Calling Rich Stern...Spam Attack

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What do you folks think? Time to shut down guest posting?

Your opinion, please.
Nahhh, it happens so infrequently that it has yet to be a problem IMHO. You do block them from re-posting right? I know they can switch IP Addresses and the posts usually come from a hijacked email addy.

I agree. Not a problem yet, and so far easy to ignore.

I would like to see guest posting shut down. Registering is a piece of cake, so why not do it?
I agree with Bill and Mo and have thought that for a long while. It's a snap to register so why not? I wanted it stopped after that personal attack on me that happened some time ago if you remember? People can still read whatever they want but to post they should be registered. JMHO.

Uncle Billy
I believe that one should have to register and let us know who they are before they can post and gain access to our e-mail address. I've thought that since the pop-up seat guys spamed us.

Yep - I'm all for everyone having to register.

All the best,

I agree, anyone that wants to post should join the family.

Guess I'm in the minority. Doesn't seem to have been a widespread problem, so I'm inclined to vote for allowing continued guest posting. Its a good intro for folks a bit nervous about speaking up in a group that seems to know each other pretty well. Also, with few exceptions, there hasn't seemed to be a widespread problem. Yes, isolated incidents have occurred like the unfortunate attacks on Uncle Billy - but those can be addressed on an IP address by IP address basis due to their infrequency.
Eating spam this morning for there:D
I believe that they would need to register. If they haven't got anything to hide, it should be no problem.

Barry from La::)
Assuming that they register with real info. All that limiting posting will do is to keep blind spammers from posting (like the most recent ones) if someone wanted to join, they could as "Elmer Fudd" and with a fake email and then still get on and badmouth or whatever....So let's make sure we eliminate the problem, not just part of it.


Might be prudent to do two things... One, add some moderators here and an alert button... Two, allow guests to post to an existing thread but not start a new one... Also, a consideration is to modify registering to a "reviewed" registration with an email response to acticvate... Too much time for a spammer to "waste"...
Hey guys - Let's not make Rich jump through hoops! He is kind enough to create, modify and host this fantastic site and we want to make it as east as we can for him. Don't make him a full time moderator. We should have enough "computerized" checks and balances that he can invoke to keep these kind of pukes out of our site.

BTW - I have just inherited 250,000,000 Euros from my former business is Gambia and would like to know if I can find someone here who will take 25% of it by opening an account in the US. My wife died and my children will no longer talk to their father so I must ask for your pity on this poor body of mine to help me through this situation. Mastercard and Visa greatfully taken. LOL :p
I agree with registering to post. I like Greg's ideas about the email, but don't know the work involved.

Rich D
Registering will slow down the spam attacks, but at the rate of, what, 1 per year or so, I'm not sure that it's worth the effort... we have so few interuptions that I think it's overkill right now.
I would certianly be willing to help as a moderator. I check in here first thing in the morning and the last thing at night as well as several times throughout the day.
