Goin' to KY Lake tomorrow

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Greg J.

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Tomorrow we head to Ky Lake and will be fishing on Monday (73 degrees/partly cloudy forecast!). Staci, Teri, any others, we're staying at Moors resort, so any tips on hot spots around there we might checkout to maybe catch some good ones?


There's a longnarrow hump out in front of Jonathan's Creek...give 'er a try.
WW - do NOT listen to Neeley, he brought ZERO legal fish into the weighin last april. ME on the other hand, well there IS a REASON i'm King TIN!!!

As you can see this girl is probably MORE then the 5lb 13oz from last year. Here's a hint... inside edge of the 1st drop off in a cove about 30 feet from the bank, use a Rapala (or similar) non-jointed jerkbait, silver/black.

I will NEVER forget that fish... and thanks as always to Neeley for the map/locations, Steve R. for the area around the Gravel Pit and Al for the bait. MAN what a site!!!

P.S. That 175 is the PERFECT boat for that lake, even with a 2ft chop!!
Yeah TREP....WHO told you what to use, where to go, and how to catch 'em???

But he is right...caught a buttload pre-fishing, but got skunked on T-Day.
Now would be a good time for the web cam shot.....

" 'N I helpped!"

Have a great time, WW!


(Anyone else here besides me remember the old Shanke 'n Bake commercial?)
Lol, I remember that commercial. Showing my age.
Yup Neeley, I did learn a LOT from you that trip! Of course haven't figured out how to translate that to my home lake!!! LOL

Of course if you take me up on my offer to come on down one day, you can fix that!!
Hey waterwings...Just a reminder, stay in the channel when running, at winter pool you can go from 20ft. to 2 inches in seconds.....LA
We're back! (late yesterday). Had a great time and definitely needed the time away from work. The staff at Moors are friendly and make you feel welcome. Only caught 4 fish between the wife and I. She caught 1 bluegill, 1 small stripe while out on the water. The one and only fish I caught, a nice sized crappie, using a lip-less rattle-trap, was from the marina dock Monday night, and the wife caught a small bass from the same dock. Wish I would have got a pic of the crappie but the camera was back at the room. It started getting pretty windy Monday so we tied the boat up around 3pm and fished from the dock. I also donated my anchor to Ky Lake yesterday morning. Somehow the clip on the anchor line unsnapped and all I retrieved was the line and clip, lol. Wind was pushing us around pretty good after that so we loaded the boat around 1:30 and came home. Still had a good time though :) . I was also glad we paid for the covered slip for the two nights there. A great deal ($7.50 a night), and outlets to plug in the batteries to charge. Can't wait to go back!


yep, was tooling along in about 14' of water, started steering around some other boaters, looked at the depth finder and saw that I had ventured into 3' of water real quick, even though we were well away from the shoreline.
