What size Prop?

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sam blatt

Active Member
May 5, 2011
Reaction score
I have a 2009 Nitro 750Sc with a 2009 Mercury 90h.p. two stroke. I am in need of a new prop, but i'm new to boat ownership and don't know where to find the pitch or diameter of the stock prop on now. Any help would be good. Hoping to buy new prop tomorrow. Thanks for the help.

I hope I can explain:

I own a stock prop too (Mercury). My prop has a number on the side of the prop (77346A45P19) P19 means a pitch of 19".

The diameter and the pitch are also mentioned on the back of the prop. Right now you can
I'm runnin' a 13"x21P SS on my 90 and it works perfect.

The 21 is a good prop all the way up to a 125.