anybody been to lake anna lately(cold side)

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mike chip

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2002
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anybody has been fishing the cold side of lake anna, and how the fishin been.

I know toxic has not been out because of tourny rules, but how about the other guys. Have the bass moved up shallow yet? thinking about heading out this weekend to prefish for a tourny i have in october. I yes, its early to prefish for a tourny 3 weeks away but i need all the help i can get on this body of water.

I'll be out there both Friday and Saturday. Friday to pre-fish and the TX is Saturday. If you see the moneyboat stop and ask. I also have a lot of guide trips backed up because of this 30 day rule so I will be out there a lot.


I will be out there on saturday. What is the money boat? I have met carlos and seen is ride, is he in the tourny also. I am sure i will be flying around the lake looking to see where every one is fishing, so if you see a g3 running up and down the lake like a moron give me a wave.

Also where are you launching from. and what time is weigh in.


The moneyboat is my NITRO (Black/Gold 929)LOL!! I'll keep an eye peeled for you. I will be launching out of Sturgeon both days but I am not sure which marina the TX is launching out of. I will more than likely be running a lot also so we will probably pass each other at some point in the day. You can bet I will NOT be anywhere downlake from Sturgeon Creek

Hey Mike, I just looked at the pictures of your boat. Sweet looking. Now, how do you tie it down to keep it from flipping end over end with that big Yami on it?:rolleyes:

thanks bill,

the motor is a little big and runs like a scalded dog, but she is a runner if you dont over trim her to much.


i am thinking of starting up the arm near the state park and even trying to rip a few lips near ware creek but i will be moving alot so see you out there.
