Caught a fish in Bangalore!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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Well I had to lip this guy, even though he was HUGE!!!! LOL

Closest i've gotten to fishing since i've been here. This is a trash can but I could not resist the picture!!

2006 India liped fish for web.jpg
Looks like you might be a CARPMAN!!:lol:

How's it going over there?

Harpo - What the heck are you doing up at midnight US time??

Going good over hear, i seemed to do the travel "right" on the way over here and got on local time right away. Full days of work, dinner and to bed. Did a little shopping for the family.

The most amazing things are the extremes in lifestyle and the driving/roads!!

Out my window I can see a 4 story brand new multi-million dollar home and next door (lots are basicaly zero lot line) in the rubble is a few straw shacks with blue tarp roofs with a family literaly living in the dirt.

75% of the traffic is motor cycles and scooters with small cars and a few busses/trucks. I have NEVER seen traffic and driving like this, there is nothing in the US that can prepare you for no lanes, no lights, i've taken some pics and video and it is just amazing!! And on the same roads folks walk and lead their cattle/oxen. Again its realy visable extremes!!
You need to be holding a pocket popeil fishing rod/reel to make it look authentic!

I think the government knows they need to build out their infrastructure and are trying to push to make Bangalore the reference for major roads into the future. If I had time and proper contacts, I would change careers and go into the construction business either in India or China - loads of opportunity.

Have fun and be careful what you eat! Bill, the Mad Kayaker

Hey, over there, even the fish don't DRINK the water...

Hey Trep, why didn't you go native in your dress?
I visited Mumbai in India this past Feb.. all I can say is there is no place like home :)

You're lookin a little thin there bud. I hope you're enjoying the great food there. :lol:
Mike L - Been realy fishing, COOKED fish with LOTS of spices!!!

Greg - I didn't believe the guys before about "Bring bottled water" but I did and that's ALL i'll drink!!! And Would you believe they are ALL dressed like me!!! Slacks, short sleve shirts and shoes, its soo American!!

Jake - I'll be on the plane in about 29 hours, and look forward to going to a resturant and asking for a wiskey and NOT having to ask this question "is the ice cubes bottle/filtered water or local??"LOL!!

Paul - The food we've had is great, but the quanities and the frequency (from anyone who's fished with me - just ask BoB G, Rich, Tex.... are small!!!)

Dang Trep

Looks like a nice size "Trash Fish" :lol::lol::D

Are you bringing it back to have it mounted!! :lol::p:rolleyes:

Had to say it. :D

How is the food there?

Any good beers there?

You mean to tell us that it is worse than the traffic thru Atlanta,Boston,or even New York city???? :huh: :eek:

You be safe there and have a safe trip home. Hope you post the video.

Take care Trep and have a safe trip home. :cool:

Steve ><}}}}'>
Trep, while you are there check and see If they have my computer problem fixed yet..BWHAHHAHH JR:D:D:D
Nitro640 - The only beer available is King Fisher, its not bad. And YES the traffic is on an exponetial worse then any US city.

Heading back on a 1:30am flight tonite, should be home around dinner time on Sat.

Bill - Too many mosquitos and malaria to run in shorts at all!!!
Hey trep. when i was there we wouldnt even drink a king fisher if they brought it to us already open. we ate nothing unless it was steaming HOT!!

quite an experience there all right. im sure ill have to go back in a few months.