"Advanced Bass Fishing Skills" from B.A.S.S.

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
Anyone else get this book from B.A.S.S. in the last few days?

"You have been selected to receive the first edition.....at the special member price of just $9.

".....mail your Member Reply form and payment today.

".....you don't have to participate or send it back.....return the book at our expense so that another member can have the same opportunity."

Sorry, guys. This kinda marketing ticks me off. I won't be sending either the book or the payment.

Scott, I got that book and am about half through with it. I actually think it's a good book. Of course, I threw the junk away before ever cracking the pages. If I knew what the other books in the series were and how much they might cost, I might consider it. However, if this one is about advanced bass fishing techniques, I really don't care to receive the advanced muskie fishing techniques book.

The only really cheesy thing about the book is the STICKER that is the cover...

i got to agree with you, i too recieved this book and was very ticked off about how they worded it as a free gift until you opened it to find out that you have to buy the book and oh here's your (free) coin to keep. I am not liking how b.a.s.s. is turning into with these tactics.Dont get me wrong, i enjoy getting the magazine and gifts when i renew but trickery and junk mail from an orgainization i belong to may recieve my cancelation notice very soon.

Steve ><}}}}'>
Maybe what I'll do is use the return label to send the box back with newspaper in it.......
NAFC has, historically, been a worse offender in this type of marketing. I used to get a bit burned by the gall of some of these organizations. However, as Sim pointed out with the link above, I now welcome these tactics - gets me a free gift! =^) Bottom line is: you didn't order it, you don't have to pay for it NOR even return it. Unsolicited merchandise, yours to keep. Same way with some of those "Try it free - if you don't like it just mark CANCEL on the invoice"; but then they continue to send you a book/subscription, etc. Pulled the same thing with me with "Bass Times" a few years ago. I returned the card CANCEL, but they seemed to ignore it. Nice of them to send me a year's worth free.
Sound the same as some of those "book, and DVD" co. selling mail order. You get 10 DVD's free. But then they send you a card by mail -- if you don't send the card back in 10-15 days--- they send the DVD and bill you. And it take for ever to try to Cansel.

I never got the coin... was it worth getting? My box was a little damaged upon arrival.
The coin? I barely looked at it, it's value? zero (IMHO)

Tactics like these are what P... me off about the NAFC and now I can add B.A.S.S. to my list of former favorites, at least In-Fisherman hasn't done this to me.....yet.

I haven't returned the book and coin, but I will be within a few days, didn't look at the book, don't want it, didn't ask for it, and absolutely hate that kind of marketing, what I should do is invoice THEM for the 30 minutes I'll be standing in line at the post office on my lunch hour waiting to return it...... of course I could wait until Saturday to return it, but then I'd be NOT FISHING, and standing in line over 30 minutes....... ARRRRGHHHH! egMike

p.s.- Thanks Sim, I went to the link, printed a copy of the page, and will enclose it in the box with the book and coin, with certain parts of it highlited of course...
Mike Snow - E-mail me your address and I'll send you my coin.

egMike - I decided last night that I am going to stuff the box with newspaper and return it to them and keep the book. (I never do nasty stuff like this. Guess I must really be angry at something.)


Hey, they deserve it, the worst part of it is when I came home from work the other day, the box was sitting on the dining room table, and my wife asked me "Ok, what fishing crap did you order NOW?"...so I first had to convince her I didn't request it, then I had to open it and read all the garbage, then put the book and coin back in....and the return label on it........but I really like your idea with the newspaper....hehe, got me to thinkin'....... maybe I could keep the book and coin, and stuff the box with junk mail? It'd only take 2 days to get enough "junk" here........ hmmmm.... egMike
Now i wish i kept the book, igot the coin...i forgot to put it back in the box before i sealed it. Maybe i will get one next month????i like the junk mail idea better.

Steve ><}}}}'>
Never got the book or the coin or any thing else ! Just lucky I guess.
They're waiting for me to send mine back so you can have the "opportunity"!

Would you like I should send you my junk mail instead, Mark? LOL!!

InFisherman does it too!

I've got a videotape they sent...

Also gotten 3 follow-up mails asking for money or the tape...

Was feeling bad about the trash-can I threw it into until I read the info from the link above! Thanks Simnitro!!

Just send the book back with all kinds of stuff hi-lited,...maybe a few pages folded over,...all dog-eared and maybe a few coffee cup "rings" on the cover,...LOL

Screw BASS,...I'm still po-d at'em for dropping S&T!!! I hopoe I get my book in the mail.....I've got a few things I'll send back to them!! LOL!!!

Got a response from the customer service dept. cost of future books---every 2-3 months----$21.95 plus-$3.95 S & H!!!!!!!! Nice book but not THAT nice!!!!!
I think I'm just gonna send back the book.....

As much as I'd like to.....

I just ain't got that kinda mean streak in me.....

$25.90 for each of the subsequent books?


I get better advice here and get specific questions answered.

Mac, I like the way you think! Coffee cup rings, hehe

well, ME, and everyone, I wimped out, I sent back the book, coin, and a copy of those postal inspection rules with strategically highlited sentences,and a note, advising them the next time they send me anything unsolicited like that, my membership will be null and void effective immediately, and they'll never see another dime of my money, (already been that route with NAFC)and now I pray In-Fisherman never sends anything either (thanks for the warning Andy. )egMike
In-Fisherman sent me a packet of "sample baits along with a sticker.....couple of weeks later they wanted $$. Couple of weeks after that they were more direct about wanting $$. Couple of weeks after that I got a letter that said in so many words, "We were good enough to send you some free stuff, why can't you send us $$, you owe it to us." I canceled and have never looked at their material again.

TOX WROTE: "We were good enough to send you some free stuff, why can't you send us $$, you owe it to us."

Hmmm....kinda makes it no longer "free stuff", doesn't it. Tempting to respond, "I was good enough to subscribe to yur membership, why can't you send me FREE stuff, you owe it to me!"
The illustrations in this book look like they came right out of "In-Fisherman".

Problem with adding all those copies of the laws..... The return books are openned by off-duty postal workers who don't give a shucks.
True, ME, but it makes me feel better sending it...

Hope they take me off their "easy money" list, and soon! Have a good night all, egMike
I think that Congress ought to repeal the "Do Not Mail/Call List" law and pass a new one.....

"Mail/Call Me List" Law: Solicitors are only permitted to contact individuals who have placed their name on a list giving solicitors permission. In order to have access to the list, your name must be on it!
Ok..... So if all these companies keep sending out these books..... Then somebody has to be buying them.....

Anyone here ever actually send the $$'s or purchase later issues?
They are still trying to collect from me. So I have sent a copy of the web page Simnitro provided along with a note from me saying thanks for the gift and leave me alone. Let's see what happens.

Send them a copy of this page, too, so they can see the overall impression we get of them from their marketing tactics.
Too late, I already sent it out. Maybe witht the next dunning letter.
