Attn: Tracker Marine Customer Service

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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Reaction score
Please look below for DeweyS Thread... "Boy Was I Wrong".... Please, communicate with this guy... You look bad when these things happen...
Tracker Marine has been running their bussiness in this fashion for years, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO, OR WILLING TO CHANGE.

For some of us, we get a good boat and never have to deal with thier customer service depts. I was one of the lucky ones. But I feel for you folks that are having issues and cannot get support from the CUSTOMER SUPPORT division of Tracker Marine. I too back in 1999 had a 700LX that the hull was needing to be replaced after I paid in full for it. It took 4 weeks of phone calls to get them to replace the hull. Lucky for me my NX750 was flawless.. Just got one of the good ones...

Eventualy it will catch up to them, and they will loose market share to the competition. Its already being seen on this board. How many Tracker/Nitro Owners have sold/traided thier rides in on Rangers, Basscats, and Tritons in the past 6 months..

Price is no longer an big issue when comparing Nitros / Trackers to the competition. So as in the past, some of us may have purchased Nitro's / Trackers based on budget, today, you can get an Xpress, Triton, Skeeter, G3, BassCat, ect.. for about the same $$, some instances less $$ for more features.

Not bashing Nitro, I loved both my 700 and 750, but this crap has to stop, we drop our hard earned $$$ on a boat for pleasure, not neccesity, we should and deserve a quality product and quality customer service from the dealers and Tracker Marine....

Ps-s-st..... Greg.....

Tell 'em to take a look at my resume, too.....

Maybe what they need to do to restore confidence is bring in someone they might not otherwise consider. I certainly have all the qualifications and more. It could be an excellent strategic move.....

I get the job done.
I am working with Tracker/Bass Pro as we speak to get something taken care of. Trailer issue that I will most likely have to take care of myself before I sell it. I will post details after this situation is resolved, good or bad. If Tracker doesn't come thru, I will be one unhappy customer....again.

Lets see....I have bought a new boat 3 out of the last 5 years. Think I am a good customer for someone to take my money? Heck ya but I would NEVER buy a product from Tracker again. EVER!! Nor would I recommend them to anyone. After I got all the kinks worked out of the Nitro, it's a really good boat. The only problem was I got NO support from the dealer. When they did repair something, they did it wrong. I ended up having the repairs done somewhere else every time something happened and I paid out of pocket so it would get done right.

Hopefully, I will have a better customer service experience with the trailer but I doubt it. It's a shame because I think they make some nice products but everyone I've ever mentioned Nitro to comments on bad quality and/or bad customer service.

They survive on first time boat buyers I think. They got me that way on my first "real" boat. Never had a problem with Lowe or Triton (so far).

Triton has AWESOME customer service. Not that you'll need it, they build a great boat and pay close attention to the small details. On my second and could not be happier.
The Tracker/Nitro service center in Auburn Hills Michigan has ALWAYS done me right...!! They have always gone out of their way to try to make me's too bad that a good service center is constantly being handcuffed by a poor manufacturer and it's warranty claims center....Hey Tracker Marine Warranty Claims Center.....YOU SUCK...!! By the way Mr. Long, it's been over a year now...I'm still waiting for you to look into, and call me back in regards to my warped deck which you denied warranty repair on...Thanks Alot...!!
Most of the time (not always), it's a dealer issue on not necissairly a Tracker Marine issue. Let's remember, that in almost ALL cases, the dealer is representing the problem(s) to Tracker. Also, they are also the ones that need to respond back when Tracker Marine has a question.

That leaves both the consumer, and Tracker Marine in need of the middleman.

I have had poor service from a dealer (not BPS but an independent), and then I have had great service from BPS/Tracker when I asked about something that was long past warranty. They served as my 'consumer advocate', and Tracker Marine responded appropriately. Thanks again, Concord BPS for your assistance.

I agree with Tex. I presonally think the dealer makes all the difference. Marine USA who is my dealer has been great and when i had a problem with my hull everything was taken care of to my satisfaction by both the dealer and Nitro. My next boat will more then likley be a Nitro and it will be purchased at Marine USA. That being said if my dealer stopped selling Nitro my next boat would be whatever they are selling at that time it dosent matter if its Ranger, Triton, Skeeter whatever. I am much more loyal to the dealer that has taken excellent care of me as a customer then i am to the brand itself.

Every boat maker has thier share of unhappy costomers, its unavoidable. I know i have posted my buddies Triton exerience with his 185 magnum and my champion experience that was lass then stellar to say the least.
Tex, Jim,

You both make valid points, but when a Nitro/Tracker owner contacts Tracker Marine directly and gets the run-a-round, the dealer is not in the picture the fault for subpar customer service lies entirely on Tracker Marines Warranty Dept. We have seen this TOO many times, on TOO many WEB sites of Nitro/Tracker owners not receiving the service, response or action needed.. Yes there are some realy bad dealers out there, but ultimately the responsibility lies with Tracker Marine to take the appropriate action against the dealer or on behalf over the boat owner ( THEIR CUSTOMER )

Just my .02.
Poor or faulty repairs, incorrect rigging, etc are dealer issues and the problem is then the dealer... Warranty "claims" are the responsibility of TRacker Marine...

Here we have a boat that was taken back to Tracker for repair... That was then Tracker's responsibility... There is now a "festering" warranty claim issue... again that is Tracker's responsibility...

So, I believe I am justified, based on what we know here, to hold the opinion that this is squarely Tracker's responsibilty (or fault if you wish to see it that way). Certainly, I do not see a "dealer" issue, except maybe that the dealer could press Tracker for some kind of answer...

What is so hard about setting up a viable customer service department... If you have a desire to do it it can be done. I cannot believe that the people who come here with credible stories like this one are in fact unreasonable people demanding something they are not entitled to... Remember, on this one TRacker took the boat back... So, someone at Tracker believed something was wrong... Fix it... Letting it sit on a dealer lot while the warranty time runs out and then claim that no warranty now exists is "BS" at best, if not possibly some kind of fraudulent behavior or violation of consumer protection laws... It is certainly bad business...

Well Dewey...

Seems like it was an unusual "setup"... or just a plain setup...

I would like to know what the management at the dealership have to say to you...

They won't return my calls and when I go in there the guy that runs the place John Randell is never there.

I did get copied on an email by mistake that John Randell had sent Mr. long saying that I was becomeing a pain, because I was calling ever other day ... well yea this deal should have taken place back in Jan. you bet I am going to keep calling
Will somebody please remind me again why I no longer work there.....Smitty???....anyone???
Maybe, just maybe, you cared about the customer. That's my guess. Carl

Don't be discouraged by their failure to respond... Keep that e-mail... But, answer it with an apology and an explanation that you will cease being a pain when the issue is resolved... Of course that one I would copy to Johnny Morris by registered/certified mail... With copies to Nathan Long and the manager Randell
I would call every day... Twice a day, politely, but regularly... Ask for an appointment with Mr Randell... send that request by e-mail, again, every day twice a day until you get an appointment, then take someone with you, preferably someone like a friend who is a lawyer, police officer, minister, someone with "built-in" credibility... Even if they only witnes refusal to speak to you in front of trhem they bolster your credibility... Ask if you can record any conversation and if not, at least, carefully write down everything they say... It may be tedious and aggravating to them, but valuable to you...
Get a lawyer and take them to court. File for full new value of boat plus damages costs and mental stress. A good lawyer shouldn't have any problems with winning this case and getting all your money back plus his fee's as extra.
No offense, but getting a lawyer is probably one of the worst ideas offered. Let's see, you have to start paying the lawyer right away. Depending upon which state you live in, you probably cannot sue for mental stress. Also, the courts are so full of poor lawsuits, that it will take 3-4 years to be settled. And now the real kicker . . .

As soon as you get a lawyer, and threaten to sue (which is why you got the lawyer), now your lawyer is talking to their lawyer. And in the meantime, your boat is not getting fixed/addressed at all.

My personal opinion.

Let me see if I can express my thoughts properly.....

I find it a very sad state of affairs when the supporters (myself included) of a company and it's products find themselves making statements like those above.

Repeatedly, the complains are about response to the Customer/Consumer. It has been the same ever since I bought my first Nitro in 1996.

Just think..... We all agree that Tracker Marine has excellent products..... If Tracker Marine would just treat Customers/Consumers like they were important to them..... Just think of the sterling reputation they could have among our fishing community!


And Tracker..... If you want someone to get the job done.....

My resume: Matheis resume let rec.doc
I would see an Atty..Oh yea My best friend Is a Lawyer..I would send letters to all Involved.....Then let them pay for the legal bills...JR