Anyone out there work for Tracker

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Tim m

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Going round and round with Tracker & my dealer on my rear deck squeak....I knew this would be fun,good thing i have a lawyer on the hook....I am looking to find ANYONE out there that can send me a pic of what the pt175 rear deck frame looks with the deck OFF...I saw in in an old book or mag somewhere. half the boat was fiished and the ohter half was frame and foam......I have the solution to the problem but before i pitch it to them i want to make sure I know what i am talking about.....Thanks to anyone that can help me
Good luck.... DSo try to get a message through to Nathan Long. He has been on the board before. He has stated that these issues do concern him... I like your analogy... Tracker does not need to feed the reputation mill with stories that support the "can of fix a flat" rumors. Tracker is and wants to be a "Customer Service" oriented company, so they don't need these issues tarnishing their image.
No dog in this fight.... Are you sure this is the proper venue to pursue a solution to your problem???

The tone of your post would not draw much of a response from me if i worked for Tracker.

You can get help from Tracker folks here... I think you may need to step back and take a different approach...

Just me sticking my nose in!!!!


I agree with kb, I realize that the squeak is annoying but it doesn't stop you from using the boat, it's an annoyance and as soon as you bring up the word lawyer no one is going to talk to you. They can't it then becomes a legal matter and I wonder if you will ever get any resolution unless there is a leak or the boat is un fishable.

Good luck!


KB & Cass I totally understand where your coming from but when you have people on here asking what toilet papaer to wipe with or where to put it after it,s used then i figure I have as much right as any to voice my concerns on an OPEN Forum on the NITRO AND TRACKER WEBSITE...When you fish a pressured lake like i do And i do fish not ride around and listen to the radio and everytime you step on your deck and it sounds like the floor of a 100 year old house then i might as well just listen to the radio....Didnt you know sound transmits and is amplified thru water.....So sorry guys if it botheres you...If tracker really cares then if there are some on here then we will get this resolved and i will quit getting lied to......Thanks
rt, I understand your frustration and am sympathetic but I think there might be a miss understanding on my part because I interpreted the tone of your message as to incite a response from the manufacture based on threats to which others replied suggesting other options and the potential impact of your post. If you go back and look at your initial post it was very reasonable and made sense, but your follow up post an hour later came across as an aggravated individual making threats.

I wish you luck!

I understand your concerns, You are aware this site is NOT a Tracker Marine owned website?????

It is a known fact that a few TMBC folks watch whats going on here...

I wish you luck in your dilemma... I also know that you get alot more flies with honey, than with vineger.

Exhaust all efforts with your dealer, if that does not get the results you are after... go up the food chain till you do... Through your dealer...Handled properly you can get the results you hope to achieve.

We only hear one side of every story....

I dropped my boat off at the dealer and told them to keep it!:lol:

Of course there was other issues as well:wacko:
Once again... Nathan, it is nice to see you respond... This is the image Tracker needs to have and maintain... A lot of loyal owners here can spread the word of reposnes like yours to this thread... Much better than the old reputation (justified or not) we all want to see die out...
Gee, maybe its me or the fact that I have a trouble-free Tracker, but I think that as a manufacturer, Tracker has done a lot of good things, including customer service - especially through Nathan Long and his posts on this board. So to Mr. Long I say, way to go on being responsive. I hope we never have occasion to talk except for me to continue to say how happy I am with my Tracker product!

Once agin Tracker responds and everybody thanks them. When are people going to just accept the fact that they care and will back up their products. Sheesh.

Personally, if somebody came at me squaking about attorney this and lawsuit that I would have turned a deaf ear. You need to approach Tracker with some resemblance of respect. It's people like that who don't make very good second or third customers. Frankly I wouldn't want to have to deal with them over and over.

That is why I am not in CS!!:p


Tox, CS is bad for you becuse you are a bad kisser too HAHAHAHAHAHA I am such a funny guy HAHAHAHAHA