Candian Border Crossing

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Mike L.

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2000
Reaction score
Millstone Township, New Jersey
I make 3 fishing trips a year to Ontario and usually cross both ways no problem . We recently had a thread here about it getting tougher to cross the border and it was correct.

I've always just used my drivers liscense , but this past trip both ways I was informed that a

birth certificate with a seal is going to be mandatory very soon and that a passport will probably be required in a couple of years, if not sooner. I was told it they raised the terror alert level when I was in Canada and I did not have a better form of ID I would definately have a hard time returning.

Just a tip ....bring your birth certificate or passport to avoid a problem!!

Has anyone recently crossed and received the same or different info?

Mike L.
My opinion is they're being real A-holes about it and they're hasselling all the charters boats which are pretty well fed-up with them too.

Not making for good relations IMHO! That's why I don't even go to Pelle Island because it's such a pain! Used to be able to get your license right at the Island and GO FISH...not anymore:angry:
What a good excuse for work though. I am stuck in Canada, will have to fish until they let me come back.
Is it the Canadians or the U.S. that is tightening the clamp? Is the problem getting into Canada or getting back? Is the same thing going on at the Mexician border?

Harpo....This time when I went both sides were noticeably tougher letting us in and out. They made it clear that it will not be as easy as it once was to cross in & out without 'proper' ID.

We will all have birth cert's with us when we go again in a few weeks.

Sounds like a plan Clark.....

Both. I suspect that the US will attempt to mirror what Canada is requesting, for the short term. I'm heading to Ontario with Trep in August, and just received my renewed Passport. I'm just going to take it with me when I travel/fly anywhere. Should make it easier.

Not sure what the standards are for Mexico.

Mike - Thanks for the info, I've got 6 weeks till I head up to Ontario, i've got to remember to get my passport out of the safety deposit box a week or so before.

I did send a note to the rest of our crew, to remember a stamped birth cert or a passport.

How the PC 175 doing ??
Note. I did the expedited service (about $120.00) with regular mail delivery. It took about 2 weeks to get my renewal.

I have recently made two trips to Canada. Once at the end of April and again first week of July. I crossed near Buffalo both times, once at the Peace Bridge and once at the Rainbow Bridge. The trip in April was a sightseeing trip to The Falls - suprisingly we did not have to show ID at all either direction - all they asked was where we were from. The July trip was an anual week trip to the Georgian Bay for fishing. Again I was suprised at not having to even show a drivers license to return to the States.

Over the past twenty years I have only been asked to pull over for a random vehicle check one time on the Canadien side and have never been asked for more than a photo ID to get back in the USA. I have heard the same as above though, that a passport will be a good idea for future trips and I will be getting one - it's not worth risking being turned away at the border and missing out on a week of fishing in some of the most beautiful waters around.

My last trip to Canada was a couple of years ago, but was it memorable. I was with my wife and son. We had voter registration cards and driver's licenses for my wife and I and a copy of my son's birth certificate. We had a hell of a time getting into Canada from Buffalo across the Queenston bridge. Ironically, the border crossing people gave my wife a harder time than me because she was born in Canada (she's now a dual U.S./Canadian citizen). Her mistake was declaring herself a U.S. citizen, having recently been sworn in and very proud of the fact that she was now a citizen. The border official (a very unhappy blonde woman), noticed my son's birth certificate as listing my wife Canadian born. The official started berating my wife about whether she was ashamed to be Canadian! Sheesh!! Official or not, I got fed up after about ten minutes of this and just said "fine, we'll turn around and leave. We don't have to come into Canada." After I said this, the official relented and let us in (although we contemplated turning around anyway!). Coming back was totally different. The guy at the U.S. border joked with us and welcomed us home. Despite being born and raised in Canada, my wife is in no hurry to go back!

We had a very minimal wait both ways this year at the Int'l Falls/Ft. Frances border crossing. (11th consecutive yr!) Since 9/11 we have had up to a 3-4 hr. wait at times, yet this year it was real smooth. They did collect ID this year from all occupants of our vehicles both ways. We could see an officer punching each of our info into a computer each time. We were also told that the fellas without a passport will be needing one after the first of the year. (I guess that goes both ways.) I can't blame either side for being more cautious. Our security is worth it! IMHO
Trep, The PC175 is doing fine. I think it just loves those Ontario lakes!

Almost all my crossings are at NY's 1000 Islands Bridge.

Jeff said it....Gonna have to go through the trouble and cost of a passport! The world is a changing place!

Dan - Thanks for the up to date infor from Fr. Frances, that's where we go/will be going through Aug 27th.

Mike - MAN it's hot/wet months like this July I wished I lived up that way and could hunt Walleye, Pike and Smallies in Canada all summer!
I think its about time!!!!!!!!!!! Its to d#$# easy to get into the US.:angry: