What Digital Camera - Toxic ?

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Toxic, what digital camera was it that you had when we fished together? It looked small enough for me to take on the boat. If I even get on the darn boat again.

Anyone else, what would you recommend for a fairly inexpensive, small and light digital camera for taking on the boat or anywhere else you may want to snap a few pictures.

It's not going to be used for 8 x 10's so megapixels shouldn't matter that much.

Thanks, Bill
check with ritz camera, i just got two on close out one is 5 mega pix and the other is 2 megapix, 200 bucks for the 5 69 for the 2, both are just a tad smalller than a pack of cigarettes and very light. i cant remember the brand but it was a major one

I stood in line in freezing weather for an hour right before Christmas at Sears to get a cheap Digitrex digital for $59:D I just upgraded to a 125 Meg card and it works great so far:rolleyes:
Bill -

Same for me as Chris. Kodak EasyShare CX6330. (Had it in the car so I just got the model #.) Got it from WallyWorld - I seem to remember that it was about $149 - maybe slightly different models. I also have an additional memory card. This thing has more setting on it than I'll ever use - but the alternative was a camera that didn't have enough. I've had itr for right at a year now (bought it for last year's rally) and couldn't be more satisfied! Any pictures that you've seen me post in the last year were taken with this camera.

nikon cool pics 3200. all ht efetures of the big boys (less the pixles). 3.5 meg pix, all the foto modes and assists you can think of. operates on 2 AA bateries. 150.00. was over 200.00 when i bought mine last summer.

Tee - Which Digitrex? We have 3, each kids has 2 megapixel, and i've got the 3 megapixel for the boat.

For the moswt part Bill, if its for outdoor and basic indoor use, a 2-3 megapixel is perfect. I'd say $57-100 is a good price for a decent one.

We have 6 digital cameras at the moment, and i'm starting to look at the DVD camcorders!! I'll be like TEE the day after Thanksgiving standing in line at Best Buy for a $300 one!!
I just use my DVD Camcorder. It has a still feature with a 256 meg chip. I can down load to my puter or pull the card and take it to WallyWorld for prints. Also can capture a frame with the puter and print it as a still.

I think it's 3 ...it takes decent pic's. I'll take a few this weekend and post and let ya' judge:)

Later guys....I gotta' set the water on fire!:lol:
Any of the Olympus D-series or if you want more of a pro model the C-series.

I do like Nikons too.. I have a Olympus C-5060 which I love, and for a pocket camrea I have a small nikon.. I would recommend at least 3.2 MegaPixels, U never know when you are going to get that fish of a life time and you will want to make a 8 by 10.


It is an Oregon Scientific. In hindsight it is OK but for better quality pics you might have to go to a little larger size.

I sold Carlos one Oregon Scientific..It Is ok Worlds smallest digital...I have A Nikon,Kodak,and a cannon..I prefer the cannon over them all...It's easy to use and takes one heck of a picture.....JR I also have a cannon 35 mm and a Minolta 35mm and a jvc digital movie camera...Camera poor Bill..HA HA
Like JR, I have Canon 35mm cameras. IMHO, they make the best cameras anywhere. Kinda like Ranger boats:D. Quality workmanship, super CS, and world-wide availability. For under $800.00, I'd get the digital Rebel. Small but comfortable to use, and I can use all my Canon lenses. Outstanding little camers.

Kathy, Kathy, Kathy...:) Do you really think I'd take an $800.00 camera out in my boat? :)

I too use and like Canon SLR's and fight with my brother all the time who is a Nikon fan. BUT, I am not spending that for a "wear around the neck without discomfort" camera.

I just stopped out Circuit City and bought a Aiptek camera that is about as big as my thumb.

I've got a three day trial so I'll see how well it does for what I want it for.

"Do you really think I'd take an $800.00 camera out in my boat?"

I do, all the time...


I take our Cannon ELPH out on the boat all the time. Of course I'm a nervous wreck the whole time too. I can just see $500 sinking to the bottom. :wacko: The other things is; you never catch the really big fish when you have a camera on board.

NOT ME CRAIG:) Glad to see you posting.. Anyway, I am not very satisfied with this little camera though it is very convenient. I might take it back tomorrow. It's only 1.3 megapixels but for snapshots I thougt that would be ok. It may be ok for fishing trips, etc.. It cost all of $68.00..


I don't know Tox... That darn white muzzle doesn't fit me at all..I need some "Just for Chocolates" I guess :rolleyes:

I have a canon a series digital that i use on my boat all the time. mine is a 3.2 megapixel. The quality is great and its super easy to use but still has every manual mode you can think of. When i got mine i did a lot of research and canon has some of the best optics you can get, a very important thing.
I use a Fuji FinePix 2800, 6x Zoom, with 2.0 megapixels, and built-in flash. Small, comvenient, and came with a USB cord to download pics to the computer. Most of the pics in my library (except the recent ones at the marina) were taken with the Fuji digital.
Well I took that little camera back. I just didn't like it. Nancy and I went out today looking around and ended up at Ritz Camera. I picked up a 4.0 megapixel Casio that's really little yet takes great shots. I think I'm going to like it when I figure out how to use all the features.

Thanks for everyones input.

Bill - I have an 'el cheapo' that I bought for the boat, that I simply do not like. I used it to take the pic's of the new pup. Took 18 pic's in all, the only two worth printing, were the two that I posted. Too many wasted shots.

Going to get a better one before the Canada trip with Trep, with removeable mmc cards.
