Are you ready for some football????

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
My Colts ..... Super Bowl Champs ....... are back on TV tonight. Thank the Lord NFL football is back in action.

Did Troy Aikman die his hair or what???? Pam Oliver's bra couldn't have any more padding in it and Peyton Manning has a buzz cut.

Got to study up for my Vegas fantasy football draft on Sept 8th. (Yes the season starts with my Colts on Sept 6th but they back date the scores for inquiry sake.)

Go Colts!
I am guessing Pam is a blonde and misplaced her shoulder pads? All I care about football is how many weeks to the next superbowl party.....

I'm not a huge NFL fan, but I am ready for the University of Tennessee Volunteers to take the field!!! I do pull for the Colts due to the Payton Manning connection though.


I love football BUT It means Cold weather and I hate that...It has been miserable here, but I will take It over those Cold ass days.....Go Colts..Gonna Get seats close to ground level and center field..Yee HAA JR:D Anyone wanna buy a like new boat?????? JR:)
The Lions are fired up 'cuz they think they're going to have a "winning season"......WTF?!

You know a team sux when they're excited about the prospect of being 9 and 7!! But,..the experience of being a Lion's fan tells me they'll be more like 6 and 10!!:angry::(

Ohwell.......atleast we have Lk.St.Clair!!:wub:;)
I don't care much for NFL football myself but i love college football....and of course my beloved....ranked # 2 in the polls....TIGERS!!!!!!!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are into the NFL and fantasy football then Directv is a must. The NFL ticket is something else. Just make sure there are fresh batteries in the remote, 'cause you'll be hopping from game to game.

Bruce, did you ever get rid of the rabbit ears and get a dish? Or did you get electricity in Pylesville yet?:lol:
Mac the one good thing about being a Lions fans is that the clothing starts off at a good price because the team is not very good and the price goes down as they continue to lose so everyone can afford to be a Lions fan! Ha ha! :lol::lol:

LOL, doubt,.....I'm more like RW though,.....couldn't care less about the "National Felon League",.....but MICHIGAN football ROCKS!!! They WILL win the NC this year!!:wub:;)
Die hard Chiefs fan here. Can't wait. However It looks like another season of run the ball on 1 and 2 down, then fake the pass on 3rd and run it again. Herm Edwards is going to run us into the ground again if he doesn't get a wake up call. But it is still football.
See you in the superbowl again this year... wanna place a friendly wager that my BEARS beat the stuffing out of your Colts this time around?

I'll place another wager -- Carson Palmer shows up as a better quarterback than Peyton Manning this year....



Some of you folks here are really out there already. Tell me (of the better echelon teams), the teams that will have the fewest injuries, and I'll tell you who is likely to be 'ranked' in the playoffs. After that, it's still a crapshoot. My take on some of the wannabe's.

Colts - lot's and lot's of questions again on defense and LOT (left offensive tackle). Took a long time to get what they wanted. What will happen now. Many cases, of 1 year wonders in the playoffs, to falter badly the next year.

Bears - Same thing. Lovie Smith ain't the QB, and doesn't actually play. Those on the field will have do to it.

Cowboys - Was the first half of Tony Romo's year the real thing, or the last half? How much did Parcell's no-nonesense rules hold them back? Is Wade Phillips really the answer? Will their defensive mindset (go get the qb), mean Doomsday II?

Chargers - May have learned an important lesson. May not have.

Patriots - Great bloodlines and work ethic, but have slipped a notch. Can they truly re-caputre the magic - or are they having the same things happen, that happened to the Boy's in the 90's.

Panthers - Jekyl and Hyde. Not sure which team will show up, week to week. Signing the Texan's leftover QB to push Jake - don't think so. Too many defensive questions (LB, Defensive line and Secondary). But they do have the two top players at their respecitve positions (and they are impact positions): Steve Smith (WR) and Julius Peppers (DE). Both of those, when they turn it on can take over a game.

Falcons - Done. Period.

Saints - Get out the paper sacks. May need them again.

The Great E. Texas Swami has spoken.

Tex :p

football? Is that what they call it now? College is my thing, NFL is more of a slowed down boring version of college:lol:

Someone call 911 seems Mac has fallen and hit his head!!!! Everyone knows LSC will be the NC. :D:p


Go Huskers!! :D

The Redskins are the best team money can buy. As soon as Gibbs figures out whether to huddle them up or change their oil, they'll be a team this year.

HUSKERS!!!!!!! Come on Tox give me a break. anyway I don't think all of the Husker team has made parole yet.

Tox. I believe it's the same one the Hawkeye basketball attend. :unsure:


The Redskins are the best team money can buy. As soon as Gibbs figures out whether to huddle them up or change their oil, they'll be a team this year.


Personally I think hiring Al Saunders was a huge mistake. If I was building a football team I don't think I could think of a better offensive coach than Joe Gibbs. I just don't know why, after going to the playoffs two years ago, they changed everything.

I also think Gibbs is just going to wait for an excuse to put Brunnel back in. Don't get me wrong, I'll pull for Campbell all day and night but I don't think he's going to make it. Now it's up to you to decide if I really mean that or I'm just using reverse physcology:lol:

The offense line needs to get cracking (uh, no pun intended) because they seem to be a sieve right now.

I've always pulled for the Redskins and the Senators but all of these pro teams seem to be getting away from me. Too much money and too much crap going on. Now Nancy, who I had to MAKE look at the games, is the one who is on her feet the whole game yelling and screaming. The Redskins are supposed to tackle, just as hard as they can, anyone on the opposing team even if every bone in their body was broken. BUT, if that happens to any of her Redskins, she hoots and hollers "why isn't that a foul", etc..:huh:

Uncle Billy

Let's go Canes!

Here's what I'm talking about:
Sorry Bob,......but Wolverines eat Nittany Lion's cahonies for lunch,....then they scamper off to the vet's office to have their manhood replaced by a couple BUCKEYES!! BWaahhaaa

Buckeye vets? That has to be a new record! I will bet McDonalds is mad cause they are losing out on their new recruits from Ohio State!

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