didn't place in the money so I felt God's revenge cuz he did have a good day 1. He is sponsored by St Croix and I thought about writing them and telling them what an a-hole they have representing them.
It wasn't me either. He got in a fight on the water with another guy over a spot. He did pull right up in front of the guy then went around him and back around. The guy finally started going off and they both yelled for awhile. After it was over, he asked me if he was in the wrong and I just said "Dude I don't know". He said "You have to have an f&^%ing opinion" so I told him I thought he was wrong. OMG, did I hear about it. He also told me he measures his fish with his *man part* and that's how he knows they are 12 inches at home. PPLLLEEEAAAAASSSEEEE!
I actually teared up when I got in the car from a horrible day. I rarely tear so I was pretty upset. I went to Applebees bar and drank for a bit before returning to the people I stayed with. I said when tournament fishing wasn't fun anymore, I would just go back to fishing for fun. They do have a women's series put together by the LBAA for next year so I might do that and forget about the guys series. Not sure.