Won't be here much this week...

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
Good Mornin' everybody!! This is going to be the week I'll look back on this weekend and say,.."Wow,..Glad THATs over!"

I won't be poppin' in much this week due to a mountain of work I have to get done before friday!! Deadlines out the ying-yang and it's all HOT!!!!,...hang in there,..I'll be lurking, but not getting involved in major "threads"..LOL

Just wanted to say "HEY!!" and let ya know I'm around,...just really busy,....have a good week everyone!!

Adios for now!!


Watch it Bigdog,...Pres. Busch isn't too busy to take time out to step on YOUR strawberries!! LOL

Uh Mac - It might help us believe Kathy is REALY using the board is A) she didn't use YOUR password/id, B) the time between posts wasen't so close that she'd HAVE to be sitting in your lap at the office or you'd not have time to log out, call her to tell her to log in as you, and then her log out so you could log in again, and C) she's STILL SLEEPING!!!

ENJOY your week!! We'll miss ya MAN!
Mac/Rob - I tried NOT to go there, but you had to!!! LOL get back to work MAC!

Work hard until Thursday. By then you'll be ready for a break and I'll buy you a Corona while I'm out there. Jill and Kathy can have a few Margarita's and discuss how to create their own user profiles and stop using ours with their names.

That sounds like a GREAT idea Marke,...call me when you're in town! I'll probably be on the lake friday too,..pre-fishing for saturday (providing i have my work done),..so maybe we can hook up on the 'Clair too!! Seeya thursday!!
