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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
This was my solution to towing and having something that drives like a sports car and it's loaded!
Sounds cool! You drivin it to the rally? Or maybe I should ask if it's a done deal yet first. Seems like a good compromise. Good luck!

BMW.....That's always my first thought when I want to save some money. ;>))

I really thought I would get more crap than that. My guess is you really don't want to hear about my tow vehicles anymore and I don't blame you.
Actually... My Sports Car friends tell me that it is an excellent vehicle... Pricey but nice... I also have a friend who has a Lexus... SUV the smaller one and he tows a 3500lb boat quite well... stopping was an issue till he upgraded the trailer brakes...

Me, I like a full size pickup (preferably a Ford)... end of story!
I'm confused...did you buy one? What happened to the Jeep?
I am officially done bothering you about cars on this board. Thanks for all the info.
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Congrat's on the new ride.

Limitless passion.

The BMW X5 with xDrive, the intelligent all-wheel drive system, is a true Sports Activity Vehicle: powerful, dynamic and flexible. Once you get to know the X5, you'll soon forget the meaning of the word "compromise". Its powerful engines, its innovative all-wheel drive system and its flexible, adaptable interior are convincing proof that BMW never does anything by half.

Just for the record....I haven't bought it yet...
...and at least I keep my boat. That's the important thing.
Just like a woman.......never satisfied!!LOL

We're here to help and make sure you don't make a mistake. It's not a bother.

Do you think the X5 is a mistake? You aren't the only people who think I am nuts about cars. Trust me. Its a disesase. My father is the same way.

If I bought an X5 (used of course) at wholesale, I would not be losing any money on my Jeep. I would have a tow vehicle and my sports car feel all in one. Buying the X5 would be ALOT cheaper than buying a used Jeep to tow and a mini cooper, two insurance payments, 2 plates and maintenance. Thats kind of how I arrived at the X5 and after I drove it, it diminished my want for a Mini.

Still not sure I can part with my Jeep. I will have to ponder that over drinks in Vegas. I leave this afternoon.

I can tell you that your insurance agent would love for you to buy a Mini... They have the least survivability rating of any vehicle at 5mph front and rear crashes... So your premiums (hence your agent's commissions) would be pretty high...

If you are looking at the real sports car cross overs... I have been told that the Porsche Cayeene is not worth the price of admission and that the one you are looking at, the BMW, is the best choice... That from my SCCA racing tech...
The X5 has 2 engines

3.0L, 225hp, 214 torque

4.4L, 282hp, 324 torque

I have no doubt the 4.4 would tow the boat with ease but the 3.0L gets 3-4 mpg more than the 4.4L. The 3.0L actually "feels" more powerful than my Jeep but I don't know if that holds true when a boat is back there. They also have ventilated brakes which I was told with by awesome for stopping with the boat. The have 3 different automatic systems to help with towing, control, and hills.

I may ask him to let me borrow it next saturday and drive it to the tournament and back and see how it handles.

I can't beat the wholesale price I get. Its about average tradein value by black book.
"....after I drove it, it diminished my want for a Mini."



They also had a Mercedes ML430. V8, 4.3L, 268hp, and 288 torque. I could get this one much cheaper than the X5. They don't seem to be holding resale as well as the BMW. the ML430 drives sooooo smooth but it wasn't as fun to drive as the X5. Not a sports car feel but very plushy.

If you buy one of these you want the bigger motor. i dont think you will be happy one bit with the 3.0l motor. It dosent make much torque and from what i see on the specs it makes it at a relativly high rpm. The reason is "feels" stronger then your jeep is the gearing, hitch a boat to it and it will be a lot different. Its lack of power vs the jeep will be noticeable. One think to keep in mind on these is both require premium gas so it will cost big $$$ to fuel it, i can see milage being a factor in your thinking. That BMW looks like a very nice rig, but if you get one get the v8. i know you have said you werent totally happy with the jeeps towing( dont know why) but i think you would be even less satisfied with the 6 in that BMW. When you tow with your Jeep try shutting the od off. With it off that 4.7 should be able to pull down a house. I know mine tows my 882 like its not even there, i also have a guy in my club that tows a Triton TR22 with his Jeep GC with the same v8 and it pulls it great as long as the OD is off. Where i live theres nothing but hills too.
I think you would be quite dissatisfied with the towing capabilities of a 3.0L engine. No Torque.

I am not disatified with the Jeeps towing. I really like my Jeep. I was just looking at the X5 because I was considering a Jeep and a car. The Mercedes would actually be a better tow vehicle. I only looked at it because they had one on the lot. They can use 89 fuel and get better mileage. I think the gas would be a wash.

I am not claiming to make any sense in what I am doing. trust me, I know its not the smartest thing to do but sometimes it feels good to not always do the most sensible thing. Will I pay later. Probably. But I might love it too. Who knows. I am exercising my right to be a female and change my mind any time I feel like it.
All you need is an old tree limb, some sewing thread and a bent pin.....
JR - "really it costs more than golf now" is realy not true. We WANT that cost. Golf requires you to pay for the greenfees even if you own the clubs. Fishing (besides the license) you can still buy a cane pole, worms and sit on the bank. We all CHOOSE to buy the boats, fancy lures, rods/reels and the like!

Reminds me of the simple life you posted!
I see complete golf club sets with bag and all for just a little over a hundred bucks at Wal-Mart and I see guys on TV actually walking the course.
