Canada Border Crossing in Aug/Sept this year - New Rules??

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Jun 30, 2000
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Gang - I'm starting to plan the details of our bi-annual trip to Nestor Falls, Ontario, for Walleye and Pike. I have been reading online and in the paper the new/tighter rules for crossing Canadian/US borders. In the past i've never been asked for any identification and believe as long as I had my driver license i'd be fine.

Does anyone up north know if that has changed in 2005? I think in 2006 or 2007 they will require passport/birth-certificate, but need to let my Father-in-law and brothers-in-law (along with Tex and I) know what we need to bring.

Thanks - Trep
OK Staci, but I can bring my 357, my 9 mill and my 38 special!!! LOL

I remember no peperspray too!!
I am going to Mexico and had the same question. From what I heard from a travel agent, is that they are thinking about changing the rules for entry, but still can't agree upon them. I was told I shouldn't have any problems entering Mexico with just birth cert and do not need a paasport and that when they change, they are probably going to give 3-4 months advance warning on the changes.

Hope this helps!

A copy of your birth certificate and a Driver's license OR a valid passport is req'd to get into Canada. Just a driver's license might not be enough anymore....that alone doesn't prove your citizenship!! Since you're coming all the way from GA, better to be safe than sorry....I take my passport with me and obviously a driver's license, but once they see the passport,..they don't even ask for the DL. If you don't have a passport....DEFFINITELY bring a copy of your birth certificate. You need PROOF that you're a US Citizen.

I'm sure the same would be true for Mexico, but I've never been there so I don't know for sure.


Along the Canadian border here they want you to have a birth certificate and drivers license when crossing over. Still no concenses on passports. The locals up here don't want them because of costs to the average person.:blink:
Many years ago a voters ID was sufficient to prove citizenship...but the world is a diffeant place today.

Harpo - I've been checking the US Customs site, and funny you should mention that piece of ID (which is what i've used years ago also to go to/from the caribian:

From the Customs site:

"A U.S. citizen will be required by the Government of Canada to prove that he/she is a citizen of the United States. This proof may be a birth record, baptismal record, passport, Certificate of Citizenship, or Certificate of Naturalization. "


"A voter registration is NOT official proof of U.S. citizenship."
2008 Passports will be rquired. There may some changes in the driver licensing in the US to include passport information by then.

Take your Birth Certificate and you should be ok (assuming you dont have any legal issues or have been convicted of a felony)......:blink:

Just get a passport and be done with it. Lucky for me, it's a condition of employment and they pick up the tab for it.

Bob G.
Well I guess it's good to here of this now before I do the open and may need a Canadian fishing permit..

Passport OR DL + birth certificate (official copy - not a straight xerox). Last year, my wife, three year old son and I tried to cross at the Queensborough bridge from upstate NY into Ontario near St. Catherine's. We were given a really hard time because we only had DL's and voter id cards. My wife was born in Canada (now a naturalized U.S. citizen) and when they saw that on my son's birth certificate, which listed mother's birthplace as Canada, they went apesh1t. We now carry our passports. You'd figure they wouldn't give a Canadian born dual citizen a hard time, but the Canadian border agent was drunk with power because she really gave my wife a lot of crap. I finally stepped in and told her no problem, we'd turn around and go back home and spend our money in the U.S. The border agent then finally relented. Coming home was a different story. The U.S. border agent joke around with us, told us "welcome home" and on we went.
Bob - Have had the passport for a decade due to work and it was renued last year. I just HATE Taking it out of the safe-t-deposit-box, and my Father-n-law doesn't have one.

We've crossed every 2 years for 12 years without EVER being asked for any ID either direction, but with the increased security issues, new rules and such I wanted to see if any of my NTOWS brothers/sisters had experienced anything lately that would make "dad" dig out his birth certificate.

Thanks gang!!
Passport is easiest, but if you don't want to go through with that, just bring your drivers license and birth certificate. That will cover you.
Here you go Trep. Just dress Becka, dad, and the kids like this and you should breeeeze right through.;)


Dave - I learned my lesson 10 years ago and HOW Much booze you can take!!!

Harpo - Luckily the kids and Beka are staying home, this is a MAN's trip!!

Currently you simply need a Dirver's liscence and birth certificate travel in and out of our country, although they rarely ask to see the birth certificate. By end of the year, Dec 2005, you will be required to have a passport, the same goes to us.

Harpo, i know that post was for fun and i'm o.k. with it, but need I remind you that they also entered the US ? Albeit through Canada, but many terrorist also enterred the US through other means......we both have the same problems when it comes to border control, which is why these changes are coming.....which is a drag for those of us who travel regularly to the US.

I've been going through Int'l Falls/Fort Francis every year for the past 10+ years and have yet to have a problem. Last year we noticed the U.S. side using this big truck with a huge dome on an articulated boom when coming back. It looked like they were scanning trucks for something. Other than the traffic, the crossing over itself has been better since they built the new office on the Canadian side.
Pierre, Yikes! It never occured to me that could be a jab at Canada. I was really just being flippant about our own border security. I've told the story here before so I'll shorten it for now, about my wife traveling with her boss to one of their factories in Alabama. He is a really nice guy but he is in his early 30's and from India. It seems to me anyone screening for potental terrorist might want to pull him aside. However, every security check they went through he walked right through and my wife, who is the personifacation Marge Simpson, was pulled aside for a complete pat down and bag check.

Anyway, I want to say again I meant no dis-respect toward Canada. I've been there and love it. In fact I asked my wife to try to get a transfer to their Toronto plant.

Harpo, no offence taken, I know it was meant as a joke....and it's not like if I was in charge of the border security either!!! After 9/11 there was alot of critism regarding our countries role in allowing the terrorist into the country, and I felt it wasn't really fair.

No worries though, you are right about security in general makes you wonder what they are looking for.
