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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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What a great weather weekend but fishing was tough. From reading the reports from a number of sites everyone struggled this weekend, it was too warm for this time of year, so the shallow/frog bite never materialized.

Anyway, Eli is a FISHING machine! We fished 5-6pm Friday night, 6:30am - 6pm both Sat and Sun, and 6:30am till 2pm Monday! We ended up with around 15 fish each day, most in the 1-2lb class, including some decent sized white bass when they were schooling. Highlights were Eli finally perfecting the baitcaster, his keepers came on TX rigged, Rattle Traps and Crankbaits. We tried the grass and mats for frog fish, not a swipe, and only 1 swipe at the buzzbait.

End of the trip he out caught me 2-1 in numbers, I did manage a 2nd best ever fish with a solid 5lb LB on a spinnerbait off wood, when Eli netted it he said "you have to lift it in, I can't!" LOL We did explore more of the lake, lauching from Goose Pond on Sunday with 4 friends that joined up in their boats, and fished south farther then we had.

After more then 35 hours of fishing over 4 days, on the way home we made great time and as we got close to our home lake he said "were ahead of schedule, can we get some more fishing in??"!!! LOL I told him when he's 16 and can drive we can do that, but i needed some sleep!!!

We'll be back to the Big G in the spring, in search of Eli breaking the 5lb mark!


Eli and his big fish, all his on a tx rigged baby brush hog, all i did was net her!

2010 October Gville Eli Big Bass for web.jpg

My big fish, spinnerbait off a blowdown

2010 October Gville Dad Big Bass for web.jpg

And when it got too hot, trolling for whites!

2010 Oct Gville Eli White for web.jpg
That boy is gonna be a "stick" for sure beating the great Trepster:lol:

We are going to have to start calling you by your new Nickname - Drum!

As in'beaten like a drum'!

Great pic's. I'll have to catch up with you and Eli one evening.

It was a great back-n-forth this weekend, Fri evening I got 2 dinks and he got zip, Saturday AM he had 3 in the boat the first hour to my ZERO, Sunday I got my big one, and so on... then Monday i couldn't get a keeper to save my life, and he nails 2 of them on the TX rigged on a bluff wall where I couldn't by a bite, he's got the soft feel finesse bite down cold.

There were times where I could see his frustration that I had a fish or 2 in an area or hour where he wasen't getting bit, and I was wondering if we should be fishing that long, and then he's start hitting them and getting bit and I am not getting bit, and then Eli's taunting me with he's up in #'s!! LOL I loved it.

Completely understand Trep. My now 14 year old will catch a fish or two more than me and then proceed to tell me EVERYTHING I am doing wrong!!!!!!!!:wacko:

He loves beating dad!

Enjoy them while they let you!

Sounds like a nice trip you guys had!:cool:

Keep these trips going dad, Eli will remember them forever.:)

Nice write up and great pics!!! Glad youse guys had a good trip.
Sounds like a great trip and a wonderful time was had by all! Way to go Eli and Dad!! :D

Joey and I spent the past couple days of Fall break at the local honey-hole crossing some eyes. These are the days our kids will remember. At least I sure hope so.
Great narrative - great pics! Carter is not quite into fishing as Eli :( Oh well, letting him go his own pace. BTW Trep, might want to adjust the date on that camera! :D
Jim - Opps just realized what you meant, that it shows 2008!! LOL At least the Month and Days were right!! LOL
Awesome work dad! Can't wait to get Andrew out again in the spring!
What an awesome memory for Eli! I just bought an annual Alabama fishing license good thru August 2011 so I may join you on your next trip! I am leaving for Lay Lake on Thursday. Hope there is a 5 lber in my future!
Great memories... Very cool... That will be with him forever
That's to cool.........Eli's expression's just crack me up!! That first pix looks like he's trying to pull a truck out of a ditch!!:lol::D