Funny Story--Regarding this site

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Doug Patillo

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2001
Reaction score
For those of you who read this board often will remember the funny messages that were posted throughout the past couple of weeks regarding the price of gas and if it got under $1.00 we were going to be naked on my pontoon at Table Rock Lake.

Well, I discovered that this site is more popular than we thought. Apparently sometime or somewhere I mentioned that my boat was at Cape Fair Marina. When I was on my boat Saturday morning getting ready to go out...there was a group getting ready to go out on their Tracker pontoon (2 men and 4 women) when one of the guys hollared at me and asked if my name was Doug.

Unfortunately I answered YES. We talked for about an hour about this website...apparently they too read this site and asked the marina operator if he knew of anyone that worked at Tracker and he told them I did.

They loved the messages about the neekid pontoon tournament and I even had 3 0f the 4 women with them volunteering to go with Barb and Chris (my lovely wife who abandoned me for Barb's toon) eat your heart out!

So anyway, just wanted to let you all know that our nekkid tournament is more popular than we thought...I say we create a 3 person panel to see which women get to come onto the pontoon...Mac & Rich, are you up to helping me judge???

I think the popularity of this movement clearly shows a trend. Nekkid fishing has, and will continue to be a great tradition in this great country: Canada, especially in the province of Quebec, where poutine and pepsi is the meal of choice.

As a french Canadian and fishing enthusiat, I think you NEED to have a Canadian delegate in your judge selection, you know for Canadian content issues.

I would be more than happy to help you out, but keep in mind that one of the biggest criteria will be the renound........FRENCH KISS!

Rich people are talking about your site, but maybe not the way you would've thought!!

Actually I meant to say Mac and Rob...but since Rob's heart may not be able to handle being a judge, I think Pierre brings up some good points (especially the French Kissing) and I would be happy to have you as a judge...we'll make Rob an honorary judge.
Doug, you would have to ask Scott, looking at the pictures that he has posted with the catfish, the opportunity for inter-action with the opposite sex is at best, remote. LOL (Hell, the catfish were better looking then Scott)
I never made any claims 'bout bein' pretty!

HOWEVER, I am somewhat concerned that you find catfish attractive, Buzz.........

HEY! My ticker will be just FINE!!! As long as I get to pin the ribbons on the um well you know. And in those pictures, wasn't that a catfish holding Scott up? LOL OK I'll just sit quietly in the shadows. Maybe I'll get some sympathy from the contestants, since I haven't gotten any from my wife. She is still figuring out all the things I can get done around the house during my 2 month disability "break". She'll have me shoveling, and mending and cleaning, cracked chess be damned! Boy she thinks I'm a lot tougher than I really am.
Well Doug,

1. Is your life insurance paid up yet?

2. The women haven't seen what we will have to offer.....

3. Does your wife know about these women?

Scott, you still bringing the strawberries? Cass, you still in for 2 spots? And Chris, check your husbands insurance, especially the fine print about accidental accidents on pontoon boats!!!


PS Gas is $1.35 and falling in IL!!!
Scott: You can help us judge.

Barb: Yes my insurance is paid up. And since my wife frequently reads this board as well, I am sure it is only minutes before I hear from her regarding this. SHe did not go to the lake with me Saturday, but her brother did.

Gas here in Springfield is $1.13
I've got you folks on a technicality...gas prices here are $.60, well under $1....start sheddin'

Rob, what is it you have'nt got from your wife ?

Will you have to rate this site Rich ?

Doug, Doug, Doug.

When will you learn? You just don't mess with the women. Didn't your mother tell you this over and over and over again? And it probably went in one ear and out the other. Sorry Doug, hopefully if you took pictures of your weekend, they are hidden very well and you are on your way home to destroy them!! ROFLMAO!!

OK, women's toon trip is still on. Scott, strawberries? I think I got the bubbly handled, and the Chips. So come on ladies, who else is going to sign up? We need a full boat!!

Pierre, that price must be for a liter of gas. My sister was in Canada last weekend and said it was more expensive then here. What gives?


Chris, did you check the real small print, isn't there something like double indemnity for accidental pontoon accidents due to tripping over one's tongue and falling off the boat and hitting their head real hard on the rail before they fall into the water? I'm sure there has to be something like that. LOL!!
Barb, we just sugar coat things and disguise items to allow us guys to go on Pontoon trips! it's actually pretty clever.

Doug's wife: I think you've earned the right post under your own name...I have a feeling you'll be in here alot more from now on. Things were actually pretty tame until Doug showed up. OIt's actually strwberry picking time here right now...don't know about picking chocolate though!

I just want to re-evaluate this nekkid pontoon thing. Are we sure we want to do this ? It is better than being nekkid in a bassboat though, gravity seems to do weird things to the human body at 60+ MPH.

I guess I'll be headed to misouri soon!!


Doug,..fear not my friend,.....if you need a place to shack up for a while, call me. I live 40 mins from Canada,..we can hit the "Man shows" and then stop and yank a few toad smallies on the way....heck we can even go via boat!! We don't need no stinking pontoons either,...we'll fly over in my 901, meet Pierre and Wayne in Windsor at the "Ballet", and then go on a 4-5 day bender!!...Oh and by the way,..I'd love to be a judge, but i ain't french kissin' Pierre!!!

Holler if you need a place!!..LOL

Mac: That trip sounds like a lot of fun....I might just have to take you up on that offer. You can be a judge and I promise you won't have to kiss Pierre.
Chris,...on 2nd thought,...leave Doug home and you come on up for a while...I'd rather take you fishing anyway!! LOL

Pierre, no it's only the sympathy I'm not getting at home. The doctor (a man) very carefully 'splained to my wife that I am to adhere to my strict sexercise program daily. I am trying! LOL So maybe the pontoon trip will not be required. Scott, don't you even think 'bout givin' them gals with those stinkin' chip & dale cartoons any strawberries. That's ground for immediate DQ in next years rally! LOL I think this one is going to get out of hand again.


Oh and Doug, with a pontoon full of nekkid coeds.....and fishing at that(yeah right) who would ever need to go home anyway? Only in America...what a country!

Don't forget your 'ol buddy here on that outing!!!!
What????? Mac, I am very dissapointed with you...first you and Rob plan to push me off my own pontoon and now you are inviting my wife up to take my place on your fishing trip.

What's up with that??????
Sorry Doug,....what was I thinking!!...I really meant to say,..."Send your wife up here,...I'll take her fishing and yo the "Windsor Ballet!!"...infact our illustrious service mgr can even arrange his buddy with the Limo to pick us up!! He takes care of HIS State Team fishermen!

BTW,...Chris,....Clothing is illegal in Canada,..just an FYI!!! Limes anyone???

That's better Mac...I knew you state team members had some manners. The limo would be a nice touch...Chris likes Limos.

While she's up there with you Mac, it'll give me a little time to get ready for the Nekkid Pontoon Tournament with my new friends I met this past weekend. Boy oh Boy, they had some really nice bait too.
Rich: I know you monitor this site and censor if necessary...but is there any way at all to ban somebody from this site all my wife. I get myself in enough trouble by myself, and Barb, Rob, Scott & Mac are not helping my cause at all.
I've got your back buddy!!, can count on me!!..Don't forget to send Pix's....Chris any I will have a blast too!! 'Course pix's are frowned upon at the Ballet,..don't know why,...maybe the flash bother's them or something,...wink wink...ahahahahh...Hey Chris!!,..The limo's here!!!..SEE!!...Neeley takes care o'his crew!!

Hurry up Chris,...can't keep the gang waitin'!! LOL

Ahh heck lets not be divided on this, I am certain we can come up with something for everyone....Gee, I have an idea...How about tying two toons together. Then bring on the Chippendales, Rockets, coeds, significant others, wifes & spouses. Eat strawberries drink some bubbly then everyone one will be happy. What do you think?


P.S. (I already have my special T-shirt just for the occasion "Here Fishy Fishy")
Barb - I've already reserved a whole patch of strawberries! And, just in case the Chippies can't make it..... I'm workin' on my tan!


Doug...Great progress on the 1st annual Nitro/Tracker Steakers Club Tournament and Cookout! I've been away since the 30th of June and I see the momentum and excitement have continued to build. Every time I filled up with fuel the price per gallon kept dropping. The lowest price at the pump so far was in Rogers Arkansas @ 115.9 on 8 July. I assume it's close to that in Mr. Morris' town. Anyway, If this thing gets really big we should reserve Big Cedar or Chateau on the Lake for the official lodging site and State Park Marina as the official luanch site. What do you think?

By the way, I spent 8 days on Beaver Lake in my Targa 18. I covered the entire length of the lake from the White river to the dam at Eureka Springs. Used close to 70 gallon of fuel. I drove alot. The '97 Targa performed flawlessly! And believe me, there was some big rollers with all the big boats out for the 4th. I'll keep up on the board now that I'm back.


Gary Cooke
Barb & Chris -

Somebody needs to invite Jenny Corley to join us on our pontoon!

Jenny has been SO KIND to any of us who needed help......... Heck, I'll even put on a tux and personally serve her champagne (or Diet Dr. Pepper - her choice!) and chocolate covered strawberries!


(And..... We WON'T tell Ken Burroughs where she's gone for the weekend!)
See guys, Scott's gonna get his scrawny little butt on that toon one way or another. Even if he has to go on as labor! LOL Actually, he's a little sharper than I thought. Sneaky little guy aint he? Next thing you know, he'll be offering massages for the nude ladies. No alterior motives at all right Scott? Yeah and you should see that "turty figh pound loonker" I caught too! I don't know Mac, I'm not as worried about Doug movin' in on our turf as I am Scott. Look at that pic, he's even PRACTICING for cryin out loud. "NO PREFISHING ALLOWED" Scott, so but your worm back in your tackle box!

You can invite anyone woman who frequents this board. Cass had a good idea about tying the toons together and making one big party. I'm sure we won't confuse the Chipendales with Doug, Rob, and Mac!! LOL

Ask away Scott, just let us know how many. May have to throw a few guys off Dougs toon to fit all us women.

Ouch, man when you zing one out there Barb, you really shoot low.
Barb -

I'm not so sure Jenny would accept an invitation from me........ I've put her in some pretty difficult situations..............

But she just might accept one from you or Chris OR even Doug!


I shot low so not to hurt your heart!! LOL Just consider it a cardiac shock to keep you ticking!!!

Scott, does Jenny read this board?

Jenny, you are more than welcomed on the woman's toon. Hope to hear from you soon.
I don't know, Barb....... I've faxed her copies of posts on occasion....... But I don't know if she reads the board. (Or the copies of the posts I fax, for that matter!)........ HOWEVER, if Doug were to print a copy and put it on her desk......... (Get the hint, Doug?!!?)

I don't know about that Scott...the last time I put a piece of paper on a co-workers desk was a cotastrophy for me.

I worked for a credit card company (First USA) here in Springfield and I thought I was being pretty clever:

Roses $35.00

Massage Oils: $5.00

Condom $0.75

One night alone with you......Priceless!

Need I say more???? And that brings me to this job...and I really want to keep it for awhile!

Barb: I hate to admit this, but you are right...if we hook the 2 toons together, it shouldn't be a problem. Come to think of it, I've never been mistaken for a Chipndale.
