51 Pictures in the 2004 Rally File and..........

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
.....17 of them are either about Trepper or have him in them! LOL!!

Not only is he King Tin - but The Rally King as well!
Thanks me! for sharing all of the pics. Im sure you all who went to the rally had a good time.

WHERE are all these pics? I tried the link on the home page but it said something like "not found on this server".
Go to the home page and then click on:

Photo's from previous rallies.

its in the 2004 folder.
Thanks to all those who contributed pictures!

And Thanks to Bob G for smiling!

Teri - I did some minor cropping to two of your pictures and added new captions.....
I can't believe I got caught smiling for the camera!!!! The Horror!!!!

Bob G.
You took out the true meaning of those photos! Sux!

Are you censoring the pics for some particular reason?

Are we only allowed to have fun at the rally on your terms??

Bob G.
Bob -

There was a reason that I wasn't told on-line what the gesture ment - it is simply vulgar.

After learning, I decided to make the edits.

'Nuff said.

Picture Police...Do you really think I wanted a picture of my nose out there when the original picture was braggin' on you in a dress. The other photo was all in fun (at least for me). Lighten up!
OK, Teri..... When I get home tonight, I'll change the "Cutest nose" picture back.

As far as the other editing..... Before I unedit the pictures that you and Bob are so proud of, what do you say one of you posts right here on the board the meaning of the gesture so that everyone can be in on the fun?
Doesn't matter...There are some pictures of the rally that I am sure others might find offensive for a completely different reason. Do you get my drift.......????? So if I were you, I wouldn't question peoples motives or morals.

This is a very touchy subject. We had a picture of a guy blowing flames out of his arse on here the other day....I didn't see you editing that pic. You do not own those pics. You have no rights of censorship to the site or it's members pictures. Rich does or if he wishes to nominate you as a moderator than so be it. There was nothing blatantly offensive about them. You are trying to take it to the level where there may be something offensive. It is/was an inside joke. Leave it, and the pics alone.

Sorry to be short but I hate censorship.

I edited the pictures only in the Rally Pictures folder - not those that were posted by the individuals.

I will now invite you, TOXIC, to tell everyone the meaning of the gesture.
OMG! Lighten up folks!

Me!, no right whatsoever....just change them back and I would also change the file names too. Maybe give credit to the photographer in the file name.

Everyone else lighten up.


PS for those that dont know...

"Two in the pink and one in the stink"
Ok Staci, if you want to be caddy women here we go...

First off, you should understand the freedom of expression. If guys want to be guys and have a little juvenile fun with a gesture, then so be it. I was born a woman and I was also born with a sense of humor. That gesture doesn't bother me in the slightest. It really wouldn't have been a big deal but YOU made it one.

As far as your comment about "that you and Bob are so proud of", well you can just bite me on that.

I have seen some tension on this board in the last few days and they all seem to have one common thing. You figure it out.

As far as the next rally, I can assure you my cabin will be available for anyone one who wants it. I have better things to do then worry about who I am going to offend.

And by the way, I really held back on this post.

If you cant figure it out based on my definition, do a google search on "the shocker".

Honestly, I don't know...I can assume, but that is not the point. The meaning behind them does not make the pictures offensive themselves. If my 6 year old looked at those pics she would not know what it meant (unlike a single finger salute etc.). You miss my point...THE PICTURES are not offensive, the hidden meaning may be (to you) but until it is posted (the meaning) there is NOTHING offensive.....and even if they were, YOU are not the judge, nor have been afforeded the right to impress your version of "vulgar" on the subject matter of the site. Keep your opinions to yourself.

Sorry (and that's the last time I apologize) but that is how I feel.

I will not be a part of those pictures.

I will remove them from the Rally file.

You can post them wherever you like.

Both pictures deleted.

Including the one where I had cropped myself out and labeled it "cutest nose".
Teri and Bobg,

Don't forget to give credit where it's due....I introduced you to the Shocker!!!

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG...They were part of the rally put them bac in the rally file, in their original format. They have memories for those that took them. You don't have to look at them and you have absolutely no right to control what goes in that file.

I can't believe this is coming from you. The one person who askes for tolerance and understanding.....and has gotten it.

This was in fun, take it as such and backoff!!! Just makes you look like you have a bad case of double standards.

I don't like censorship either but having said that, now that I know the meaning of the gesture I don't think it's funny or like the expressed meaning. I know it was meant as a joke and was "toung in cheek" but I can still only shake my head. The "guys want to be guys and have a little fun" is ONLY ok as long as the meaning is shared by the jokesters themselves. When it becomes public, or NTOWS knowledge it becomes offensive. Then maybe Toxics' six year old would recognize it as readibly as the "middle finger"..

When I was growing up, giving someone the "bird" was an instant fight. No more argueing or discussion, just a punch in the nose. Now that I know what that gesture means, I hope and pray that nobody would do that around my wife. I'm not trying to P.O. anyoen but had to let my feelings known.

Now, in the words of Rodney King, can't we all just get along?


Bill, I respect that but the meaning would not have become public if Staci didn't declare it be posted.

NO.....I refuse to be censored. The gloves are off. The only reason we have such a good group on this board is the fact that we can speak and post freely. That right has benn infringed upon and censorship applied arbitrarily by an individual who has not been afforeded, elected, or appointed the authority to censor this little nitch on the internet. I would feel this way even if the post offended me personally, I will stand up for the right to post it.

We will see how Rich interprets this.

I find that pic of me that's been posted 4,971 times to be very offensive...please remove it!!!!!!!






I gave you credit all along!!!!! LOL!!!

Bob G.




HaHa Ken, I also find that picture of you very offensive:)

Now, I am not going to get into who is "afforeded, elected, or appointed" because I don't know anything about that.

Maybe Rich should chime in. I'm sorry but that gesture does offend me so my recourse is NOT to look at the pictures. I'm a big boy and won't turn to stone by looking at them but that's my choice. I'm not trying to censor anyone else, as I've said before! There are lot's of things we can't post or say in this public forum so essentially, we CAN'T speak or post freely. WE censor ourselves. Saying, or doing things to deliberately P.O. people is not right however, in any forum.


SILENCE!!!! The QUEEN has SPOKEN AGAIN! You infintile, measley little peasants you! LOL The ruler of all that is NTOWS has rendered her final decisioin. The presiding Judge Staci has reached her vedict and ruled on the matter!

Any that shall contradict her....OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!
Screw that! I'm fishin! Let them fight it out. At least nobody is pilling on me for a change! LOL
Your day is coming feeley Neeley...oh YES, it's coming! And I am not stupid enough to allow a permanent record of such events.
Everyone go to your rooms! No dinner! You're grounded for an entire spawning season!

Here's the deal: Way back when, Staci took it upon herself to ask for the creation of the rally photo area. She maintains that library as a service to everyone else. As far as I am concerned, she's the "owner" of that library space, just as if it were her regular member library.

I sometimes remove photos from member libraries when they are inappropriate. But my rules don't include forcing someone to publish photos in their library that they don't like or want.

I don't consider Staci's actions censorship, because she only has the power to remove photos in her own library (which is actually two libraries). It's just a personal choice.

Everyone else has the ability to publish photos. I will gladly increase your library space if you need more room for your own rally photo library.

I am not offended by the photos in question. It's subtle locker room humor that is lost on anyone under the age of 12, and easily ignored by anyone over that age if it offends them.

Seems like a few of us (including me), are getting too wound up on small issues. Time for a break and maybe some fishing.
I am going to post a more complete explanation of what I did and why I did it.....

"Best Dressed" picture.

The 2004 Rally Folder needed more pictures of the Members who attended. Not of me. People like to see their own faces; not mine. Teri had been very kind to me by naming me "Best Dressed"; I very much appreciated her compliment. I decided to return it. I decided that, since she was properly lit in the original, I would crop it down to just her. She has a lovely profile; "Cutest nose at the rally" seemed like a very appropriate and complimentary caption.

"Shocker" picture:

I am not personally offended by the gesture. In the appropriate context, I too find it humorous. However, it is definately not appropriate to associate such humor with the overall atmosphere of the rally nor of this site. Many people here have suggested that Tracker Marine might want to assume some sort of sponsorship role in future rallies. If I were their person in charge of making such decissions, went to the Rally Photos page and saw several shots of that gesture - there is no way I would lend the NTOWS my support. That holds true for other potential advertisers and sponsors.

The Rally Photos section of this site has been my baby from the start. I have made decissions from the start what to include and what not to include. I have done all sorts of editing and cropping on many pictures.

On this particular picture, I edited it to show the two men and one woman from the shoulders up. To try and keep with a bit of the off-color humor, I titled it "If I keep practicing, will I be able to write my name?"

In one of the group pictures, where the gesture was exhibited, I smuged it out.

I didn't know Rich was posting at the same time.....
If in fact the "2004 Rally Pics" area is Staci's own personal area, I concede. That drasticly changes the context. Just as long as none of my (or any one elses') "personal" pics or posts get edited, I'm cool with it. As a matter of fact, I had Marke request that I pull a picture a while back and I had no problem with it, he ASKED, easy to comply.


Not siding either way...but I do remember staci requesting the "member profile" that could be used to post rally pics for everyone to have access to.

Just verifying what Rich said about the space being staci's.

Carry on,

Hey Rich,

Can we get an "R" rated section in here that's password protected where we can show boob's and butt's and things like that?!?

I've got some great shots of Trep and BobG.

Just kidding!!! (or not)
OK Neeley - What I want to know who's got "boob's" between Bob and I!!! LOL I know i've put on weight hitting 140+ lbs, but "boob's"?? No! love handles YES!!! LOL
It's your sandbox Staci, do with it as you will.

BUT.....I wouldn't edit pics unless you took them. Refusing to put them in the library is fine, retouching or altering is not (without permission).

Enough on this, we've got a rally to iron out for next year.


I agree with Toxic. Edit your own pics. If you find pics not appropriate for the Rally library, just don't put them in there unless you have permission to edit/crop/blur. Everything at the rally was just for fun and not meant to offend anyone! If I can't go to a rally and have fun, I'm not going.

Bob G.
I took the picture I blurred.

The other 2 have been removed.

Almost every picture in there has been edited in one way or another..... Resized, lightened, cropped..... It's a very time consuming process but I do it so that people will be able to easily view them and that a minimal amount of Rich's space is taken up.

If you object to my cropping, lightening or resizing any of the photographs that are your's, please say so and I will remove them.
On to more serious things....

Who was hotter, Betty or Wilma?

Laverne or Shirley?

If I worked at Tracker or Nitro, I would have a bigger problem with other things on this site than that picture.
Waaaaahhhhhhhhh, I don't wanta go to my room!!!

Oh, Betty by far Ken.

Looking forward to Kentucky Lake. Heck, I'm looking forward to just going fishing ANYWHERE right now.

Are we all playing nice again? Yipppeeeee!!!

I guess those pics of me during that exfoliation are out of the question huh?:)

If a 15 knot nautical wind blew out of the northeast on the 15th day of May, and the planets were properly alligned, who would blow away in the wind faster?

Trep or Bob?

I think Trep would blow away in the wind faster....my arse weighs more than Trep!

Bob G.
Ahh Grasshopper Bob, but sideways turn trepper does wind goes right by him, never blow something it can't see!!! LOL

Oh, and Wilma, Laverne, MaryAnn, Janet (3's company) ...
I have to quit going to work.......

I miss all the fun stuff........

There was somthing SAID at the dinner saturday night that would disturb the people that sponsered the rally more than that picture would.

I would not post any pictures on this site that I would not allow my own children to see.

Although I wouldn't QUITE use Mini's explanition.LOL

So now I will bite my toungue.
Hey Steve - Was I there?? Did I hear?? If not e-Mail me!!!
Not sure I remember what was said but I am sure Bob and I are proud of it.
Heck I was hammered ...what did I say??? I always find a way to say things I dont want to when the green bottles are talking.

As a side note: I was driving to OH the other day when I was pondering what the "shocker" ment. Then I remembered something about a female and I looked at my hand while making the shocker .......long story short I about peed my pants...it took me 4 days to figure it out!!! comedy....just plain comedy
Sandra Bullock, hands down...end of discussion!

Well, maybe Shania Twain ;o)
YUP.....I been sleeping good ever since Tuesday....I told Jed to cut me off after 6 next time
One other thing ...didn't know if yall knew but Jed is the 5.0 (aka Po-Po/police/law) He was packing all weekend (and not a shocker lol)..I let him drive down incase we got pulled for speeding...sometimes living next door to the law has its advantages

Good thing you guys didn't get to wild and tell on your selfs LOL ...he is actually pretty cool and looks the other way on ALOT when he is off duty

I knew Jed was a lawman, but I don't think that we comitted to many crimes at the rally!!! I would expect him to look the other way while off-duty unless we were really out of control!!! I do remember something that Jed said to me on Saturday night......"I don't how you can drink that stuff with a straight face". Takes a lot of pactice!!! It was nice meeting youse guys and having a few.

Steve R.,

I think only a few people actually paid attention to what was said at the dinner.

Bob G.