first day of practice

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
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first day of 2-a-days...

wow oh wow oh wow

ok well first of all...all the seniors spend the night at the coaches house and then go to practice

well that was cool..we watch some game film and he gave us one of those man to man talks about the season and what he expected out of us...

well the first part of practice was good...until the running part

we ran 6 60's then 5 20 yard shuttles and then a couple of 40s...

Then we had the 45 minute break...i got coach told me to run home (i don't live to far from the field) and change (I was a little that he wouldn't have me practice the second half because i was so sick...

I'm a little discouraged because i didnt finish the first practice...i'm ready for tomorrow in a way. But then again the running part....I'll make sure to drink plenty of fluids...


Drink water. Then drink more water. After that, drink more water.

Take care of yourself, and don't push too hard.

Do they give you enough water/water breaks?

Conditioning sucks. My varsity baseball team just started doing our workouts for this next season yesterday afternoon. Sometimes I get the feeling my coach is out of his mind, he's got us running sprints and timing our miles in 115 degree heat. I've been drinking as much water as I can all day to prepare for the practice at 4:00. The scary part is that the season only starts in 7 months!

You'll get used to it BJ. After a few weeks you'll be able to do all that running with ease. Just takes some getting used to. Josh
That's what happens when you out of shape, Oh how I remember those days.

BJ, if you stick with it your stamina will improve and those sprints wont bother you. You are pushing your body to the limit and its not use to that. You will adjust and be just fine.

Just make sure you are in good shape before the first game, wouldn't want you to puke in huddle or even worse in the middle of the field with a whole crowd watching.

Don't drink too much water or you will have cramps that will put you on the sideline again. Also, load up on your salt intake and you'll reduce your chances of getting muscle aches or muscle cramps. One thing I learned about getting ready for 2 a days was to start running several miles a day at least 2 months prior to the first practice. You can easily tell from the first practice who did their conditioning prior to camp or first practice. When you get tired lock your hands around your head and spread your arms out it will help open up your airway passages. (Do not bend over at the waist) Good luck on day 2
We used to take salt tablets too. I don't think they do that anymore. Potassium will help to keep you from cramping up (its the stuff in bannanas).

Eat fruits and hydrate yourself before practice and drink in moderation during practice.

Easy on the potassium.

Too much is bad, too.

Landed me in the hospital a couple of years ago trying to avoid salt by using the substitute - potassium chloride. I blacked out twice trying to grocery shop. Took a ride in an ambulance for the first time in my life.
Me, I think you are reading to much into this. I said eat fruit and hydrate, I didn't mean go out and take potassium in a pill form.

If you are burning it up by exerting yourself than the potassium is just a replacement. Walking around peering at the fruits and veggies is hardly enough to burn off an over intake of anything. LOL

Now go back to work,

LOL!! It was kinda funny, Wolf.....

I had been in the hospital for pneumonia. The doctor told me I HAD to cut down on my salt intake..... I decided my old "if it ain't microwavable, I don't eat it" diet was going to change..... So I stopped on the way home and got some salt substitute (potassium cloride) and some bananas and some other fruits and vegetables..... I had to put LOTS of substitute on everything to taste it..... about a week later, I'm in the grocery store in the meat section. I had been feeling a bit weak all day...... and all of a sudden I remember thinking "uh-oh"..... Next thing I remember is a lady standing over me trying to help me up.....

The paramedics showed up and the police..... I insisted I didn't need to go to the hospital..... The paramedics left and the cop said he'd hang around and follow me home to make sure I got there.....

I made it to the check-out line..... I see the cop standing at the service counter watching..... and all of a sudden..... "uh-oh"..........

When I came to, the paramedics were back. I barely remember the ride to the hospital. The doctors took blood samples and said I had potassium poisoning. Fed me lots of chalky liquid and pumped something else into my veins. Kept me over night and sent me home the next morning.....

It was ages before I went back to THAT grocery store!

I'm back to Totino's Frozen Pizza!

I feel great!

AHHHH Yes the famous Totino's Diet. Made me the man I am today.

BJ, buddy I feel your pain. I don't know if you're interested or not but I have a friend who sells Advocare sports nutritional drinks and additives. His son plays for Putman City North and most of the guys are taking a product he sell called TOS2. He tells me that almost all of the OU players are using it as well. I talked to him about you and he said he would be happy to talk to your mom or dad. He won't sell directly to the kid. If your interested e me and I'll give you his phone number.

Andy is in two a days now too....for marching band. Not as easy as it sounds. His arms are about to fall off from holding his horn up all day. He goes from 7am to 3pm then back at 6pm to 9 pm. He's dying.


I know what Andy is thinkging...i used to be in the band...trombone...actually i didnt really play..just held it

We didn't do any marching but I know what he's thinking.

Also-yes they let us take our helmets off a lot and get lots to drink.

I was also a little apprehensive...i haven't played in a while. I'm so ready for the first game.

I did find out today how bad out of shape i'm in...VERY BAD.

do you think it would be good to get out and jog a little tongiht or should i just rest?
I would rest. It's too late to get in shape tonight. Get up a little earlier in the morning and eat. Most football players like to eat pancakes for breakfast because they load you up with carbs, they stay with you, and they don't taste bad coming back up.

Sounds good Harpo...

I wasn't meaning getting in shape tho...just trying to get used to the running part.


Coach just called to see how i was feeling. He said that if i didn't feel good tomorrow i didnt have to practice. i could just watch..NO WAY....i'm going to practice tomorrow

That's a test. You better be there with the KILLER look on your face.

Big bowls of pasta the night before as well as some red meat (gotta have the protein, but not too much). Hydrate till u pee clear in the morning, energy bar about an hour before practice then go kick some A$$...!!!! I used to love this time of year...!!!
Try runnin laps carrying the old canvas type tackeling dummies. That's what happens when you put Icy Hot in the Freshmen's jocks.....They ever make you do and exercise called "Cross Pollination" where you have 3 guys in full pads in a line? Guys 2 and 3 get in a pushup position with guy 1 standing. Player 1 rolls tword #2 who does a push up high enough for player 1 to roll underneath, player 3 rolls and player 1 does a pushup high enough for player 3 to go underneath all the while you have a new #1 from a line of players. All it takes is for one guy to mess up and ....well......cross pollination occurs!!LOL

We were State Champs 2 years I was in HS and I had a chance to walk-on at Nebraska. I was invited to a scrimmage and when I suited up (I was 6', 275) and I was not as big as the running backs, I knew I was in trouble. That was in Nebraska's "power" days. I went home and told my parents to get out the checkbook 'cause there wasn't going to be a free ride in my future!!LOL!!

The Huskers have cheerleaders bigger than 6'/ 275. ;>))

Well I got up this morning to 30+ winds, rain, and thunderstorms. I drove to practice. Its been moved to 2:45 today weather permitting. I'll be back out there this afternoon.

Its about 7:40 right now, i'm eating a bowl of cream of wheat, is that ok?

Yeah, that'll taste okay coming back up. :>))

It is a nasty morning. Didn't get much sleep with all the thunder plus Nick the Wonder Dog barking at the thunder. Andy is a band practice. They can practice indoors until the storms blow over.

You know...i've alwasy grabbed food for the way it i'm looking at food thinking "how is that going to taste in a little while at pracice"

Puke is just weakness leaving the body(LOL)...Keep at it, it will get better.
