Diagram of Moving Parts to the Kwikdrop Seat Pedistal

  • Thread starter Larry Harp [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~library/58
  • Start date
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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Just got home and opened my e-mail. What to my surprise did I have waiting for me but an e-mail from our friends Orville and Don. I thought that after the flaming they got last night they might have learned there lesson, but then again they are from the "Show Me" state. (No offense Mo)I'm so GD mad that I wouldn't use one of those seat pedestal if they gave me a dozen of the frapping things. These guys are real marketing geniuses; piss everybody off...appologize and promise to NEVER do it again.....THEN DO IT AGAIN!!!

I guess I'm going to have to get a bogus Hotmail or Yahoo mailbox to post here to keep the @^%$%*&^% Spammers off my computer.

Harpo, what time did your email come? I got one today at 11:24. I've been comtiplating whether i should say anything or not.

I don't use my seat in the Nitro much. In my skiff i keep the butt seat up all the time because its not as stable as the Nitro. I thought about on for the skiff because i can really see how it would be nice to have in the skiff.

I will not order one now. I'm into Business and want to get a MBA. There is a guy at my church who owns 4 businesses. I've learned more from him than anyone else. I'm not an expert at all but this is bad business PERIOD...
I understand the frustration, Harpo, but look at it from their side for a couple of seconds.

<i>Free advertizing

Pre-qualified audience (boat owners)

Limited/No need for paid sales staff

Free interaction with potential customers (no need for toll-free telephone or website)

(...I'm sure this list could grow.)</i>

The point is, if I'm a small business owner, a fishing guide or an inventor of something fishing or boating related, this would be a tempting way to do some product placement and sales.

What irks ME is that these things just drop out of the clear blue with the expectation that we're supposed to be as invested and excited about the product or service as the owner is.

One option for solving this problem is to encourage business owners or marketers to list these kinds of things over in the Swap and Sell section. That's what it's THERE FOR!!!

This pedestal thing, or the services of a fishing guide, may be the greatest thing since sliced bread...but there's a place for it, just like there are categories for our various rants and raves and ideas and questions.

Beyond that, buy a sponsorship from Rich. That serves everybody.

Couldn't agree with you more, Mark. It could be just what I was looking for, in fact it did look kind of interesting. There are several guides and tackle reps ect. that are members here but they don't wear us out with their sales pitch. There have been other spammers that passed through as well. The website guy was just a week or so ago. However, we have never been blitzed like these two guys with the seat pedistal. I told Staci last night that they seemed like well intentioned guys but clumsy....after today I'm not so sure. I get the impression we are getting something crammed down out throat. I have been in the sales profession since 1970 and I guess I have devolped a respect for a good salesperson and a disdain for a poorly prepared one. I have always been sucessful with a soft sell approach where I get to know my customer before I present what I have to offer. Could be they have NO need for my services then I quitely back off. I guess what really jacked my jaws was getting the e-mail after all the discussion last night. I accept all the heat the warehouse guys, delivery guys, showroom salespeople, and office personal cause me with my clients. Sometimes I loose a good customer because somebody else screwed up. The trick is to have enough customers so that loosing one isn't the end of the world.

Harpo -

See my "Conversation" post and I'll give you a call in a bit.....

I have to agree Harpo. They got me today too. I read all the posts this morning and i didnt have any email from them as of 10am but i got one at 3pm. these guys are spammers and nothing more. I dont care, i use only give out my yahoo address anyway because of these types of people. I wouldnt buy thier product either, i always have my butt seat in and its never been in my way so its not a problem for me using the every day normal pedestal.
This was my first e-mail from them.......




+ Virus successfully cleaned out of attachment(s):

No attachments are in this category.

+ Attachment(s) deleted due to virus:

1. rock.exe: W32.Klez.H@mm


Powered by Symantec


This was my second AFTER they agreed not to do any more.....

Hi, my name is Don Welker - I own a Nitro, my father owns a Bass tracker and a Manufacturing Machine Shop. We came out with a new product - I thought you might be interested in. - The world's first collapsible pedestal - we call it the KwiKDrop.............(I Removed...TOXIC)

Ps. This is a onetime email and you are not on any list of any kind so you will not receive any future emails from us.

Rich.....time to take care of this.

Guys, not to take the guy's side, but some of you may be aware that I pulled a similar "stunt" several weeks back. NONE of the email addresses I used came from this site, but I did use some from others. Let's just say while there was definitely some negative publicity, it worked better than I'd actually hoped it would. If it had been a complete and utter failure, I'd have never considered doing it again. However, it did work and that makes it all the harder not to do it again. I did at least put UCE in the message subject.
Yeah, but you are a dispicable turd polisher.

And that's what we all love about you.

It did work, didn't it.

I am betting that somebody bought an e-mail harvesting program and didn't read up on how to shut it off...
Wow, you really use your real email address, I am impressed. For a living I currently do network security and one recommendation is never give out your main email address always have a secondary email for messaging boards and all the other bull crap on the net. Primary emails are for only close friends and Family.


It's a dull day when you don't learn something.

Um, Tox, in what way would you like me to take care of this?
Well Rich, what would you do with someone who obviously violated the guidelines you set up for the site. I read, as did everyone else, that spamming is not allowed. As the owner of the website you set and enforce the rules. If you really think that there has been a mistake made by this company and want to see how it plays out (i.e., the spam stops frome the "rogue" harvesting program), then that is your call. I am now concerned that if their IP Addy is blocked by you, that they will sell off the e-mail addresses they have harvested (why not?) and the floodgates will open when I have been super vigilant to keep that very thing from happening at my home addy. Answer me this, could any company come to this site with a harvester and pull all of the member addresses?

yes , yes and yes

sorry to say so.

There are programs that just go out and dig for email address threw websites
Tox, if you can view it, anyone can. There's only one way to avoid it, and that's via private messaging. But someone can still log on and send a private message to each user if they really wanted to.

If all else fails, just put a sniffer on your network segment and steal every keystroke you type.

The good news is, he might try to sell them, but who would buy them? Buying a few million legit email addresses is one thing. Buying a few thousand is something else completely.
I'm just curious...does anybody ever buy anything from spam-mail? I mean really, who in their right mind sends a credit card number through e-mail to buy a body part inlarger or Viagra without a perscription? I realize that when you are hitting millions of prospects just a .5% return is huge, but are they even getting that much. Does anybody have any stats on this stuff?

Harpo... fact is, if it didn't work, it would have stopped years ago. It's working and it's DIRT cheap.
A couple of years ago, I changed all of the web site pages to require membership, i.e., a successful login, to view email addresses. While it is possible to write a program that will log in and harvest the email addresses, no generic harvester will do it. They simply can't see any pages with email addresses.

As for banning IP addresses...I'm in wait and see mode. I have never banned anyone for a first offense. Not sure what led you to believe otherwise. I know enough about the spam industry to recognize that Don's explanation for how his email took on a life of it's own is accurate. If the current email campaign dies down, and Orville/Don behave as good members (and sponsors) going forward, I think it's fair to keep them around. If we have more problems, they'll be leaving us.

Fair enough. I corresponded with them last night and I do believe it was a mistake. He promised to look into the virus issue on one of the emails that came to me.


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