Bob and Jimmy - Just giving input, I know too many guys both on this board, other sites and locally, that bought into the 'it's just $150 a month, I can afford that boat for a 10 year loan" and then either job loss, move, divorce, not fishing as much... and 2 years later are WAY under water on the loan, and get killed selling it. Just a suggestion, its a pleasure craft not a car to get you to your job. I know not everyone agree's with me, and more then 60% of americans (even before the economy crashed last year) didn't pay off their credit cards each month and paid interest, but coming from a family who went through a nasty bankruptcy in the 70's when dad's business went under, its in my blood.
Dchance - Great on the job security and paying off early, thats a great plan! if you can afford it, I'm with the others if you CAN get the 200hp! Its true that I've never heard anyone (well 1 person) say they wish they had less HP on their boat.