Doesn't pay to be a hot head!

  • Thread starter Tommy Hayes [URL]
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Good thing it wasn't Mini's chit,....the dude would be swimmin' with the fishy's now!! :blink:
I'm not at all sure what the 'rules' are specifically on this, but I trust the overall judgement of Trip Weldon. He's been there for a very long time, and is highly respected by fans, anglers and the community.

If the area is only as big as a semi/trailer, then having two boats there would be a problem.

Happens all the time, problem is when there are Marshall's in the boat now there are "eyes". Those Marshall's are being fed information from the angler in the boat. The Marshall's become biased to the Pro they are in the boat with because they have heard stories, allegations, words, etc all day from that Pro.

Now with that said, Day one Boyd was mad because he felt he was infringed upon. So I am sure Boyd's Marshall heard an earful. The Marshall on Langill's boat probably didnt hear as much because Langill was trying to fish....

Second Day....dont know how the whole thing went down, but it seems like Langill came in a little hot and shut it down a little late to send a message. Happens all the time at that level. Things got heated, Boyd's boat drifted into Langill's.....Boyd is a good talker and says the things that you should say. He is one hell of a business man that can see past the issue to make sure he says the proper things.

I am sorry but I am siding with Langill on this. I think he got railroaded by Boyd and a couple of Marshall's that were filled with info all day on what to say and how to say it. Boyd knew they would be interviewed. Boyd knew they had to say the right things. He aint stupid.....

People fish next to each other all the time. How they found it doesnt one owns the water. I know we kid about it alot....but if Boyd SHOWED him the water he would have rights. Langill found it, Boyd knew about it but didnt go there in practice. How does he know that Langill didnt find it on his won as he claimed? Langill's Marshalls's said he did nothing wrong in the BassFan interview...obviously Boyd's Marshall's said the right things.
Shaddup Neeley:lol: I was a Marshal at Smith Mountain and let me tell you this, there isn't a lot of conversation between the anglers and the Marshal's. I don't agree with you 100% Mini. After participating and going to the meeting, you have no doubt what your role is. First and foremost, you are a tournament official and you are the eyes and ears for BASS. They hand another set of rules out (you've already gotten them twice already) at the meeting and Charlie asks you to go over them one-more time. Granted most Marshals might have a problem turning in a Reese or VanDam on their own initiative but in this case they have to tell Trip what they saw plain and simple. Trip interviewed all of the Marshals involved BEFORE the DQ decision. Yes, there are some starry-eyed hero worshipers in the Marshal ranks but most are not (wait for my next article) and would do what is right no matter who they are partnered with. As a matter of fact, Wolak purposely showed me every fish he hooked off a bed to verify it was mouth hooked. Zell did the same.

of course they would show you. you are the judge on the water. EVERY bass caught off a bed has to be hooked in the mouth, so they have to show the Marshall every bass. If they didnt and Trip interviewed you and asked "Did you see that every fish was hooked in the mouth?" AND they didnt show you, you would have to answer "No" and the angler would come into question.......

thats why I said that Boyd filled his "judge" with the knowledge of what it would take to get Langill DQ'd.

Langill's Marshall's didnt have a problem with what Langill did. Only Boyd's and other anglers that were "near". So if Boyd had two Marshall's that were up in arms (after Boyd coached em) and Langill had two Marshall's that didnt see anything in the world did Langill get DQ'd?

Agree Mini...maybe if they DQ'd both there wouldn't be any question.
I agree Langill seems to have been railroaded.. Since Duckett is a classic champion he has to have some pull with BASS officials.. He also could have threatened to pull his participation after this year unless they did something about Langill's supposed encroachment.. I read both the articles on bass and bassfan and am still wondering what action it was that actually got him DQ'ed?

What got him DQ'd? Probably (or at least "possibly") P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S! Everybody that is anybody and everybody who has ever been around at least one BASS tournament has had some exposure to the the "pecking order". I've had my own exposure and have some opinions of my own about the "officials". At the heart of it all is my opinion that after ESPN's acquisition, you are more likely to find honesty and integrity at the Bunny Ranch, where the players admit to their profession. The "officials" cash a paycheck. Their integrity is influenced by the signatory.
Just one quote that Boyd said made me think enough about what his intentions were.

Something about he doesnt think he is "big" enough to get someone DQ'd.....well that is almost admitting to the pecking order....

Good audio blog from Boyd. If what he says is true, then I think it was warrented. BUT how in th eworld (if that all happened) does a Marshall(s) say that Langill did nothing wrong?

Give a listen, it was enough to almost change my mind.
I dont know who is right or wrong in this situtation but is seems to me Langill brought this on himself. Not for trying to share a spot, that happens all the time. It was his actions about being protested that lead to his DQ.

What he did on sunday that i just read about in Bassfan leads me to beleive hes is a real hothead and thats what got did him in.
I'm not at all sure what the 'rules' are specifically on this, but I trust the overall judgement of Trip Weldon. He's been there for a very long time, and is highly respected by fans, anglers and the community.

Sorry Tex, but I have to disagree with you after experiencing more than six seasons of BASS tournies, enduring my last few with Weldon as the TD. He may have been around for a long time, but he's not in the least close to what a tourney director should be at that level. I've witnessed firsthand, amongst other touring anglers, numerous of his boneheaded decisions based on absolutely nothing but Weldon's opinion and/or whom he calls friend. Facts have had little to do with many of the ridiculous decisions he's made and is widely known for by many pros. Dewey Kendrick and Harold Sharp were REAL tournament directors for BASS whose decisions were informed, forthright and respected. Weldon is a P.R. pimp for BASS/ESPN and keeps that first and foremost as job security in all his decision making. He can claim responsibility for a number of name changes from the BASS T roster to FLW's due to his inability to perform his functions responsibly as a TD. Right or wrong rarely comes into play with him, just what's best for the public perception of BASS/ESPN. It's just my opinion, but thought it worth stating as I have no dog in this immediate fight, just experience with the "groomer". :unsure:

Basically, I wouldn't trust his decision making half the distance I could throw him, but I'd be willing to try!! :D:wacko::p:rolleyes::lol:
Thanks Dan for the input and feedback. With you, I know the source much better than some of the other info that we get.


I guess with a lawsuit in the works and everybody "lawyered up" the odds of hearing all of the story are better and then ruled on by an impartial Judge? He is now banned for the rest of the season which will only add fuel to the fire. Like Mini said, I just don't understand how the Marshals could contradict each other. That needs to be looked into.

my prediction,.......BASS/ESPN will change yet AGAIN next year and chit can the marshall concept and go back to pairing Pro's with Pro's!!
He can 'lawyer up' all he wants. It's a private organization, and when he signed up to fish the Elite Series, he agreed to abide by the rules and part of those rules state that you will have the opportunity to have your suspension/disqualification reviewed.

He's done, and he knows it. His actions (both during and after he was DQ'd) reminds me of what a wise old Indian :rolleyes: said:

'Stupid is what stupid does.' :wacko:


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