Will I get schooled?

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Well I broke down and did it. If for nothing else then a shameless plug for my guide service. I e-mailed "Schooled" with Denny Brauer.

I don't believe in having "idols" in the sport as it tends to put someone on a pedestal that you believe you can never personally achieve. The term "hero" I suppose is OK. And if I had to pick someone who's style of fishing I most try to emmulate, it would have to be Denny Brauer. At least when it comes to jig fishing.

I also want to see if Denny thinks I have what it takes to take the next step in my fishing career. I fished along side and talked to him for a few hours a few years back when he was up here prefishing for a FLW tourney. It struck me afterwards that while we fished, and I was fishing his 2nd hand water, that Denny only boated a bowfin and I boated 3 keepers on a jig.

Now I'm not bragging, (so cork it trolls) but it occurred to me that perhaps my fishing (at least with a jig) is adequate enough to compete on a national level. The only way to know for sure is to have the big man dissect a day for me and see how I do.

I almost don't want to do it because it may appear that I'm looking for "approval" from Denny and that's just not the case. But if there is one person I WILL let critique me, it's him. We'll see if they even respond.
They may, but remember, this year's season is already in the 'can'. Not sure if they will do a fall segement also, or not. If so, it's probably already been booked.

Someone I fished with last November in the Federation, was scheduled for this April. He knew that far in advance.


No matter how good you do, Denny will always go out and show you up.;)

He will learn you good. Even if you learn attitude and preperation you will learn something. Skill wise maybe you are there, but nobody is perfect so you/I/we can always learn something new. Go in with an open mind and a closed mouth and you will do well..


P.S This is just my opinion and should not be taken or refered to as the opinion of the board at large.....................lol:cool:

I rarely and I mean rarely say anything like what I'm gonna say, BUT!!!!

I reserve the word "Hero" for someone like your Mom, Carlos, the police and those who protect us and the guy or girl who jumps out and saves a little kid from getting run over. Denny puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you.

No doubt he's an excellent fisherman but if you had his backing and monentary support with a little luck you'd be right up there too. The key is LUCK to get the financing and LUCK to win a few major tournaments that put you on the grid. The right combination of things happening at the right time and God willing your on your way.

I remember Denny from his days in Nebraska fishing the INBASS circuit. Before he developed his southern accent. Yeah he was good but so were a lot of the other guys. One named Harry Thompson spanked his ass regular but lacked the karisma Bauer had. I bet Harry could still give him a lesson.

I also bet he could learn from you as well as you could learn from him. I don't mean to talk down him or tournament fishing but if you get a chance to get schooled by him or anyone else I'd go into the situation with the idea that YOU are gonna show HIM how to fish. Take what he says with a grain of salt. Everyone has their own style.

Your pal

Hey Denny got schooled by Rick Clunn in the Match Fishing show by Joe Thomas, Denny got skunked.
Not knockin' Denny but, he graded a few individuals pretty harsh in my opinion ...especially since the couple of the mudholes I seen may oy or may not hold fish. Watched Denny fish the same areas and nothing! I noticed he changed the subject to tactics THAT guy should have used.

Not a fan of the show....nor a fan "Beat Charlie Moore":rolleyes:
I concur with TEE. Watched Denny grade a fellow low for having too many rods on the front deck (trip hazard as I recall him say), then saw him (Denny) in a later show and he had just about the same number of rods on his deck. Prcatice what you preach I say. ;)
I think it's funny when he talks bad about folks for grabbing their line when they get the fish right up beside the boat to position it for lipping. He said something about it on several shows last year. While watching the Lake Wylie Classic highlights each of the top 5 finishers had clips showing them grabbing their line beside the boat. :)
Hey Tee, Beat Charlie Moore and Schooled By Denny Brauer are two totally different shows. Beat Charlie Moore is all about having fun versus the premise of competition - maybe it's a northeast thing but I think he is a pretty funny guy if you take the show as just that. He also has two shows locally in the northeast and they are definitely all about having fun. His Codfather trilogy (a takeoff on the godfather) is a comedy classic!

As far as Schooled By Denny Brauer, he probably got some feedback after season one that he was grading too easily and that is why he decided to get tough. I thought it was good they inlcuded the trailering aspect but they haven't really done much with it.

The best show on espn? Shark fishing tourney off of Martha's Vineyard. This season's series should be really good when it airs.

Outside of espn, ultimate match is good but match competition is just as good if not better.

Just my two cents - Bill, the Mad Kayaker
