Digital Camera Part 2

  • Thread starter Jim B [IMG]
  • Start date
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
Reaction score
I want to say thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions on a new digital camera. I decided i didnt need the 4 megapixel after reading some of your advice 3 meg is going to do everything i need. the best part is i saved a good chunk of cash in the process. After doing some more research i decided to get a Canon a70 3.2 megapixel. From what i have read it takes a better picture then the two 3meg cameras i was looking at and has more features and more manual controls should i ever need to use them. The best part is it was $100 less the the canon s230 and olympus stylus 300 and $200 less then the 4meg versions of those cameras, and the size is almost as compact so i can take it anywhere. I used it today while on the water and it takes a nice picture, i have on in my library of a smallie i got today and also tried the stich mode that lets me make panoramics its a pretty cool feature. check this panoramic pict out that i made. this is of a section of winnisquam in NH. it was cloudy today and on and off rain so the pict isnt as good as it could be.
Congrats on the digital camera. Nice smallie too!

Bob G.