Cold Weather

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
I ran yesterday in 38 degree air temps up to a favorite fishing area on Anna and I think I froze my sinuses solid and really paid the price last night (I couldn't breathe!!LOL!!) I usually have a face mask in my boat but I had left it in the truck from the Michigan trip. I don't go with the full helmet because it is really not necessary here. Another thing not to forget is ear protection, in cold weather, cold air blowing against your eardrum is not good. I couldn't hear worth a crap for a whole day in Michigan (long run, cold air). I carry simple foam earplugs for cold runs. Keep your cold weather gear in the boat as much as possible, that way you don't forget it. I also have some down running gloves (I can't fish with gloves and I have tried them all). KB actually has a heater that he puts in the boat.....!!

What do you do to fish in the cold? And for all of you in the Southern reaches, you are excused, dismissed and can otherwise be silent!! I don't want to hear things like "I put on long sleeves"!! ...or I put socks on!!LOL!!

It's that time of year!!

I fell into 50 degree water. I was in there for maybe 5-10 mins.. felt like a lifetime. And that's down here where we put socks on in the winter. :)
Hey Tox - come on, first time I fished with Dan J. we took of in 34 degree air temps! Yes, he had for both of us full face helmets, I had my fingertip fishing gloves, 3 layers of clothes and a leather jacket on top!!!

We do get it 1-2 times a year, so carry on all you cold weather folks!!!
Toxic, I don't have much experience in cold fishing conditions but this is what I did yesterday. I wore a neck thing called a Gator? that I picked up at a Giants playoff game about 7 years ago. I think the players wear them. It's elastic and can be pulled up over your Chin/ears and nose if needed and still covers your throat. I put a cap over that.

For gloves, I find that those $1 knit gloves that are white with a red rubber palm are very good. I can fish with both gloves on with either a spinning or baitcaster. The gloves fit very tight on my hands and the entire palm is rubberized thats very thin.
What i do is basically bundle up.For ling cold runs i put on a face mask and also my rain gear top and i use the hood and bundle it up tight. Another thing i wear is ski goggles instead of glasses. They dont fog and the wind wont make your eyes water at speed. I also wear gloves and i let ir rip. Where i fish up in NH it gets cold this time of year, most mornings are below 32 and ive never had a problem.

I also bring something warm to drink in a thermos, and wear some thermal underwear. I got some of the under armor cold gear this year and its very good stuff, i highly recommend it. Its actually warmer then my cabelas hunting thermals. I also keep a change of clothes in the boat, if you ever fall in cold water gegging out of the cold wet clothes can save your life.

Tox I have a pair of wool fingerless gloves that i wear sometimes while fishing. They are thin enough that they arent in the way and they are fine when wet. I got a size smaller then i normally wear so they are tight. Like you i cant stand gloves but i can deal with these, i got them at northern bass supply.
Look in the group buy section. Scroll down to the 'ultimate cold weather protection'.

If you don't have one of these, get one. They are absolutely the BEST you can buy to keep your head/face/neck/ears warm in cold weather. I use mine several times during the winter and early year.

I've also found them sometimes in better camping/hiking stores. The group buy thing long ago expired, but you can order them on-line (I believe they are still active).

Updated and included the link.

I tighten up my robe, put on my fluffy slippers, make a couple of fried egg sandwiches, turn on OLN, and sit back.

I enclose the cockpit of the ranger and fish..Zip up the sides and rear all cozy....It's for sale Tox....
I swear you MVM (minus the "V") guys sleep in your 100mph suits. Did you notice the one picture where you and CIII are in cold weather gear and I am in shorts and a tee???? _ _ _ _ _-please!! But then again, there's a lot of pockets in those suits...........


I am stuck in San Fran on the way to Okinawa now......

Also a big typhoon is on the way for Oki and we may get stuck in Osaka tomorrow............

Long Johns rule!!!!!

Carlos <------- the jet lag king!