Berkeley and the Marines

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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I don't know how many of you saw or heard about this but I just read about it a little bit ago and it's made me furious.:angry:

Berkeley to Marine Corps: You're Not Welcome

BERKELEY, Calif. Local officials in this liberal city say it's time for the U.S. Marines to move out.

The City Council has voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and "if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests."

The measure passed this week by a vote of 8-1.

Contact the city council at Berkeley, CA via email:

Now look at this, here is a letter a businessman wrote to the Mayor of Berkeley.

Dear Mayor Bates,

In that you and your city have chosen to gravely insult the brave men and women, who have indeed bought you that right with their blood, I am informing you that my company will no longer do business with any of our current suppliers located in the Berkeley,California metro area.

In that my company is in international resort real estate development, and do business with and am associated with, developers and investors worldwide, I am informing all of my contacts, associates and patrons that we will no longer do any business of any sort with anyone living in the Berkeley area.

In that we/MDG Resorts are currently building a state of the art mega-yacht marina, all of the suppliers of Marina equipment, all owners of Yachts , all suppliers of Yacht materials & supplies, all yacht brokers and all tangential yacht business purveyors will likewise be informed that we will not do any business whatsoever with anyone from the Berkeley area.

Likewise all suppliers of building materials, both interior and exterior, currently associated with any of our several resort developments (Brisamar 300+ villas and 200+ condos: Porto Hussong, 500+ condos, 180 slip mega-yacht marina) both of which I might add have international recognition by virtue of glowing reports in Robb Report, Wall Street Journal, Yacht World, Forbes.

I will likewise inform all of our investors, most of whom are very wealthy yacht owners, casino owners, high net worth international businessmen, of our decision to essentially boycott all products and providers located in, or associated with in any way whatsoever,Berkeley, Ca.

Trust me when I say that having been in the real estate development business for over 35 years, our list of contacts and associates is long and very, very impressive. We, and I personally, are going to recommend that they ALL along with us boycott your city, its purveyors, suppliers, and businesses and CHARITIES of every kind.

You have every right to choose to take the obnoxious anti-military stance you have taken, and as stated, that right was bought for you with the blood of better men than you. I too have every right to do all that I can to insure that your city suffers consequences arising from that obnoxious, sickening stance.


Brian G Dennard



Meridian Development Group, LLC

619 807 2444

I've looked into this and it seems Mr. Dennard is legit.. I hope Rich isn't angry at me for posting this here but I was sooo mad I had to share it with my Jarhead friends here on NTOWS...

Uncle Billy

this old prop jockey say's :angry:

Berkeley city council should spend 6 month in Iraq.

Berkley "deserves" every "knock" it gets... And, if I ever have the oppotunity to follow Mr. Dennard's lead I will. And, I am pretty sure Rich is in agreement, so you probably shouldn't worry...
I went to the Berkely site, here is what the Mayor had to say.

BTW, I agree with Mr. Dennard. Its about time someone did something like that.

This is a joke! To hold the actions of the government against a recrutitng office as a symbol of the war. To state that this is a great country because they are free to disagree with government is absurd. Who do they think gave them that right? The way this country is going with the people that are elected, which is a popular vote by the way, not the best person for the job, is also a joke. Why can't they leave the office, if they are so hell bent on having rights, and let those that want to join, join? this guys is a namby pamby who is afraid of standing up for his country because he doesn't want to lose the next election!

Sorry but poo like this gets under my collar!:angry:

Relax folks,'s typical California oral diarrhea......does ANYBODY really find it all that surprising?? C'mon,..they worship the Hilton sisters, Alec Baldwin AND Brittney Spears for God's sake,....they are their own worst enemy!
the problem is that this country likes to do whatever california is doing. BAD precedent. BAD mayor. Bad city.

I think we sould move Berkely to Bagdad and then see how many Marines they want around.
Hell they oughta come into Detroit,.....plenty of abandoned bldgs,...a bunch of crackheads and gangs to be the "bad guys" (live ammo highly recommended) and a Mayor that would agree to ANYTHING to get the spotlight off of him and his Ho for awhile!:unsure::rolleyes::p
True story....

Looks like it might change real quick tho....
Hey Sue. I tried to snopes it earlier...did they just put it up?

Feb I would say yes. Just put it up.
Berkley tried to weasel out of this... They took some of the offensive language; "the unwanted intruders", out of their letter... Hah, like that fooled me...

Just heard on the radio this morning that Berkley has "backed down" on their stance and will allow the Marines to stay....due to an overwhelming public backlash! LOL

Ohwell.....since that Mayor won't get re-elected he might as well run for President!
Ya those people in berkley have the marines to thank for their freedom to even do crap like that. Send em to a third world country for a month and lets see what they have to say. People have no idea how good we have it here. And to think it's cause your own neighbors, your own family members gave their lives so that we can live the kind of lifestyle we have as we speak. Some people have no idea how good it is till it's gone.
Hey Mac and others,

I've heard and seen clips of the Mayor and some of the other local officials backing down a little bit but at the same time inviting the group 'Code Pink" into the fray.

They have voted to allow this group a parking space just outside the recruiting station and also passed a bill bypassing the Berkeley anti-noise laws JUST for this group. I also just saw a video of this Code Pink group blocking the door to the recruiting station and physically not letting anyone in. One gentleman had to more or less fight his way out while a screeching woman was reminding the camera that they weren't 'touching' anyone. One man tried to enter and when he was denied he asked the police for help and did not get it. The man said it was his right to enter the building and the policeman just shrugged his shoulders.. Damn!

The URL I provided takes you to the first film clip. The clip of them blocking the entrance is clip #5 when you look at the menu. I suggest you look at all of the clips but #1 and #5 will make you wish there was an open season on Ultra-liberal idiots.

Uncle Billy