Braided Line

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
How many of you are using braid on a spinning reel for soft plastics fishing?

Spooled up 30lb (8lb diameter) Stren Super-braid and gave it a try last night...

Shimano Spirex 4000, 7' medium action rod.

Verdict is still out, but overall I was not impressed...had to cut two knots out of the line...probably lost 15 yards...after that it behaved 'better', but still knotted a few times...

This is the first time I've used braid on a spinning reel...

Was thinking that the following could have been factors in the poor performance:

Light weight...was using a 3/16 oz bullet weight...not pegged

It was windy...

It was chilly...air 58, water 52.

Too much line on the bail initially?

And it seemed to knot up more often when I casted "hard"...

now...hook sets were different! have never punched as many 'holes' in mouths before...also, have never 'BENT' a gammy worm hook before!!!

so...what do you braid experts have to say???

I've been using it for several years on spinning gear and have not any problems with knotting.

I throw weightless Senko's and other plastics up to 1/2 ounce.
Andy, I have used Berkley Fireline on my Spirex for two years and have not had those problems, maybe like you said it was filled to much. Nice thing about braids is since it has no memory (Fireline anyway) you can re-spool it on your spare spool after it starts to look worn and use the other end of the line. ;)

I lost a real nice LM with an attitude this weekend and lost a Luckycraft as well with mono 8lb:(

Wish I had the Fireline spool on the spirex when that happened. The LM took a dive right at the boat and cut the line under the boat.:angry:

Had a little knotting the first time I used Stren Super Braid on my baitcaster. It's better now, and I had to put new line on last month (different problem). Haven't used it on a spinning reel as yet.

I don't use it on my spinning reel but I do use braid on my big heavy flipping rod sometimes. I go back and forth in my opinion of braided line. I do like the sensitivity and the lack of memory and stretch. I don't like the fact that you can not see it in low light and it wraps around the rod guides in windy weather.

One suggestion for all you guys using braided line; try Power Pro. It is far and away the best braided line out there. For one thing it is a true braided line, not a composite of fibers fused together. I've tried all of them so I can say for certian it is just eaiser to work with than all the others, especially after it's been used awhile.

You put too much on Andy....

I have been using PowerPro for about 4 years stuff on the market that I have tried. It is a true "round" line. Woven like the chinese handcuffs you had as a kid. The harder you pull on it, the tighter and rounder the weave gets.

I have used Fireline for 6-7 years, both on spinning reals and baitcasters, and have never had knotting problems. It lasts way longer than mono line. Only issue I have is when using heavy line and you snag bad, its almost impossible to break the line. Put on a glove or else you risk breaking your rod or cutting your hand. Done both...
Andy -

For a few years, I use d10# Fireline on a Spirex 500 / 5'6" light action Bionic Blade for trout with a fluorocarbon leader.

Then, this last summer, I put some 20#(?) Stren braid on a Sahara 200 / 5'6" medium action Bionic Blade for around lilly pads with a Senko. I did not use a leader.

The braided lines always sound funny to me as they run through the guides! They are so-o-o sensative that I have to completely readjust my thinking with them. Fish sure do seem to strike harder! On the light rod, after about 3 years of repeated casting of light lures in swift streams, I saw absolutely no wear on the guides. I did get some knoting when I had the spools overfilled.

I very much prefer mono; but I found braid exceptional for some purposes.



I run PowerPro 6/20 on a Diawa Caprice 2000 and the rod is a Mitchel Fulcrum .So sensative it's scary to say the least.Just make sure the drag is much looser than when running mono,and all you need for the hookset is a little wrist action.Will cast a mile effortlessly,even with the lightest lures.
I never use a leader because I'm usually fishing in heavy cover and stained to dirty water. Here is an article by Chuck Justice on braided vs. mono line that you may find interesting.

Thanks for that article Harpo.. I have never used braided line before but am now thinking about trying it for certain applications.

Brucester -

Try a double loop square knot.....
