Who IS the Oldest with a Nitro/Tracker???

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK the other thread got me thinking...I know that's a VERY DANGEROUS thing!!LOL

So, who's the OLDEST member who still runs a Nitro/Tracker?? I KNOW its not me, because I know me! is older then me. Get it!!!LOL

Not me...I'm on the lower end at 28 years old...I know there must be a few younger that own their own Nitro/Tracker.
Well....someone has to start the bidding. I'll be 64 in March and expect to float my '02 PT185 well over 200 times this season.

Hope the water is soft when the season opens April 1.

Lamar in Maine
Well, I'm "only" 56, 57 in March and will use my 1996 PT-17 a lot this year, God willin'.. I have fished with a couple of whippersnappers from this board though, Toxic and Trepman:)

Well, Mr. Trepper..... I am a LOT older than you..... I turn 55 on Tuesday..... BUT..... Right now I don't happen to own a boat so that let's me off the hook! :)
The tale of the "Gregs"

Greg A 62

Greg M 59

Greg D 36...

I'm in the middle again....LOL
just turned 64 last dec.newly retired cant wait for spring to get back on the water to fish
Not admitting to anything! But, for the curious, I have added photo to my library of me picking up my new ride at the dealer a couple of weeks ago.

Harry S

(retired and headed towards Medicare eligiblity!)

Hmmmm, Harry, now you got us all thinking. Maybe we need to start with over 64 since you wouldn't post your age and so fare Richie is the oldest by a few months!lol

Hello Trep!

Figured you were a man who liked a mystery! At least, I have you thinking! LOL!

Harry S

PS: I am not far up the road, if you ever want a ride.
Harry - Any intestest in an occational fishing get together with other GA Nitro/Tracker owners?? I'll post more in a week or so.


Best I can do right now, is to say maybe. Not because of lack of interest! So, I will watch for your announcement.

Harry S.
I know this does not count because he is not a member. He does not even have internet. But my grandfather is 85 and has a BassTracker. Until last year he was still fishing in his Church's fishing club. They discontinued the club last year. He still gets out by his self and fishing. He and I went fishing on New Year's Day. He usually out fishes me. However, that day neither of us got a bite. Robert