Brittany's Escepades....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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All I'm going to say is,"Ain't nobody wants to see that ugly hag's Bagochips"!

Nice example these LOSERS are setting for kids nowadays!

I'm off my box now:angry:
What kind of kids are supporting that idiot? Gotta' feel sorry for her kids though. Nice group she is hanging with too.
Well when your carrer is going down the tubes you got to do something to get press right?
OK... I don't follow the news, and most of the time, I get my "news" from guys like you. What is she doing???

All the best,

Glen - Did a google search, seems Ms. Spears has decided to hang out with Paris Hilton, and decided after 2 kids she didn't need panties anymore!!! LOL
Ahh... so I see. Well, at least the worthless dingbats are hanging out in groups now.

All the best,

Tee - I think thats part of the problem "Nice example these LOSERS are setting for kids nowadays!" Too many parents help the kids look UP to these celebrities. They are not and should never be considered examples for our kids. My same view on professional sports stars, they are paid to do a job NOT paid to be hero's to our kids. If you have a great singing voice and people like it great, buy their music and see them in concert if you want to pay over priced tickets to see them, but PLEASE do not encourage your kids to EMULATE or look up to these folks. My favorite all time singer, Billy Joel. Would I pay $100+ to hear him live (luckily the last time it was much cheaper!!) sure, but do I care or give a poop what he does in his personal life. If he flipps off a fan or tells someone to go to heck, so what, I do the same thing in traffic to idiots, why does the Media and the idiot average american CARE about these folks?? Sure I thought Paris and Britney were cute chicks, not bad to look at, and is she wanted to flash me her "Bagochips" (as Tee calls them) i'll look, but as a society we place WAY too much emphasis on these folks and their private lives.

Now i'll get off my soapbox... Trep
About time you showed your mug Neeley!! You KNOW Rhonda would NEVER let you hit that young thang!!!!

Email me mybrothafromanathamotha!!
Trepper, I couldn't agree with you more. The wheels are coming off the world and I turn on the evening news and all I get is crapola about Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Angelina, O.J., Paris and Brittany. And, if there isn't a real celebrity to bore us with then they create one like the "Runaway Bride" or cute school teachers diddling their students. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT THESE PEOPLE!!! There are real issues in the world that are not being reported while we get stories about rich, spoiled, and immoral loosers. Barry Bonds wouldn't be such a bad influence on our boys and Brittany wouldn't be such a bad influence on our girls if everything they did wasn't reported ad naseum. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just on shows like Entertainment Tonight but this stuff is reported on the national as well as the local new reports. It's easy to blame the news media about this but they are a business and they are just giving us what we ask for. It seems as if we need to build these people up as some sort of heros just so we can tear them down for any transgression big or small.

harpo you must be snowed In,,, :D Looks good to me...

"at least the worthless dingbats are hanging out in groups now." Boy do I agree with that!!~!:lol:

Uhhhhhhh Greg, That kinda sounds like this place doesn't it?????:lol::lol::lol::lol:

As far a Brittany, it's like my grandma used to say, "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear".

I heard Brittany had hurt herself pretty bad a while back... but they said will time and exercise, she should be back on her knees in no time. :lol:

If she cleans up her act right now, and goes on the straight and narrow, I'd day in three to four years, she should be ready for the worlds finest trailer park. :lol::lol:

And TOX - We are more a mixture of Dingbats and Dingleberrys here, since we have both girls and guys posting and hanging out in the same place. Please keep your terms straight man! :p:lol:

All the best,

She's definately only one hit song away from appearing on The Jerry Springer Show.

Harpo - We realy gotta find time to fish the next time I get out to OK. We may be of different faiths, but we are cut from the same cloth! As my friend Neeley calls me, and I truly call you - MyBrothaFromAnothaMotha!!!

Its all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, don't hang your hat on someone else, don't look to people who are PAID to entertain for your values, and PARENTS please teach your children at home about morals, ethics, religion and basic human respect, and we'd not have 99% of these problems.

OK - I got to fish for 6 hours today, 2nd of December, got 2 keeper bass and had a great Sat!! Now off to bed, already hit the hot tub, beer and Ya'll have a great night!!
The best looking girl in yall's home town is more than likely in her same demographic (minus the millions)......divorced, 2 kids (at least that are from the same daddy), c-section scar, shaved, and riding cowboy while looking for one......

And you would hit that! At least Britney has some money (for now)....


PS for the record, i would hit it. more than once.
Right on Mini..Over and Over again..HA HA HA..Plus get a loan for a few fishing Items,,And buy Kentucky Lake...:D:D:D:D JR
...come one guys....

what is/are the links to the pictures???



But it's like catching a big muskie....

At least you can say that you did it....

