Apoligy To Any Tracker Employees

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Tim m

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
I want to say I am sorry for the rant that took place earlier on this website with regards to my comments to Tracker or any of thier employees...I spoke with Nathan Long and he was more than willing to help me with my problems.I understand that this website wasnt the place to do what i done,but after being down a week wit the flu and being without my boat for over 2 weeks and couldnt get any answers,I juIst lost it...So again sorry to those involved and Tracker does make a top notch product in which i will continue to buy....
Dave, that was "cold"... funy, and I hope RT takes it that way...

RT... The fact that you are now talking to Tracker is the main thing...
I live in the town where tracker builds there tin boats, I also personally know the employees,

If you knew what I know than your rant was probably deserving.....lol

I graduated with one of there supervisors man you talk about rocks being smarter...If it was not for his daddy beging a big shot at the plant well you can guess the rest...;)
Lol @ vectordave. Nathan Long has really stepped up. Glad to hear you found someone who can make a difference RT. Chief, those insights are disturbing.