building a better Nitro

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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
This was posted over on the BBC site and I though that I would do a similar post over here to see what the response would be. Personally even though I have bitched in the past about my 929 and Nitro in general overall I
You might want to look at the BassCat Cougar FTD as well. That thing has MASSIVE storage space up front. Carpeting in the boxes is OPTIONAL, and they're fiberglassed boxes, not the drop in boxes like Nitro used in the rear compartments of the 911 (I actually LIKED the drop in boxes personally).
The new issue of Bass and Walleye Boats reviews a 929 with the 250XS on it. Nothing but good things to say. They call it a "guided missle".

Shhhh Tom, that comment of mine was on the "other" board that we don't talk about over here!! I have to post once in a while especially when the NITRO bashing is unjustified (yes, sometimes it is justified also).

I too am on the fence when mine sells and there are a lot of external factors at play here. I have been extreeeemley happy with my rig. I agree quality could come up a notch or two and the NITRO's would be on par with a lot of the manufacturers that feel they are exclusive and untouchable. There are some hurdles to clear first. The highest being customer service from dealers and the factory. That is job 1 as FORD would say. My boat sponsorship will have a lot more to do with the "deal" rather than just choosing the brand I want to run. I consider it a piece of machinery that has to perform for me. I have some offers that are very interesting right now. They evolve as time goes on, we will see where I am when it is time to move.

Those are good suggestions.

I'm guessing that Nitro has kept with the standard configuration, for it greatly reduces their overall costs. In short, similar to how Southwest Airlines runs their business (from a cost perspective - don't go all nuclear on me now).

They run one plane (737 - though several configurations); one engine on those planes; and everyone is treated the same (no different fares/classes/etc). Nitro somewhat does the same thing. If you are going to but the same grade carpet on (everywhere), you reduce cost. Same for the in-dash add-on's, etc.

I'm with you though, those suggestions are good, and would improve the product.

For me, my next boat will probably be . . .

Another used boat. I'm very comfortable with buying a used boat/vehicle whereby someone else has taken the bullett on the depreciation. There are certainly risks, but if you look carefully, and get Trepper to check out the ride in advance (thanks again buddy), you can usually find a good deal.

I won't respond since I would likely be labelled as bashing.
I read the article on the 929 in BWB magazine today. It did say a whole bunch of good things about the 929. Keep in mind though, this was a Tracker Media Day, set up by Tracker Marine. I seriously doubt that they are just gonna pull any old 929 off the showroom floor and toss it in the water. There is no doubt in my mind that each and every one of those boats were gone over with a fine tooth comb and dialed right in before being turned over for media review. It's when Tracker starts doing this for the average customer that may start to change my opinion about the company.
Smitty - Do you think ANY manufacture that provides FREE boats, cars, trucks to magazines for tests are "just gonna pull any old 929 off the showroom floor and toss it in the water."?? Unless the mag is like Consumer reports which BUYS the vehicles from a traditional DEALER to make sure they get a NORMAL one, I doubt ANY of the FREE vehicles (boats included) are not gone over with a FINE tooth comb by the manufacturer/dealer BEFORE they get to the press.

Not bashing or picking, just giving my opinion.

Now on making a better boat, i'll add my 2 cents - Does tracker cut some corners compared to the HIGH end boats?? sure, but so does Chevy vs. Cadilac, Ford vs. Volvo/Jag and so on... Also the claims about offering LOW HP in the sales adds, HOW MANY add do you see for the MASS market automobiles that are the HIGH HP, LOADED??? ZIP!! Yes a Corvette, but look at the adds for a Ford Tarus - cheap price is the base v-6 with little options, you PAY for the bigger V-6, leather, and so on. Same with trucks!
Let me clarify Trep...Yes, all the companies do it, they'd be fools not too.

My point is, Why can't Tracker/Nitro prepare the boat the same for the average customer. Why do I have to vaccum out loose screws, shavings and garbage from my bildge. Why do I have to clean up my wire harness under the dash. Why do I have to tighten all my floor screws before I ever hit the water. Why do I have to fight tooth and nail with Tracker Marine to prove my boat is defective when my transom starts to fall off.

The fact of the matter is, Tracker mass produces boats, they cut corners to accomplish this and we the consumer pay for it in the end. Myself and several others here own or have owned perfect examples of cost cutting measures gone awry.

Hey, it's simple. Slow down, build a better boat, with better components and materials. Prepare it for the customer like it was your own. Yeah, it may cost a little more, but I'd be willing to pay. I'm not on the fence at all. I've got a Ranger in my future, yeah it costs more, and I'm willing to pay the difference because in my opinion, it's a better boat with a far better reputation of taking care of the customer. Thats worth every penny more I pay in my mind.

My nitro 911 has better storage than any boat i have been on.

I will reiterate my suggestions from the BBC. Dual tanks design to control that 50 gallon tank back there. Timed aerator controls, better wiring under the dash.

I hate to plagerize someone elses ad campaign, but have you looked at one lately?

To understand what has happened, you need to understand what happened...

To those of you who don't know me, I was with a boat company that had a somewhat stellar reputation (Champion). When Champ bellied up, Tracker hired the top people from Mt. Home. Plant manager, laminate manager, gel coat manager, resins engineer...

Loren and company were given free reign at the tracker fiberglass plant to build a "world class boat" and that's what they have set out to do.

As a dealer now who rigs, runs, and fixes issues with all Nitros built now, I can tell you without hesitation, the difference between what is coming from Tracker now, vs. what was, is night and day. This isn't some lame sales pitch, it's fact, and if you want details I can bore everyone here with the wheralls that make it what it is.

Next step on the road map, is some re-tooling of some of the hulls that need some tweaking. 898 being the most obvious, and they will make that happen by '05 model year.

What is history is history, can't change that, but what is is not what was, and any confusion between the two is just from being uninformed.
Smitty, Not trying to argue, but I had a 2001 Champion and I had to do the same things that you did. Well, my transom never fell off.

I had to clean all kinds of junk from the bilge area and the storage compartments. The dealer did clean the exterior vacuum the decks, but that was it.

Just because you spend a fortune on a boat doesn't mean it won't have issues.

Never said there were'nt issues with other boat brands, I know, there are many. Tom Mac asked for ideas on how to build a better Nitro. I tried to share some ideas, albeit in a roundabout way.

I'm not trying to bash Nitro/Tracker at all. I've been the owner of a Nitro or a Tracker since 1991. In fact, the reason I bought my current TV18 was because of my good experience with my Nitro; which was literally trouble free for 8 years (had zero problems, zero repairs). Being a loyal customer when I find a good thing, I buy the TV18. Not counting the fact that I'm onto my 3rd one after the first 2 were replaced because of major defects (and exhausting battles with Tracker), I could also produce a laundry list of minor defects and problems I've had with all 3 of the boats. Most directly related to Tracker cost cutting methods gone awry.

I grew up around boats(currently own 3, and have owned a total of 9), never have I experienced the problems with a boat and manufacturer that I have in the past 4 years.

They lost me, I'm sure it's not a big deal to them, after all, I'm just a small fish in a rather large pond, who's more than happy to overspend on another brand for some peace of mind.
Smitty, Please accept my apologies if I offended you in any way. I was probably preaching to my self. It seemed like it was always something with the Champion. I even asked my wife one day, "Why did we spend all of this money, just to be nickle and dimed to death".

Like your TV 18, my old 640LX/Force 75 NEVER gave me any problems. Now I'm back with Tracker (P/T 185/Merc 90) and couldn't be happier. I just hope it treats me as well as the 640 did.

Tom Mac, I guess if I could ad one thing to Nitro/Tracker it would be a built in cooler on all models excluding the staight jon boats.
Pat may be right and I tend to agree with him but there is a black eye that NITRO has to heal with the public and that will take a while of producing great boats with a great price, complimented by great customer service. There are a lot of Tracker/NITRO owners out there with a bad taste in their mouth (Smitty that are the current generation of owner. TomMac and I run the same boat and directly feel each others pain and joy with these rigs. What I think makes the bass boat industry different is that #1. Bass boat owners are engaged in a hobby/sport that they enjoy and are passionate about. #2. They put out hard earned $$ for their boats (no matter what the size) and require/need them to perform to engage in the passion of fishing. #3. They are tight knit and vocal, so reputations within the customer base of the manufacturers is paramount. It doesn't matter how Tracker/NITRO got the black eye...or whether they even deserved it, the fact is they got it and it will take time, effort and a consistently performing product (with QC and customer service to back it up) to get them on par with the other brands. To make matters worse, they are quickly closing the gap in pricing when at least you could get a better deal on a Tracker/NITRO. Tracker filled a niche in the tin boat world that no other maker did and made an affordable, yes mass produced, line of boats that got a LOT of consumers on the water. Those consumers then buy tackle, gear, bait, pay launch fees, license fees, buy gas, pay insurance and on and on. Our "hobby" supports a lot of other people. Let's face it, the choices in the 16, 17, and 18 ft. tin boat world were very slim before Tracker unless you wanted Multi-species boats that cost as much as glass. When NITRO competes in the "high performance" glass market, there is no room for mass produced rigs with higher than average problems and lower than average customer service. According to Pat, this is a thing of the past. I personally hope he is right.

No need to apoligize for a thing Steve...I'm not offended at all. I, just like you have had the same conversation with my wife countless times over the last 4's very frustrating and really used to make my blood boil...I'm past that now though. My goal now is to just keep my current boat from sinking until I can take the plunge into a Ranger.
Once you've got the bad reputation.....

If you want to overcome that reputation.....

It's not enough to be "as good as" the others.....

You must EXCEL.
Smitty - I'd have to agree that YES it would be NICE if they 'polished' the end product more before delivery, and i'll bet a LOT of that also lands on the dealer! I did find some shavings in my bildge but not that much, and my boat was clean, dry, and sparkly (tin that is) when I picked her up. I've also seen dealers that let a LOT of boats (all brands) sit outside and NOT clean them up for delivery, that just stinks!! Like others said, hopefuly the new teams at Tracker/Nitro WILL make the product even better, faster, last longer and HECK while we're asking how about CHEAPER!!! LOL

At the prices ALL these boats are i'm probably never buying a new one again! I'd like in a few years a Deep V 18fter Fish/Ski type (Targa or Tundra Sport) but at $18K plus not going to be in my budget.

Bill - We'll talk tops and umbrella's next week. Looking FORWARD to it!! Van is packed, rod/reels and tacklebag loaded! Just gotta get a few more hours on the job, pick up Noah at his end-of-year 1st grade party and we're on our way!!
I'm a recent member to this site but not to Tracker boats. I bought my 1800 TF in 1989 with a Evinrude XP-150 and I still have it today. I dont' have anything bad to say about Tracker costomer service as I've never needed it and I only recently needed to have my Evinrude serviced (carb rebuild). Do I think the workmanship could have been better, yes I do. Wireing and carpet being the two major areas that I had. I think if you look hard enough you will find somthing wrong with every boat that comes off the assymbly line no matter who made it. Will I buy a Nitro when it's time to buy a new boat, well it all depends. I really like the 929 but I sure would like a choice of engine but I guess we could have the same discussion about engines too.
Tox, that was very well put. I hope they do get this "black eye" turned. Like everybody says nobody is perfect and no boat maker can satisfy everybody 100% of the time. I like my nitro, yes i have had some "issues" with it and nitro took care of them and im still a happy customer today. I do think they could do some things better like Tom Mac mentioned. My list is small but things i either dont like or have fixed/upgraded

1) How about a c channel trailer? I dont like tubes because they rust out, Nitro isnt the only boat maker that could learn something from Ranger in this regard

2) No feedback steering on cabble steer models. It makes the boat drive so much nicer and it should really come standard. The only boat with cable steer ing that i have ever seen with nfb steering was a champion(my old one). Again Nitro isnt the only one who could learn from Champion on this one.

3) Wireing, make the main power wire bigger. The one they use now isnt enough to do the job. when you have pumps and electronics running the amp draw way exceeds what a 18ga wire can handle. upgrade that puppy to a 14 or 12 please. Making it neater would be nice too.

4) Carpet, a little better quality would be nice but the biggie is trim the edges a little tighter i have a couple of spots on mine where that could be better.

With all that being said there are some things that will never change (with a few exceptions).

Ranger owners will think Ranger is the best boat made.

ChampioN owners will think ChampioN is the best boat make.

Skeeter owners will think Skeeter is the best boat made

Bass Cat.....





Bumble Bee....


and on, and on.....Now let's just hope that soon a BIG majority start feeling that way about their NITRO's.

I am with smitty on this one .... I will never own another Tracker of any kind .... my boat is going back to tracker again real soon .... maybe I should send some gold fish to install in Pro V 17 Aquarium
See, Toxic who made fun of my wanting umbrellas, is STILL crying about his sunburned knees when he fished with me:)

Today I just turned over my keys on my own seventh Nitro in nine years to a very happy fellow who wanted, "The best of the best." Those were his exact words.

I don't think they (Nitros) ever "were" junk, or have ever been junk. I know people that have been with Tracker Marine for 15 and more years who strive to turn out a great product each time. I agree that there have been problems, however not unique to Tracker Marine. I do not discount the additions made by many inidividuals recently employed by Tracker, but even more so I would not ever discount the years of customer service, quality control, and superior products produced by the thousands of employees with even deeper roots within the company.

The total number of units sold by Tracker Marine is an outstandingly large portion of the boat sales industry. The satisfied customers in Tracker products are an equally overwhelming silent majority of the same industry.

Dual tanks like our old 2000 series would be nice, too!

Tox-I feel that way about my Nitro. I'll put it up to any boat...that includes Snows BassCat!!!
I have owned 2 Nitro's 99 700LX loved it, no problems. I currently own a 2004 NX750, love it, no problems to speak of. But yes Nitro/Tracker could improve on a few areas:

1) Gelcoat application, pins could be a little neater.

2) Angles in side of hull ( design not functional ) can be a little neater/straighter.

3) Better quality carpet. ( maybe heavier, tends to get flattened down)

4) Lights in all compartments standard.

5) Room in dash for sounder, instead of just a flasher.

6) Remove all wood and go with 100% Glass boat in LX and NX series. ( I think its about time on this one )

BTW, I have also owned a Triton TX186 and it had its share of minor problems. As for my current Nitro NX750, its a great boat for the money, where can you but a NEW 17 1/2 foot bass boat with a 115 Mercury for under 15K, and it runs great in rough water, which we have plenty of here in Jacksonville Florida.
